- Threat Intelligence
- Data Loss Prevention and Mobile Endpoint Protection
- Scanning
- Application Security and Testing
- SIEM Platforms
- Threat Hunting
Threat intelligence - info about threats & threat actors that helps mitigate incidents.
Threat intelligence strategy:
Collect - integrate data
Process - put data in context
Analyze - find insight & actions
Share - inform decisions
Intelligence areas - Tactical, Operational, Strategic
Threat intelligence platform capabilities:
- Collect
- Correlate
- Enrichment & Contextualization
- Analyze
- Integrate
- Act
Best practices - Intelligence detection:
- Predict & prioritize security weaknesses
- Detect deviations to identify malicious activity
- React in real time to exploits
Security intelligence - real-time collection, normalization & analytics of data generated by users, apps & infra that impacts IT security & risk posture of an organization.
Top challenges for data security:
- Explosive data growth
- New privacy regulations
- Operational complexity
- Cybersecurity skills shortage
Common pitfalls in data security:
- Failure to move beyond compliance
- Failure to recognize need for centralized data security
- Failure to define who owns responsibility for data
- Failure to adddress known vulnerabilities
- Failure to prioritize & leverage data activity monitoring
Data protection capabilities:
- Data discovery
- Data classification
- Vulnerability assessment
- Data risk analysis
- Data & file activity monitoring
- Real-time alerting
- Blocking, masking & quarantining
- Active analytics
- Encryption
- Tokenization
- Key management
- Automated compliance report
Mobile endpoints differ from traditional endpoints in the following manner:
- Users don't interact directly with OS
- Apps act as broker between user and OS
- OS stability can be easily monitored
- AV software can check apps and read certain signatures, but cannot peek inside the app contents
Daily operations in mobile endpoint protection:
- Monitor device OS versions
- Monitor app installs and versions
- Monitor & enforce encryption
- Distribute secure payloads
- Automate compliance actions
- Ensure proper NAC policies are enforced
- Educate users regularly
- Update contingency plans
Vulnerability scanner capabilities:
- Keeping updated database of vulnerabilities
- Detection of genuine vulnerabilities without a lot of false positives
- Performing trend analysis and generating reports
- Provide recommendations for countermeasures
Vulnerability scanner components:
- Engine scanner
- Database
- Report module
- UI
CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) - system of assigning severity rankings to vulnerabilities; provides a standardized score across the industry.
Values of CVSS - base score (exploitability & impact subscore), temporal score and environmental score.
Types of port scans:
- Ping
- TCP Connect
- Stealth
- TCP (half open)
In architecture, Enterprise and Solution (more detailed) architecture break down the problem, providing different levels of abstraction.
High-level architectures are described through Architectural Building Blocks (ABBs) and Solution Building Blocks (SBBs).
The use of security architecture patterns accelerate the creation of a solution architecture.
Application security threats:
Input validation - buffer overflow, XSS, SQLi.
Authentication - network eavesdropping, bruteforce attack, dictionary attack.
Authorization - privesc, data tampering, luring attacks.
Configuration management - unauthorized access, retrieval of cleartext config data.
Exception management - info disclosure, denial of service.
Auditing & logging - exploitation without trace, denying an operation.
SIEM (System Information Event Management) - data aggregator, search & reporting system; collects logs for analysis.
SIEM system can be rule-based or employ a statistical correlation engine to establish relationships between event log entries.
Normalization - parsing raw event data and preparing it for readability; allows for consistent storage and indexing (for fast searching & sorting).
- Cyber threat hunting - proactively identifying, intercepting, tracking, investigating & eliminating cyber adversaries as early as possible in the Cyber Kill Chain.