Yoan buildlog for Arduino Uno 1. Unboxing of the Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger Type 5 Pocket Geiger Type 5 box Pocket Geiger Type 5 box content Pocket Geiger Type 5 board 2. Soldering wires to the Pocket Geiger pins Attaching wires before soldering to Pocket Geiger board Ready to solder! Wiring after soldering (Yes, my soldering skill is low) 3. Wiring to an Arduino Uno using a breadboard Adding the provided shielding below and above the photodiode sensor 4. Wiring to an Arduino Uno using a breadboard Breadboard wiring overview Breadboard wiring: from Pocket Geiger to breadboard Breadboard wiring: from breadboard to Arduino Uno You're ready to test your wiring by running the sample sketch SimpleSerialPrinter! Yoan - 19th February, 2020.