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File metadata and controls

291 lines (226 loc) · 19.4 KB


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$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update --remote --recursive
$ echo "org.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true" >> "$HOME/.gradle/"

$ ./gradlew clean assembleDebug test publishToMavenLocal

Insecure checksums?

Astute readers may have noticed the org.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure property in the initial build instructions. This is necessary because Gradle 6 currently publishes checksums that Maven Central doesn't like. Until Maven Central is updated to accept SHA256 and SHA512 checksums, this flag is necessary. As all artifacts published to Maven Central are PGP signed, this is not a serious issue; PGP signatures combine integrity checking and authentication, so checksum files are essentially redundant nowadays.

Project Structure

The project is divided into separate modules. Programmers wishing to use the API will primarily be concerned with the Core API, but will also need to add providers to the classpaths of their projects in order to actually do useful work. The API is designed to make it easy to develop an event-driven user interface, but this project also includes a ready-made player UI that can be embedded into applications. Additionally, audio engine providers that do not, by themselves, handle downloads require callers to provide a download provider. Normally, this code would be provided directly by applications (as applications tend to have centralized code to handle downloads), but a simple implementation is available to ease integration.

Module Description
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.api AudioBook API (API specification)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.downloads AudioBook API (Download provider)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.feedbooks AudioBook API (Feedbooks-specific functionality)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.json_canon AudioBook API (JSON canonicalization functionality)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.json_web_token AudioBook API (JSON web token functionality)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.lcp.license_status AudioBook API (LCP License Status document support)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.license_check.api AudioBook API (License check API)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.license_check.spi AudioBook API (License check SPI)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.manifest.api AudioBook API (Manifest types)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.manifest_parser.api AudioBook API (Manifest parser API)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.manifest_parser.extension_spi AudioBook API (Manifest parser extension SPI)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.manifest_parser.webpub AudioBook API (Readium WebPub manifest parser)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.mocking AudioBook API (Mock API implementation)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.open_access AudioBook API (Open access player implementation)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.parser.api AudioBook API (Parser API)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.rbdigital AudioBook API (RBDigital-specific functionality)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.tests AudioBook API (Test suite)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.tests.device AudioBook API (On-device test suite)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.tests.sandbox AudioBook API (Sandbox)
org.librarysimplified.audiobook.views AudioBook API (Standard UI components)


The project currently uses com.io7m.changelog to manage release changelogs.


  1. Download (or synthesize) an audio book manifest. Hadrien Gardeur publishes many example manifests in formats supported by the API.
  2. Ask the API to parse the manifest.
  3. (Optional) Ask the API to perform license checks.
  4. (Optional) Configure any player extensions you may want to use.
  5. Ask the API to create an audio engine from the parsed manifest.
  6. Make calls to the resulting audio book to download and play individual parts of the book.

See the provided example project for a complete example that is capable of downloading and playing audio books.


At a minimum, applications will need the Core API, one or more manifest parser implementations, and one or more audio engine implementations. Use the following Gradle dependencies to get a manifest parser that can parse the Readium WebPub manifest format, and an audio engine that can play non-encrypted audio books:

ext {
  nypl_audiobook_api_version = "4.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

dependencies {
  implementation "org.librarysimplified.audiobook:org.librarysimplified.audiobook.manifest_parser.webpub:${nypl_audiobook_api_version}"
  implementation "org.librarysimplified.audiobook:org.librarysimplified.audiobook.api:${nypl_audiobook_api_version}"
  implementation "org.librarysimplified.audiobook:org.librarysimplified.audiobook.open_access:${nypl_audiobook_api_version}"


The API is expected to follow semantic versioning.


The API uses a service provider model in order to provide strong modularity and to decouple consumers of the API from specific implementations of the API. To this end, the API uses ServiceLoader internally in order to allow new implementations of both manifest parsers and audio engines to be registered and made available to client applications without requiring any changes to the application code.

Manifest Parsers


An audio book is typically delivered to the client via a manifest. A manifest is normally a JSON description of the audio book that includes links to audio files, and other metadata. It is the responsibility of a manifest parser to turn a JSON AST into a typed manifest data structure defined in the Core API.

Using Manifest Parsers

Programmers should make calls to the ManifestParsers class, passing in a byte array representing (typically) the raw text of a JSON manifest. The methods return a PlayerResult value providing either the parsed manifest or a list of errors indicating why parsing failed. The ManifestParsers class asks each registered manifest parser whether or not it can parse the given raw data and picks the first one that claims that it can. Programmers are not intended to have to use instances of the PlayerManifestParserType directly.

Creating Manifest Parsers

Programmers will generally not need to create new manifest parsers, but will instead use one or more of the provided implementations. However, applications needing to use a new and unsupported manifest format will need to provide and register new manifest parser implementations.

In order to add a new manifest parser, it's necessary to define a new class that implements the PlayerManifestParserType and defines a public, no-argument constructor. It's then necessary to register this class so that ServiceLoader can find it by creating a resource file at META-INF/services/org.librarysimplified.audiobook.manifest_parser.api.ManifestParserProviderType containing the fully qualified name of the new class. The standard WebPubParserProvider class and its associated service file serve as minimal examples for new parser implementations. When a jar (or aar) file is placed on the classpath containing both the class and the service file, ServiceLoader will find the implementation automatically when the user asks for parser implementations.

Parsers are responsible for examining the given JSON AST and telling the caller whether or not they think that they are capable of parsing the AST into a useful structure. For example, audio engine providers that require DRM might check the AST to see if the required DRM metadata structures are present. The Core API will ask each parser implementation in turn if the implementation can parse the given JSON, and the first implementation to respond in the affirmative will be used. Implementations should take care to be honest; an implementation that always claimed to be able to parse the given JSON would prevent other (possibly more suitable) implementations from being considered.

License Checking

The API allows for opt-in license checking. Once a manifest has been parsed, programmers can execute license checks on the manifest to verify if the listening party actually has permission to hear the given audio book.

Individual license checks are provided as implementations of the SingleLicenseCheckProviderType type. Programmers should pass in a list of desired single license check providers to the LicenseChecks API for execution. The LicenseChecks API returns a list of the results of license checks, and provides a simple true/false value indicating whether or not playing should be permitted.

Audio Engines


An audio engine is a component that actually downloads and plays a given audio book.

Using Audio Engines

Given a parsed manifest, programmers should make calls to the methods defined on the PlayerAudioEngines class. Similarly to the PlayerManifests class, the PlayerAudioEngines class will ask each registered audio engine implementation in turn if it is capable of supporting the book described by the given manifest. Please consult the documentation for that class for information on how to filter and/or prefer particular implementations. The (somewhat arbitrary) default behaviour is to select all implementations that claim to be able to support the given book, and then select the implementation that advertises the highest version number.

Creating Audio Engines

Implementations must implement the PlayerAudioEngineProviderType interface and register themselves in the same manner as manifest parsers.

Creating a new audio engine provider is a fairly involved process. The provided ExoPlayer-based implementation may serve as an example for new implementations.

In order to reduce duplication of code between audio engines, the downloading of books is abstracted out into a PlayerDownloadProviderType interface that audio engine implementations can call in order to perform the work of actually downloading books. Implementations of this interface are actually provided by the calling programmer as this kind of code is generally provided by the application using the audio engine.

Player Extensions

Audio engines may support extensions that allow for augmenting the behaviour of existing implementations. This is primarily useful for, for example, adding unusual authentication mechanisms that may be required by book distributors when downloading book chapters. A list of extensions may be passed in to the create method of the PlayerAudioBookProviderType interface. Extensions must be explicitly passed in in order to be used; passing in an empty list results in no extensions being used.

Player UI


The API comes with a set of Android views and fragments that can be embedded into an application to provide a simple user interface for the player API.

Using the UI

  1. Declare an Activity that implements the PlayerFragmentListenerType.
  2. Load a PlayerFragment instance into the activity.

Please consult the provided example project and the documentation comments on the PlayerFragmentListenerType for details.



The project contains numerous unit tests, many of which are designed to run both locally and on real or emulated devices. The reason for this is that, during development, it's desirable to be able to run the tests locally to quickly experiment with changes; running the entire suite on the local machine takes just a few seconds. However, prior to deployment, it's both desirable and necessary to run those same tests on a real device in order to shake out platform-specific bugs. Running tests on a real device is slow; it typically takes minutes to run the entire test suite and it would therefore make development rather painful if this was the only way to run the tests.

In order to implement this, the project implements tests that must run locally and on devices as abstract classes ("contracts") in src/main/java in the org.librarysimplified.audiobook.tests module. It then defines a set of classes that extend the abstract test classes in src/test/java in the org.librarysimplified.audiobook.tests module, and a set of classes that extend the abstract test classes in src/androidTest/java in the org.librarysimplified.audiobook.tests.device module. The latter are instrumented device tests and will run on real or emulated devices. The former classes will run the tests locally.

Some tests will only run on real devices because they have hard dependencies on the Android API. These tests do not have any corresponding abstract base classes.


The test suite contains tests that will exercise user interface code with Espresso. Unfortunately, Espresso appears to be rather fragile, and the following points must be observed if the test suite is to run correctly:

  1. Device animations must be switched off. This can be achieved manually by changing all of the animation scale settings in the device's developer options menu to 0. Alternatively, the following adb invocations achieve the same thing:
  adb shell settings put global window_animation_scale 0 &
  adb shell settings put global transition_animation_scale 0 &
  adb shell settings put global animator_duration_scale 0 &
  1. The device must not be locked/sleeping during the test execution. This is not mentioned in the Espresso documentation. If the device is locked, many activities will not correctly go into the RESUMED state and the test code will not execute properly.