- Be able to not use the character system
- Basic position or a random point from a list of points
- Be able to enter date of birth, height and weight (maximum weight in relation to the imc)
- Be able to save the bodygroups
- A company system with the possibility of being an employee of several companies and then a system of illegal activities to form groups and be able to combine legal and illegal activities
- Have a death menu in NUI
- A consequence with the character system
- HUD system
- Blip system
- Language system (clientside)
- Be able to manage the population of the game
- Production system in Rust (to be able to choose your language and other things then to have a personalized compilation with the required files)
- Save the logs in the database as a token and not as a string
- Add two pieces of information for each log, from which player and from which player otherwise create a players logs table
- Create a phone