BotJs use cmake to generate compilation project. To install cmake on ubuntu just use apt-get.
sudo apt-get install cmake
Minimum cmake version must be 2.8.11
# Just type cmake to check your cmake version
sudo apt-get install cmake
BotJs use Qt as base library and will follow its evolution.
Current version: Qt5.4
note It is recommended to install Qt with the installer from the Qt web site.
For questions from users
The build process is entirely managed by a bash script. It builds and install the core and block of the project. Each block have it own cmake script to build it.
# Start BotJs build
cd path/to/botjs
Clean script is also available, it remove all build directories.
# Start BotJs clean
cd path/to/botjs
By default, BotJs binary is installed in $HOME/opt/botjs/bin.
It is recommended to add this directory to your PATH.
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/opt/botjs/bin
note Use the BotJs binary from the install directory, not the one from the build directory.
In creation...