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Database administration


We assume that the system administrator has knowledge of MongoDB (there are very good and free courses at MongoDB education site). Otherwise, we recommend to be very careful with the procedures described in this section.


The usual procedure for MongoDB databases is used.

Use mongobackup command to get a backup of the Orion Context Broker database, due to several operational reasons:

  • From a point of view of MongoDB, if you are using a sharded cluster, you could backup inconsistent data, depending of your backup strategy/tool. MongoDB administration is out of the scope of this documentation, but you can have a look to official MongoDB documentation about this topic.

  • From a point of view of Context Broker, your backup could end in a intermediate state. For instance, if CB is processing a POST /v2/op/update operation with an array of three entities [E1, E2, E3] and you don't stop the CB and take the backup in the middle, maybe the backup includes E1 changes, but not changes for E2 and E3. The backup doesn't ensure "transactional consistency" during POST /v2/op/update (i.e. all the three entities or none of them updated).

mongodump --host <dbhost> --db <db>

This will create the backup in the dump/ directory.

Note that if you are using multitenant/multiservice you need to apply the procedures to each per-tenant/service database



The usual procedure for MongoDB databases is used.

Use the mongorestore command to restore a previous backup of the Orion Context Broker database. It is strongly recommended that you stop the broker before doing a backup and to remove (drop) the database used by the broker.

Let's assume that the backup is in the dump/ directory. To restore it:

mongorestore --host <dbhost> --db <db> dump/<db>

Note that if you are using multitenant/multiservice you need to apply the procedures to each per-tenant/service database.


Database authorization

MongoDB authorization is configured with the -db, -dbuser and -dbpwd options (see section on command line options). There are a few different cases to take into account:

  • If your MongoDB instance/cluster doesn't use authorization, then do not use the -dbuser and -dbpwd options.
  • You can specify authentication mechanism with -dbAuthMech.
  • If your MongoDB instance/cluster uses authorization , then:
    • If you run Orion in single service/tenant mode (i.e. without -multiservice) then you are using only one database (the one specified by the -db option) and the authorization is done with -dbuser and -dbpwd in that database.
    • If you run Orion in multi service/tenant mode (i.e. with -multiservice) then the authorization is done at admin database using -dbuser and -dbpwd. As described later in this document, in multi service/tenant mode, Orion uses several databases (which in addition can potentially be created on the fly), thus authorizing on admin DB ensures permissions in all of them.
    • Anyway, you can override the above default with -dbAuthDb and specify the authentication DB you want.

Let's consider the following example. If your MongoDB configuration is so you typically access to it using:

mongo "mongodb://,," --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin --username orion --password orionrules

Then the equivalent connection in Context Broker CLI parameters will be:

-dbhost,, -rplSet rs0 -dbSSL -dbAuthDb admin -dbuser orion -dbpwd orionrules


Multiservice/multitenant database separation

Normally, Orion Context Broker uses just one database at MongoDB level (the one specified with the -db command line option, typically "orion"). However, when multitenant/multiservice is used the behaviour is different and the following databases are used (let <db> be the value of the -db command line option):

  • The database <db> for the default tenant (typically, orion)
  • The database <db>-<tenant> for service/tenant <tenant> (e.g. if the tenant is named tenantA and default -db is used, then the database would be orion-tenantA.

Per-service/tenant databases are created "on the fly" as the first request involving tenant data is processed by Orion.

Finally, in the case of per-service/tenant databases, all collections and administrative procedures (backup, restore, etc.) are associated to each particular service/tenant database.


Delete complete database

This operation is done using the MongoDB shell:

mongo <host>/<db>
> db.dropDatabase()


Setting indexes

Check database indexes section in the performance tuning documentation.


Database management scripts

Orion Context Broker comes with a few scripts that can be used for browsing and administrative activities in the database, installed in the /usr/share/contextBroker directory.

In order to use these scripts, you need to install the pymongo driver (version 2.5 or above), typically using (run it as root or using the sudo command):

pip-python install pymongo


Deleting expired documents

NGSI specifies an expiration time for registrations and subcriptions (both context and context availability subscriptions). Orion Context Broker doesn't delete the expired documents (they are just ignored) as expired registrations/subscription can be "re-activated" using a subscription update request, modifying their duration.

However, expired registrations/subscriptions consume space in the database, so they can be "purged" from time to time. In order to help you in that task, the script is provided along with the Orion Context Broker.

The looks for expired documents in registrations and csubs collection, "marking" them with the following field:

  "expired": 1,

The program takes as arguments the collection to be analyzed. E.g. to analyze csubs, run: csubs

After running you can easily remove the expired documents using the following commands in the mongo console:

mongo <host>/<db>
> db.registrations.remove({expired: 1})
> db.csubs.remove({expired: 1})


Latest updated document

You can take an snapshot of the latest updated entities and attributes in the database using the script. It takes up to four arguments:

  • Either "entities" or "attributes", to set the granularity level in the updates.
  • The database to use (same as the -db parameter and BROKER_DATABASE_NAME used by the broker). Note that the mongod instance has to run in the same machine where the script runs.
  • The maximum number of lines to print
  • (Optional) A filter for entity IDs, interpreted as a regular expression in the database query.


# entities orion 4
-- 2013-10-30 18:19:47: Room1 (Room)
-- 2013-10-30 18:16:27: Room2 (Room)
-- 2013-10-30 18:14:44: Room3 (Room)
-- 2013-10-30 16:11:26: Room4 (Room)


Orion Errors due to Database

If you are retreiving entities using a large offset value and get this error:

GET /v2/entities?offset=54882

    "description": "Sort operation used more than the maximum RAM. You should create an index. Check the Database Administration section in Orion documentation.",
    "error": "InternalServerError"

then the DB has raised an error related to sorting operation failure due to lack of resources. You can check that the Orion log file contains an ERROR trace similar to this one:

Raising alarm DatabaseError: next(): { $err: "Executor error: OperationFailed Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit.", code: 17144 }

The typical solution to this is to create an index in the field used for sorting. In particular, if you are using the default entities ordering (based on creation date) you can create the index with the following command at mongo shell:

db.entities.createIndex({creDate: 1})
