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550 lines (369 loc) · 20.8 KB

File metadata and controls

550 lines (369 loc) · 20.8 KB

Final Report for Project 2: User Programs

Changes to Task 1: Argument Passing

Data Structures and Functions

Addition of function void exit_(int exit_code) function

This is a wrapper function of exit to support passing exit code. Specifically for use with exception exits.


Parsing strings

strtok_r() was used instead of strtok(). This allowed for thread safe concurrent parsing.


We added logic to acquire the file system lock for file system function calls in load() and setup_stack().

Changes to Task 2: Process Control Syscalls

Data Structures and Functions

Changes to addtions to struct thread

struct thread {
  struct thread_t *parent;
  struct list child_exit_statuses;
  struct semaphore wait_sema;
  bool parent_waiting;
  bool parent_died;
struct thread {
  struct list children; // to reference child wait statuses
  struct wait_status *own_wait_status;

We simplified the design by saving a pointer to a wait_status struct in order to support the new design pattern, in which we malloc a wait status struct and share it between the parent and the child, i.e. they both have a reference. We keep a reference count and destroy the shared varaiable when the reference count reaches 0. We use the semaphore to synchronize exiting and waiting.

Changes to definition of struct exit status

struct exit_status {
  pid_t pid;
  int status;
struct wait_status {
  pid_t pid; // to denote which process this belongs to
  int exit_code;
  struct list_elem elem;
  struct semaphore sema; // init to 0
  int ref_count // initially 2
  struct lock lock; // strictly for changing value of ref_count
  bool valid;
  bool parent_waited;

The wait status struct now encapsulates a single parent child relationship, and is shared between the parent and the child. The ref count keeps count of how many observers are alive, and allows the last surviving member to destroy the malloc'ed struct before exiting. The valid field was added to get rid of compiler errors inherent in initializing the value of the exit code to NULL (since it is of type int), which might be cast to a 0, which is undesirable, as it would give a false successful exit code. bool parent_waited field was added in order to handle the behavior of not allowing the parent to wait on the same child more than once. Other methods were considered, but proved to be less general. For example, we considered freeing the wait status struct of the child in the parent's list of children once the parent has waited on that child (since we know at that point it must be dead). But we realized that this would keep us from being able to use the list of children struct for uses other than waiting on the child, which would make it less general. Also, this implementation was more straightforward.

Changes to static void page_fault (struct intr_frame *f) in exception.c

We changed the handling of page faults to call exit_(-1) and set *eax to -1. This keeps the kernel from panicking when the user tries to dereference an invalid address without making a system call.


Changes to static bool args_valid(uint32_t *args, int num_args)

  • Removed the logic that checks for invalid addresses of *args (arg dereferenced).
  • Placed this logic in a new function arg_addr_valid().
  • This function must be called once for each *arg to check.

The purpose of this restructuring was because not all arg values are themselves pointers, and therefore we cannot generalize this logic to all system calls. Instead, this is only called for args of type char. Added call to pagedir_get_page() for each arg. This checks for addresses that will result in page fault.

Addition of function static bool arg_addr_valid(void *arg)

This serves as a single arg check for arguments of type char *, to check for NULL, as well as non-user vaddr and addresses that will lead to page fault.

Changes to Task 3: File Operation Syscalls

Data Structures and Functions

Removed Definition of struct file_info

Removed since we don't need to keep track of inode and file_name

Changes in Additions to struct thread

struct thread {
  struct list fd_list;
struct thread {
  struct fd *fd[128];

Rather than having a list of fd (file descriptor) list elem, we decided to keep an array of struct fd pointer. We did this for lookup efficiency since we are constraining the number of fd's a thread can have open at a given time, which therfore lends itself to a fixed size array which can be indexed, rather than iterated on. The index of the array is the fd number. Unallocated fd will have a null pointer in the file member in the correspopnding location in the array.

Changes in Definition of struct fd

struct fd {
  int fd_num;
  struct file *file
  list_elem elem;
struct fd {
  int fd_num;
  struct file *file

Because of the change in design to keep track of file descriptors, we removed the list_elem variable inside struct fd.


Changes in additions to thread_exit()


static int thread_exit()

  • As last step before dying, iterate through list of fd’s and call close() on each.

static int thread_exit()

  • As last step before dying, call close_all_files() that iterate through *fd[] and call close() on each.
  • Call lock_held_by_current_thread(&file_lock)) to check if file_lock is acquired
    • If acquired, call release_file_lock() to release file_lock

Additions to thread_create()

tid_t thread_create()

  • Add call to a function init_fd_list()

Implementation of init_fd_list() in thread.c

  • Initialize the array of struct fd with size 128
  • Create two dummy struct fd for fd number 0 and 1
  • Unused fd will have a member variable fd_num initialized to -1 and file pointer to a NULL
  • When a fd is acquired, its index in the array will correspond to its fd number

Addition to Implementation of syscall_create() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_create(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • Check whether the length of filename is greater than 14 characters

Changes in Implementation of syscall_remove() in userprog/syscall.c


static void syscall_remove(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • args[0] contains the file_name
  • iterate through file_list and check file_name to find the file_info element corresponding to the file with name args[0]
  • if found, set the removed member of the file_info element to true
  • check open_count member, if it’s 0 then close the file
  • store value returned by filesys_remove(args[0]) into *eax

static void syscall_remove(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • args[0] contains the file_name
  • Acquire global file lock
  • store value returned by filesys_remove(args[0]) into *eax
  • Release file lock

We changed design so that we don't use the struct file_info. So we just simply call filesys_remove()

Changes in Implementation of syscall_open() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_open(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • args[0] contains the file_name
  • store return value of filesys_open(args[0]) into struct file *file variable
  • check if file is NULL, if not
  • iterate thread_current()->fd_list to find the first available file descriptor and allocate a struct fd for the file descriptor
  • assign the file and fd_num in the new struct fd and add it to thread_current()->fd_list
  • iterate through file_list, and increment open_count corresponding the the appropriate struct inode
  • store the file descriptor in *eax
  • args[0] contains the file_name
  • Acquire global file lock
  • store return value of filesys_open(args[0]) into struct file *file variable
  • Release file lock
  • check if file is NULL
    • if not: iterate thread_current()->fd to find the first available file descriptor and initialize struct fd by calling add_fd()
  • store the file descriptor number in *eax

Changes in design due to removal of struct file_info

Implementation of add_fd() in thread.c

int add_fd (struct file *file)

  • Make a call to next_fd_num() to obtain next available fd number
  • Assign fd->fd_num to its index and fd->file from argument

Implementation of next_fd_num() in thread.c

static int next_fd_num (struct thread *t)

  • Iterate through the struct fd *fd[128] and find first fd available
  • Available fd is shown as fd_num = -1

Additions to Implementation of syscall_filesize() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_filesize(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • Open the file assigned with fd by calling get_file()

Added details on how to get the file asked for filesize

Implementation of get_file() in thread_c

struct file *get_file (struct thread *t, int fd)

  • Iterate through struct fd *fd[128] and return file * that is assigned with the given fd

Changes in Implementation of syscall_read() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_filesize(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • call args_valid() with appropriate number of args
  • Read argc and argv from stack and create appropriate args
  • Acquire global file lock
  • call and save return value of file_read() in *eax with appropriate args
  • release file lock
  • call args_valid() with appropriate number of args
  • Read argc and argv from stack and create appropriate args
  • If fd == 0 STDIN
    • Acquire file lock
    • Read from input_getc() and store into given buffer
    • Release file lock
  • Else If fd == 1 STDOUT
    • Call exit
  • Else
    • Acquire global file lock
    • Open the file assigned with fd by calling get_file()
    • call and save return value of file_read() in *eax with appropriate args
    • release file lock

We had to add a check for fd since reading from STDIN requires reading from input_getc() and can't read from STDOUT

Addition to Implementation of syscall_seek() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_seek(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • Obtain the file* by calling get_file()

Addition Implementation of syscall_tell() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_tell(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • Obtain the file* by calling get_file()

Changes in Implementation of syscall_close() in userprog/syscall.c

static void syscall_close(uint32_t *args, uint32_t *eax)

  • args[0] contains file_name
  • store return value of filesys_close(args[0]) into struct file *file variable
  • check if file is NULL. If so, set *eax to -1
  • iterate thread_current()->fd_list to find corresponding fd.
  • assign the file and fd_num for the struct fd and add the element to fd_list
  • iterate through file_list, and decrement open_count corresponding the the appropriate struct inode
  • check if open_count is 0 and removed is true, if so then close the file
  • args[0] contains file_name
  • Acquire global file lock
  • Obtain the file* by calling get_file()
  • Call file_close() to close the file
  • Call remove_fd() to free the fd from the fd array
  • Release file lock

Revision due to changes in design to keep track of files

Implementation of remove_fd() in thread.c

void remove_fd (struct thread *t, int fd)

  • Reset the struct fd at index int fd
  • fd_->fd_num = -1
  • fd_->file = NULL


Everything worked very well for us. William and Gera teamed up on implementing and debugging tasks 1 and 2, John and Joe teamed up to work on implementing and debugging task 3 as well as implementing and debugging student test cases. One thing that could be improved upon for the future is the division of labor with respect to the test cases. We found that having a subset of the group handle test cases made it difficult, as they did not understand all of the implementation details of all parts of the project, and therefore the edge cases that could arise. We decided that, going forward, we should divide testing amongst all group members, making each group member responsible for creating a test or two for his section of the project.

Student Testing Report

Test 1: Seek and Tell


  • The test "Seek and Tell" contained in seek-tell.c tests whether or not seek() and tell() works.

seek() is used in couple places but tell() is not tested, so we made a test for tell(). But in order to check whether tell() works, we had to use seek(). In addition, we used filesize() to get the size of the file, but this addition didn't get pushed by accident.


  1. The test first creates a file called seek-tell.txt with size of char sample[] in using create().

Expected output: create "seek-tell.txt"

  1. Open the file seek-tell.txt using open() and save the fd into handle.

Expected output: open "seek-tell.txt"

  1. Write the char sample[] into the file using write() and assign the result into byte_cnt

  2. Check whether byte_cnt is same as sizeof sample - 1

  3. Call seek() at sizeof sample - 10

Expected output: seek "seek-tell.txt"

  1. Call tell() at sizeof sample - 10

Expected output: tell "seek-tell.txt"

  1. Check whether tell() returned the value we set with seek()

This check concludes whether or not seek() and tell() works or not

  • We used CHECK() to see if output behavior is something we anticipated.

This test allows us to ensures create(), open() and write() works correctly in addition to seek() and tell()

  • We changed the test so that sizeof sample is changed to filesize() later but didn't get pushed by accident.

This would have ensured filesize() to work correctly as well.


Copying tests/userprog/seek-tell to scratch partition...

Copying ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt to scratch partition...

qemu -hda /tmp/DDqxZ1A6UZ.dsk -m 4 -net none -nographic -monitor null

PiLo hda1


Kernel command line: -q -f extract run seek-tell

Pintos booting with 4,088 kB RAM...

382 pages available in kernel pool.

382 pages available in user pool.

Calibrating timer... 360,038,400 loops/s.

hda: 5,040 sectors (2 MB), model "QM00001", serial "QEMU HARDDISK"

hda1: 176 sectors (88 kB), Pintos OS kernel (20)

hda2: 4,096 sectors (2 MB), Pintos file system (21)

hda3: 106 sectors (53 kB), Pintos scratch (22)

filesys: using hda2

scratch: using hda3

Formatting file system...done.

Boot complete.

Extracting ustar archive from scratch device into file system...

Putting 'seek-tell' into the file system...

Putting 'sample.txt' into the file system...

Erasing ustar archive...

Executing 'seek-tell':

(seek-tell) begin

(seek-tell) create "seek-tell.txt"

(seek-tell) open "seek-tell.txt"

(seek-tell) seek "seek-tell.txt"

(seek-tell) tell "seek-tell.txt"

(seek-tell) end

seek-tell: exit(0)

Execution of 'seek-tell' complete.

Timer: 59 ticks

Thread: 0 idle ticks, 58 kernel ticks, 1 user ticks

hda2 (filesys): 118 reads, 224 writes

hda3 (scratch): 105 reads, 2 writes

Console: 1065 characters output

Keyboard: 0 keys pressed

Exception: 0 page faults

Powering off...



Non-Trivial Potential Kernel Bugs

  1. If write() returned some other value instead of sizeof sample - 1, then the test case would output FAIL instead.

  2. If tell() returned some other value instead of value that was used to set seek(), then the test case would output FAIL instead.

Test 2: Open Shared File Descriptor


  • The test "Open Shared File Descriptor" contained in open-shared.c tests whether or not read() and write() use same file descriptor when used separate file descriptors for each function. The goal is to make multiple file descriptors not share the same file descriptor.

int fd1 = open ("test.txt"));

int fd2 = open ("test.txt"));

fd1 and fd2 should not be same, and when read(fd1) and write(fd2) was called, they should be have a separate file descriptors, meaning each have different offset and status.


  1. Create a file called test.txt using create().

Expected output: create "test.txt"

  1. Call open() twice on test.txt and assign it to handle1 and handle2

Expected output:

open "test.txt"

open "test.txt" again

  1. Write the char sample[] into the test.txt using write() and assign the result into byte_cnt1

  2. Read test.txt using read() and assign the result into byte_cnt2

  3. Check whether byte_cnt1 is equal to sizeof sample - 1

This ensures write() works correctly.

  1. Check whether byte_cnt1 is equal to byte_cnt2

They should be same since they wrote and read the same thing. Because they used different file descriptors, read() shouldn't have read from where write() has finished. This means that read() should have started from off_t pos = 0.

  • We used CHECK() to see if output behavior is something we anticipated.

This test allows us to ensures create() and open() work correctly.


Copying tests/userprog/open-shared to scratch partition...

Copying ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt to scratch partition...

qemu -hda /tmp/CgYTY28ciB.dsk -m 4 -net none -nographic -monitor null

PiLo hda1


Kernel command line: -q -f extract run open-shared

Pintos booting with 4,088 kB RAM...

382 pages available in kernel pool.

382 pages available in user pool.

Calibrating timer... 209,510,400 loops/s.

hda: 5,040 sectors (2 MB), model "QM00001", serial "QEMU HARDDISK"

hda1: 176 sectors (88 kB), Pintos OS kernel (20)

hda2: 4,096 sectors (2 MB), Pintos file system (21)

hda3: 107 sectors (53 kB), Pintos scratch (22)

filesys: using hda2

scratch: using hda3

Formatting file system...done.

Boot complete.

Extracting ustar archive from scratch device into file system...

Putting 'open-shared' into the file system...

Putting 'sample.txt' into the file system...

Erasing ustar archive...

Executing 'open-shared':

(open-shared) begin

(open-shared) create "test.txt"

(open-shared) open "test.txt"

(open-shared) open "test.txt" again

(open-shared) exec child thread

(open-shared) exec child thread: FAILED

open-shared: exit(1)

Execution of 'open-shared' complete.

Timer: 55 ticks

Thread: 0 idle ticks, 54 kernel ticks, 1 user ticks

hda2 (filesys): 138 reads, 225 writes

hda3 (scratch): 106 reads, 2 writes

Console: 1097 characters output

Keyboard: 0 keys pressed

Exception: 0 page faults

Powering off...



Non-Trivial Potential Kernel Bugs

  1. If write() returned some other value instead of sizeof sample - 1, then the test case would output FAIL instead.

  2. If handle1 and handle2 were same instead of separate file descriptors, then the test case would output FAIL.

Because if file descriptor was same, it would result byte_cnt1 and byte_cnt2 to be different since read() did not start reading where write() has started from (they should have started from offset = 0). read() will start reading from the offset write() has finished writing (meaning, they shared same offset).


Tell us about your experience writing tests for Pintos.

In order to come up with good and thorough tests, we had to go through all the existing tests and find edge cases. It was some what difficult to understand all the existing tests and see what they are clearly testing. We found out that simple file system functions such as tell(), filesize(), and remove() were not tested, so rather than coming up with another extensive test such as testing whether child thread writes to parent's executable, we decided to make sure simple file system functions behave like they should. That is how seek-tell test was created. Although we added codes to test filesize() as well, we forgot to git push. We couldn't test remove() due to failure to override built-in function. It was also difficult to understand Make.tests and find out how to add our own tests.

What can be improved about the Pintos testing system? (There's a lot of room for improvement.)

Make.tests can be a bit more user-friendly. For example, we can add comments in places hinting where to add test directories and other additional files needed for tests. Writing better description of the pre-existing tests can further help users to figure out edge cases that are not covered by existing tests.

What did you learn from writing test cases?

We wrote codes thinking about writing tests at same time, so we wrote codes pretending like we are covering all the edge cases. And by writing test cases, we came up with more edge cases that would further strengthen our code. And it also helps us understand better this project's objective.