(This is an Alternative to running an Artillery script)
Run script generate_and_send_registration_calls.bash to send massive calls to register athletes to a race:
bash db/gererate_registration_calls/generate_and_send_registration_calls.bash
You can set the number of applicant athletes and the race capacity by editing the script 1.prepare_basic_data.psql.
docker cp db/gererate_registration_calls/_delete_basic_data.sql k8s_pgdb_1:/var/lib/postgresql/_delete_basic_data.sql
docker exec k8s_pgdb_1 psql racedb admin -f /var/lib/postgresql/_delete_basic_data.sql
This script creates an Organizer, a Race (with ApplicationPeriod, RegistrationRace and the capacity set in the parameter 'athlete_capacity') and as many Ahtletes and Applications to the race as set in parameter 'athlete_applications'.
docker cp db/gererate_registration_calls/1.prepare_basic_data.psql k8s_pgdb_1:/var/lib/postgresql/1.prepare_basic_data.psql
docker exec k8s_pgdb_1 psql racedb admin -f /var/lib/postgresql/1.prepare_basic_data.psql
This script generates a file with the calls to the endpoint for register the Athletes in the Race (ByOrder) with their applicationCodes.
REGISTRATION_CALLS_FILE_NAME="performance/test/massive_registration_calls-"$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%s".bash)
bash db/gererate_registration_calls/2.generate_registration_calls.bash $REGISTRATION_CALLS_FILE_NAME
(This is an Alternative to running an Artillery script)
Run the script and track the time spent in the process of the file through 'SECONDS' shell variable. Results are saved in the '*result.txt' file.
echo "Duration: $SECONDS seconds ("$(( SECONDS / 60 )) "minutes)("$(( SECONDS / 3060 )) "hours)" > ${REGISTRATION_CALLS_FILE_NAME}_result.txt
echo `cat ${REGISTRATION_CALLS_FILE_NAME}_result.txt`
Copy initializer script to docker container and run script over it:
docker cp db/smoke_testing_data/populate_initial_data.sql k8s_pgdb_1:/var/lib/postgresql
docker exec k8s_pgdb_1 psql racedb admin -f /var/lib/postgresql/populate_initial_data.sql
Check out generated ids in file database_initial_ids.txt.