Repositorie moved to go-cip
A golang based API(Originator) for interfacing with Rockwell Control/CompactLogix PLCs.
NOTE: goplc running in a single go route and never block your process, you need to block it by other way.
node-ethernet-ip project gave me a lot of inspiration.
import (
func test(){
//IP Slot Config
plc, _ := NewOriginator("", 1, nil)
plc.OnConnected = func() {
// &{VendorID:1 DeviceType:14 ProductCode:53 Major:32 Minor:11 Status:12400 SerialNumber:1881423856 Version:32.11 Name:Emulator R32.11}
_ = plc.Connect()
import (
func test(){
cfg := DefaultConfig()
//Reconnection Interval default will not automatically reconnect
cfg.ReconnectionInterval = time.Second
//Logger default no log
cfg.Logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags)
//default 0xAF12
cfg.Port = 1111
plc, _ := NewOriginator("", 1, cfg)
plc.OnConnected = func() {
// &{VendorID:1 DeviceType:14 ProductCode:53 Major:32 Minor:11 Status:12400 SerialNumber:1881423856 Version:32.11 Name:Emulator R32.11}
_ = plc.Connect()
import (
func testListAllTags() {
cfg := DefaultConfig()
plc, _ := NewOriginator("", 1, cfg)
plc.OnConnected = func() {
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 Map:Local : (0x1069)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 Task:MainTask : (0x1070)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 Program:MainProgram : (0x1068)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 TESTA : DINT(0xc4)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 TESTB : (0xafce)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 TESTC : DINT(0xc4)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 TESTD : REAL(0xca)
// 2020/08/24 17:20:10 TESTE : (0x8fce)
_ = plc.Connect()
NOTE: Currently, the Tag
Class only supports Atomic datatypes(SINT, INT, DINT, REAL, BOOL) and String Read(not support string write).support for ARRAY, and UDTs are in the plans and coming soon!
import (
func testTag() {
tagA := tag.NewTag("TESTA")
//OnData will be called every time you sync
//Try to use OnChange if not necessary
tagA.OnData = func(value interface{}) {
plc, _ := NewOriginator("", 1, nil)
plc.OnConnected = func() {
log.Printf("%+v\n", plc.Controller)
plc.ReadTag(tagA).Then(func() {
plc.WriteTag(tagA).Then(func() {
_ = plc.Connect()
import (
func testTagGroup() {
cfg := DefaultConfig()
tagA := tag.NewTag("TESTA")
tagA.OnChange = func(value interface{}) {
tagB := tag.NewTag("TESTB")
tagB.OnChange = func(value interface{}) {
tg := &tagGroup.TagGroup{}
plc, _ := NewOriginator("", 1, cfg)
plc.OnConnected = func() {
_ = plc.Connect()
import (
func testTagGroup() {
cfg := DefaultConfig()
tagA := tag.NewTag("TESTA")
tagA.OnChange = func(value interface{}) {
log.Printf("%s => %f\n", tagA.Name(), value)
tagB := tag.NewTag("TESTB")
tagB.OnChange = func(value interface{}) {
log.Printf("%s => %f\n", tagB.Name(), value)
tg := &tagGroup.TagGroup{}
plc, _ := NewOriginator("", 1, cfg)
plc.OnConnected = func() {
plc.ReadTagGroupInterval(tg, time.Millisecond*50)
_ = plc.Connect()
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENCE file for details