We use Poetry for dependency management so that you don't have to install the packages system wide
- Make sure you have poetry installed: https://python-poetry.org/docs/master/#installation
- Run
poetry install
pre-commit allows us to apply some checks before commiting. As to ensure code style and commit message conventions
- Install pre-commit: https://pre-commit.com/#install
- Run:
poetry run pre-commit install
black is the Python formatter we use. It will format your code upon commit.
flake8 checks if your code conforms to most of the PEP8 rules
conventional-commits ensures your commit message comply to the conventional commits formatting, which can be used for semantic versioning.
You are free to create pull requests. They will tell you when your code format is not following the black style or the flake8 rules. Also enforces you to use the conventional commit structure for your PR title.