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File metadata and controls

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InternalService documentation

Method list

Internal service has many systemwide methods to support business processes:
resource.Lock - Locks some resource exclusively, other processes wait until resource locked
resource.Unlock - Release lock from resource

table.AddRows - Add some data rows to temp table
table.Count - Returns number of rows in temp table
table.Read - Read and save in cache all records of temp table as one object, return link to object in cache
cache.Read - Read data from cache to use data as camunda variable
cache.Exists - Read data from cache and returns bool value if cache value exists
cache.Write - Write data to cache

excel.Create - Create Excel xlsx file from data in many temp tables

null - Do nothing, special method used in tests
file.Remove - Remove local file
environment.Get - Return environment (production, stage, development)
processes.StopOther - Stop all other processes except of current process (kill other of this type)

telegram - Send message to telegram channel
telegram.File - Send file to telegram channel
email - Send email
generatePassword - Generate password
encrypt - Encrypt data with secret key
decrypt - Decrypt data with secret key
certificateData - Return data of X509 public certificate
joinChunks - Join chunks into single array

Method description


Method locks some resource exclusively, other processes stop and wait until resource locked when using this method
Input parameters:
key (optional) - name of resource to lock, '' if key ommited
timeout (optional) - time in seconds to lock resource. 10 minutes by default if ommited. Resourse can be locked again by other process after timeout
Output parameters: none
If lock is unsuccessful, method returns lock.failed. Process tries to repeat unfinitely lock until successed.


Method releases lock from resource
Input parameters:
key (optional) - name of resource to unlock, '' if key ommited
Output parameters: none
Other method to unlock resource is wait for lock timeout


Method adds some data rows to temp table. Data saved as redis list of objects
Input parameters:
table - name of temp-table to add rows
data - array of objects to add to temp-table
Output parameters: none


Method return number of rows in temp-table added by table.AddRows method
Input parameters:
table - name of temp-table
Output parameters:
data - number of rows, 0 if table is empty or not exists


Method reads all rows of temp-table and saves data object in redis cache, returns link to object
Input parameters:
table - name of temp-table
Output parameters:
data - redis cache object


Method reads data from redis cache to use data as camunda variable
Input parameters:
data - link to redis cache object
conversion - can be "base64,json", "base64", "json". "base64" used if data stored as base64 binary data to decode it while reading. "json" used to convert json object to native json camunda variable
Output parameters:
data - data as object from cache


Method read data from cache and returns bool value if cache value exists
Input parameters:
data - link to redis cache object
Output parameters:
data - true/false


Method writes data to redis cache
Input parameters:
data - input data or link to redis cache object
key - cache key to save data
ttl (opt) - time to expire cache data
Output parameters: none


Method creates/generates xlsx file from data objects and saves result file in redis cache
Input parameters:
sheets - array of names of excel sheets to create
data - array of objects returned by table.Read method. Every table will form 1 sheet of excel file. Column names generated as object fields in temp-tables

  sheets: ["nodeData", "containerStatus", "containerData", "mysqlData", "diskUsageData"], - form 5 sheet excel file   
  data: [nodeData, containerStatus, containerData, mysqlData, diskUsageData] - with a data from 5 temp-tables

Output parameters:
data - link to redis cache object that keeps generated xlsx file


Method used for tests, do nothing
Input parameters: none
Output parameters: none


Method used to remove local file
Input parameters:
file - file name... Output parameters: none


Method used to return current environment data
Input parameters: none
Output parameters:
env object with 2 fields:

  • env.env = "prod", "stage" or "dev" - type of environment
  • env.server - https server link of current environment, used to generate links to processes


Method uses to stop all other processes of current type of process, except current. If some processes were started earlier but still running and we dont need result from it, we can kill (stop) them by using this method.
Input parameters: none - running processes auto calculated by id of current process and type of current process
Output parameters: none


Method used to send message to telegram channel
Input parameters:
chat_id - telegram channel
parse_mode - parse mode of telegram message. Ordinary parse_mode = "html" or "markdown". Check telegram documentation
message - data passed as camunda "message" process variable/input parameter. There are many restriction for telegram messages that leads to error return codes. Check telegram bot documentation. Ordinary errors: bad formatting, message to large (max 4096 symbols), spam restriction - camunda sends too many messages.
Output parameters: none


Method used to send file to telegram channel
Input parameters:
chat_id - telegram channel
filename - name of sent file
data - file data as link to redis cache object. Result of method excel.Create can be passed as data input parameter
Output parameters: none


Method used to send email
Input parameters:
to - mail reciever
from (optional) - mail sender
cc, bcc (optional) - other mail recievers
subject - subject of email
text (optional) - text version of email body
html (optional) - html version of email body
attachments (optional) - array of file attachments with filename and content fields, content fields can be text, base64, or link to redis cache file object
Check for full documentation about available mail option parameters

  "to": "[email protected]",
  "subject": "Report title",
  "text": "Check attached file for errors",
   "attachments": [
            "filename": "Filename as attachment ${now()}.xlsx",
            "content": "${excelFile}"

Output parameters: none


Method used to generate new password
Input parameters:
Length - length of password
Output paremeters:
data - generated password string. By default password string go to redis cache for security reason


Method used to encrypt sensitive data with secret key
Input parameters:
text - text to encrypt
key - IV to encrypt
Output paremeters:
data - generated encrypted string in hex format. By default result string go to redis cache for security reason


Method used to decrypt sensitive data with secret key
Input parameters:
text - encrypted data in hex format
key - IV to decrypt
Output paremeters:
data - decrypted string. By default result string go to redis cache for security reason


Method used to calculate expiration date of certificate
Input parameters:
certificate - X509 public certificate
convertion (opt) - "base64" - source certificate in base64 form
Output paremeters:
data - certificate data object including validTo, subject, issuer, etc. Error returned if certificate is not valid X509 certificate


Method used to Join chunks into single array
Input parameters:
chunks - array of chunks, chunk can be redis cache array
Output paremeters:
data - new array joined from source chunks into single array