- UIDevice category for platform infomation.
- NSArray and NSSet utils: map, filter and reject with block, flattenArray.
- Easy to access centerY and centerX of UIView.
- Days with in era from date to date.
- Easy to associcate objects.
- Attach userinfo to UIAlertView, UIActionSheet, UIControl
- Easy to post and observe notification to default notification center.
- NSNumber simple calculation.
- Determind is iPhone or iPad
- Remove all subviews of view
- Perform block after delay
- Create UIColor With RGBHex
- Easy to access x, y, width, height, right, bottom, origin and size of UIView.
- Easy to access subarray
- Convert date to string with date format
- JSON Serialization with NSData, NSString, NSDictionary
- MD5 generation with NSData, NSString
- Word Tokenization with string.
- Singleton(sharedInstance Method) macro
- Runtime print call stack
- Check OS version, app version, device model, UUID
- Check whether device is jail broken