- Fix requirements
- Fix issue when changing category if the CP trigger is different from
- Craft 5 stable release
- Craft 5 support
- Make PHP translations import more robust by importing only configured categories with fallback language (example:
) and only if it exists (#62)
- "Import PHP translations to DB" will now import messages for existing source messages if the message is empty in the imported language (#61)
- Fix installation for MySQL when
- Added "Date Created" column with the option to hide it
- Added sorting for "Key" and "Date Created" columns
- Move "actions" button to bottom to reflect changes in new Craft CMS
- Allow selecting multiple lines with shift key
- Export button directly in messages list with the ability to select which messages to export
You'll need to update the users' permissions for them to continue to be able to save, add, or delete translations.
- Add "save", "add" and "delete" permissions (#58)
- PHP import for all categories instead of only site (#57)
- Sort messages by language code (#53, thanks @duxabilii)
- Register DbMessageSource only when plugin is enabled (#51, thanks @goraxan)
- Do not export messages in missing site locales (#50, thanks @birdkiwi)
- Limit the initial number of languages to 5 and keep the choices of languages inside local storage to improve UX when there are many languages (#41)
- Show the languages in the current Control Panel language with the native name after (same behavior as the language menu in the Sites Settings page)
- Support for Craft 4
- Fixed a bug where translations were not loaded properly (#37).
- Performance improvement by preventing unnecessary DB calls for missing translations
- Invalidate Graphql cache when adding, deleting or saving translations (#36).
- New events
- Fixed a Javascript error happening where a string was undefined when filtering for empty messages
- Fixed a Javascript error happening in rare cases where a string was undefined
- Better bundle JS/CSS
- New dropdown to limit the number of languages that are shown side by side in the overview
- New command
to import all your PHP translations files to your database - New command
to export all your database translations to PHP files - New command
to delete all translations in the database
- Updated to Vue 3
- Refactored utilities to services
- Small layout fixes
- Prevent firing an ajax call twice to get the translations
- Export only the DB translations from the categories selected in the settings to PHP files
- Fix an error importing translations from templates when another argument than the category is specified (#35)
- Fix sql error when installing plugin
- Fix "Parse templates" utilities when twig functions/filters are registered only for Site Requests (#30)
- Do not throw an error when failing to parse a twig template
- Support table creation w/o primary key (#33 thanks weotch!)
- Wrong translation language when primary site isn't English (#29)
- Make translations case-sensitive (Thanks JeroenOnstuimig #28)
- Fix PostgreSQL database error (#24)
- Build assets
- Fix a type error in the TranslationsList component (Thanks iloginow #20)
- "Parse templates" form action redirects to homepage (#17)
- Typo in Config file example (#11)
- Unique name of exported csv files (#12)
- Removed unnecessary "Update translations" permission because of default "Access Translations" permission (#13)
- Really fix GraphQL type
- Fix GraphQL type
- GraphQL support
- Utility to export your database translations to PHP files (#4)
- Basic CSV import (must be the same format as the export) (#6)
- Fixed a javascript error (#7)
- Couple of issues when using Parse Templates utility #3
- Mobile CSS improvements
- Fixed an error when there is just one category
- Support for Craft 3.4
- Moved the PHP translations migration to Utilities page instead of on install
- Hide settings when adminAllowChanges is false
- Fix interface glitches
- Utility to parse all site templates to add missing translations
- Utility to delete all translations
- Small css alignment fix
- Fixed multiline strings issues in CP
- New setting page
- Allow to change plugin name in settings page
- Persist navigation between categories
- Refactoring / cleanup
{warning} You'll need to uninstall and re-install the plugin because of the new handle.
- Version update for the warning for the new plugin handle
- Moved everything to the new plugin handle
- Fixed translations sources to be the new plugin handle
- Updated plugin name and handle to be the same as the plugin store
- Option to disable adding missing translations
- Save on ctrl/meta + s key (#1)
- Changed input texts to textarea to allow multiline strings (#1)
- Fixed action url in JS to get translations
- Added a new page to export translations by categories
- By default, add missing translations only for site requests. Configurable with the
- Fixed a bug with the fixed element on scroll
- Fixed a small JS error
- Added icons
- Performance improvements
- Fixed a problem when changing category
- Fixed an error when there is only one category
- Fixed a bug with the checkbox
- Admin UI improvements
- Admin UI improvements
- Removed admin settings ui and use simple array in settings instead
- Allow multiple categories for translations
- Minified JS
- Allow to filter empty translations
- Performance improvements to loading message
- Performance improvements to search
- Performance improvements to save
- Css fixed for older Craft versions
- Ability to search messages
- Ability to add a new message
- Ability to delete a message
- Pagination
- Improvements to admin UI (everything ajax now)
- Fixed migrations
- Migrate existing php translations to db translations on install
- Fixed how site translations in
config are registered
- Automatically register site translations in
- Fixed loadMessagesFromDb not returning values
- Updated migration to Install migration
- Fixed error if tables are not created
- Use database to store messages
- Translate strings side by side
- Added specific permission to edit translations
- Allow plugin name translation
- Ignore the sites and use only the locales
- Fixed admin page when site handle is different from language
- New repository and remove [] from auto-translated strings
- Release for Craft Stable
- Changed composer.json
- Create site folder if it doesn't exist
- Fixed double CP section
- Changed composer.json
- Added readme
- Added changelog
- Improved UI
- Initial Release