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Part I - Database

  1. Many-to-Many Relationships with Ecto
  2. Declarative Named Queries with Ecto
  3. Connecting to Multiple Databases with Ecto
  4. Setting Default Criteria for Model Operations with Ecto
  5. Adding Behavior to Ecto Associations
  6. Creating Polymorphic Associations with Ecto
  7. Versioning Your Models with Ecto
  8. Performing Calculations on Model Data with Ecto
  9. DRY Configuration with Ecto
  10. Using Models Safely in Migrations with Ecto
  11. Creating Self-referential Many-to-Many Relationships with Ecto
  12. Protecting Data from Accidental Mass Update with Ecto
  13. Creating a Custom Model Validator with Ecto
  14. Nesting Ecto Associations
  15. Seeding Your Database with Starting Data with Ecto
  16. Using Helpers in Models with Ecto
  17. Avoiding Dangling Database Dependencies with Ecto
  • Part II - Advanced Ecto
  1. Creating Custom Repositories with Ecto
  2. Using Ecto Changesets
  3. Creating Custom Ecto Types
  4. Using Ecto Enums
  5. Constraining Queries with Ecto
  6. Creating and Using Embedded Schemas with Ecto
  7. Using Ecto Multi
  8. Monitoring and Optimizing Ecto Performance
  9. Creating and Using Ecto Associations in Raw SQL
  10. Creating Ecto Schemas from Existing Databases

Part III - Working with Ecto and Phoenix

  1. Using Ecto in Phoenix Controllers
  2. Creating Ecto Schemas in Phoenix
  3. Using Ecto in Phoenix Views
  4. Using Ecto in Phoenix Tests
  5. Using Ecto in Phoenix Migrations
  6. Monitoring Ecto in Phoenix with Telemetry

Part II — Controller

  1. Create Nested Resources with Phoenix 76
  2. Create a Custom Action in a Phoenix Controller 80
  3. Create a Helper Method to Use in Both Controllers and Views 83
  4. Trim Your Phoenix Resources 85
  5. Constrain Routes by Subdomain (and Other Conditions) 88
  6. Add Web Services to Your Actions with Phoenix 90
  7. Write Macros with Phoenix 94
  8. Manage a Static HTML Site with Phoenix 98
  9. Syndicate Your Site with RSS 100
  10. Set Your Application’s Home Page with Phoenix 108

Part III — User Interface

  1. Create a Custom Form Builder with Phoenix 112
  2. Pluralize Words on the Fly (or Not) 116
  3. Insert Action-Specific Content in a Layout with Phoenix 118
  4. Add Unobtrusive Ajax with Phoenix and jQuery 120
  5. Create One Form for Many Models with Phoenix 125
  6. Cache Local Data with Phoenix and HTML5 Data Attributes 131

Part IV — Testing

  1. Automate Tests for Your Models with ExUnit 136
  2. Test Your Controllers with ExUnit 141
  3. Test Your Helpers with ExUnit 145
  4. Test Your Outgoing Mailers with ExUnit 148
  5. Test Across Multiple Controllers with ExUnit 151
  6. Focus Your Tests with Mocking and Stubbing 157
  7. Extract Test Fixtures from Live Data with ExUnit 163
  8. Create Dynamic Test Fixtures with ExUnit
  9. Measure and Improve Your Test Coverage with ExCover 172
  10. Create Test Data with Factories with ex_factory 176

Part V — Email

  1. Send Gracefully Degrading Rich-Content Emails with Phoenix 182
  2. Send Email with Attachments with Phoenix 185
  3. Test Incoming Email with Phoenix 188

Part VI — Big-Picture

  1. Roll Your Own Authentication with Comeonin 198
  2. Protect Your Application with Basic HTTP Authentication with Plug 203
  3. Authorize Users with Roles with Guardian 206
  4. Force Your Users to Access Site Functions with SSL 211
  5. Create Secret URLs with Guardian 212
  6. Use Phoenix Without a Database 216
  7. Create Your Own Elixir Package 221
  8. Use Dependencies to Manage Per-Environment Dependencies with Mix 224
  9. Package Tasks for Reuse with a Package 226
  10. Explore Your Phoenix Application with the Interactive Elixir Shell 228
  11. Automate Work with Your Own Tasks with Mix 230
  12. Generate Documentation for Your Application with ExDoc 235
  13. Render Application Data as Comma-Separated Values with Poison 236
  14. Debug and Explore Your Application with the IEx.pry 239
  15. Render Complex Documents as PDFs with Phoenix 244

Part VII — Extending Phoenix 66. Support Additional Content Types with a Custom Phoenix Renderer 250 67. Accept Additional Content Types with a Custom Phoenix Parameter Parser 253 68. Templatize Your Generators 256 69. Create a Custom Generator 261 70. Create a Custom Railtie 266

Part VIII — Advanced Elixir 71. Use Concurrency to Your Advantage with Elixir and OTP 270 72. Test Your Application’s Performance with Benchmarking with ExBench 273 73. Use Cachex to Cache Model Data and Actions 277 74. Use Multiple Databases with Ecto 283 75. Create a Search Engine with ElasticSearch 287 76. Use Phoenix.Email with Different Delivery Methods 290 77. Use Phoenix.Email with Different Email Backends 294 78. Create a Plug Middleware for Your Application 297 79. Use the Phoenix.Static Plug to Serve Static Assets 300 80. Use the Phoenix.Assets Plug to Manage JavaScript and CSS Dependencies 304 -->

 66. Create Custom Plugins for Phoenix to add custom functionality to your application.
 67. Use LiveView to add real-time, reactive components to your Phoenix application.
 68. Integrate GraphQL with Absinthe to provide a flexible, efficient way to access data from your Phoenix application.
 69. Implement Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) with Gettext to make your Phoenix application available in multiple languages.
 70. Use Broadcasters and Channels with Phoenix.PubSub to implement real-time, bidirectional communication in your application.
 71. Use Ecto.Multi to execute multiple database operations in a single, transactional block.
 72. Implement Caching with Phoenix.Cache to improve the performance of your Phoenix application.
 73. Use Phoenix.Presence to track online users and implement real-time presence notifications in your application.
 74. Implement Custom Error Pages with Phoenix.ErrorPages to provide a custom, user-friendly experience when errors occur in your application.
 75. Use Phoenix.Token to generate and verify secure, time-limited tokens for use in your application.
 76. Use Phoenix.Channels and Phoenix.Socket to implement real-time, bidirectional communication between client and server.
 77. Use Ecto.Schema and Ecto.Changeset to define and validate the data structures and constraints of your database models.
 78. Use Ecto.Repo to manage database connections and transactions in your Phoenix application.
 79. Use the Phoenix.HTML library to build and render HTML templates in your Phoenix application.
 80. Use Phoenix.Ecto.SQL to define and execute raw SQL queries in your Phoenix application.
 81. Use Phoenix.Router to define and manage the routes for your Phoenix application.
 82. Use Phoenix.Controller and Phoenix.View to implement the MVC pattern in your Phoenix application.
 83. Use Phoenix.Endpoint to configure and manage the entry points for your Phoenix application.
 84. Use Phoenix.Logger to log messages and events in your Phoenix application.
 85. Use Phoenix.Test to write and run automated tests for your Phoenix application. -->

Part I - Database

Many-to-Many Relationships with Ecto
Declarative Named Queries with Ecto
Connecting to Multiple Databases with Ecto
Setting Default Criteria for Model Operations with Ecto
Adding Behavior to Ecto Associations
Creating Polymorphic Associations with Ecto
Versioning Your Models with Ecto
Performing Calculations on Model Data with Ecto
DRY Configuration with Ecto
Using Models Safely in Migrations with Ecto
Creating Self-referential Many-to-Many Relationships with Ecto
Protecting Data from Accidental Mass Update with Ecto
Creating a Custom Model Validator with Ecto
Nesting Ecto Associations
Seeding Your Database with Starting Data with Ecto
Using Helpers in Models with Ecto
Avoiding Dangling Database Dependencies with Ecto

Part II - Advanced Ecto

Creating Custom Repositories with Ecto
Using Ecto Changesets
Creating Custom Ecto Types
Using Ecto Enums
Constraining Queries with Ecto
Creating and Using Embedded Schemas with Ecto
Using Ecto Multi
Monitoring and Optimizing Ecto Performance
Creating and Using Ecto Associations in Raw SQL
Creating Ecto Schemas from Existing Databases

Part III - Working with Ecto and Phoenix

Using Ecto in Phoenix Controllers
Creating Ecto Schemas in Phoenix
Using Ecto in Phoenix Views
Using Ecto in Phoenix Tests
Using Ecto in Phoenix Migrations
Monitoring Ecto in Phoenix with Telemetry

Part IV - Controller

Create Nested Resources with Phoenix
Create a Custom Action in a Phoenix Controller
Create a Helper Method to Use in Both Controllers and Views
Trim Your Phoenix Resources
Constrain Routes by Subdomain (and Other Conditions)
Add Web Services to Your Actions with Phoenix
Write Macros with Phoenix
Manage a Static HTML Site with Phoenix
Syndicate Your Site with RSS
Set Your Application’s Home Page with Phoenix

Part V - User Interface

Create a Custom Form Builder with Phoenix
Pluralize Words on the Fly (or Not)
Insert Action-Specific Content in a Layout with Phoenix
Add Unobtrusive Ajax with Phoenix and jQuery
Create One Form for Many Models with Phoenix
Cache Local Data with Phoenix and HTML5 Data Attributes

Part VI - Testing

Automate Tests for Your Models with ExUnit
Test Your Controllers with ExUnit
Test Your Helpers with ExUnit
Test Your Outgoing Mailers with ExUnit
Test Across Multiple Controllers with ExUnit
Focus Your Tests with Mocking and Stubbing
Extract Test Fixtures from Live Data with ExUnit
Create Dynamic Test Fixtures with ExUnit
Measure and Improve Your Test Coverage with ExCover

Part VII - Email

Send Gracefully Degrading Rich-Content Emails with Phoenix
Send Email with Attachments with Phoenix
Test Incoming Email with Phoenix

Part VIII - Big-Picture

Roll Your Own Authentication with Comeonin
Protect Your Application with Basic HTTP Authentication with Plug
Authorize Users with Roles with Guardian
Force Your Users to Access Site Functions with SSL
Create Secret URLs with Guardian
Use Phoenix Without a Database
Create Your Own Elixir Package
Use Dependencies to Manage Per-Environment Dependencies with Mix
Package Tasks for Reuse with a Package
Explore Your Phoenix Application with the Interactive Elixir Shell
Automate Work with Your Own Tasks with Mix
Generate Documentation for Your Application with ExDoc
Render Application Data as Comma-Separated Values with Poison
Debug and Explore Your Application with the IEx.pry Debugger
Use the Phoenix Router to Generate URLs
Use the Phoenix Router to Handle Redirects
Use the Phoenix Router to Handle Errors
Set Up a Deployment Workflow with Distillery and Edeliver
Use Docker to Simplify Development and Deployment
Create a Systemd Service File to Run Your Phoenix Application as a Service
Use Node.js to Build a Real-Time Web Interface with Phoenix Channels
Use Phoenix Presence to Add Real-Time User Tracking to Your Application
Use Phoenix PubSub to Create Real-Time Notifications
Use the Ecto Sandbox to Avoid Data Corruption During Development
Render Complex Documents as PDFs with Phoenix