- Thiemo Wiedemeyer <[email protected]>, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, University of Bremen
Note: Please use the GitHub issues for questions and problems regarding the iai_kinect2 package and its components. Do not write emails.
This is a bridge between libfreenect2 and ROS.
- delivers up to 30 frames per second on non high end hardware
- delivers up to 30 frames per second over gigabit ethernet
- support for compressed image transport
- utilizes multiple cores and uses special OpenCL based implementation of the depth registration
- ROS Hydro/Indigo
- OpenCV
- libfreenect2
for the ROS packages look at the package.xml
For the depth registration the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters need to be known. The program reads in the values from the data/<serialnumber>
folder. For each new sensor you need to add a sub-folder with the serial number of the device as the folder name. In this folder you need to provide 4 yaml files with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. These files can be created by the kinect2_calibration
tool (or you can copy the files provided in one of the other folders, but results can be sub optimal). The device serial number is shown when kinect2_bridge
or Protonect
from libfreenect2 is started, it also appears in dmesg
when you connect the sensor. More information on calibration.
When kinect2_bridge
is running you can use the kinect2_viewer
to display the images or point cloud: rosrun kinect2_viewer kinect2_viewer sd image
or rosrun kinect2_viewer kinect2_viewer sd cloud
The images in this topics have a FullHD resolution (1920x1080).
Note: For correct registration of the depth image to the color image it is needed to perform a calibration.
The images in this topics have a quarter FullHD resolution (960x540).
Note: For correct registration of the depth image to the color image it is needed to perform a calibration.
This are the raw IR and depth images from the sensor (512x424).
Note: The registration of the color image is available without a calibration. Parameters for the registration are provided by the sensor itself.
- Point clouds are only published when the launch file is used. Run
roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch
. - Images from the same frame have the same timestamp. Using the
policy is recommended.
roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch [options:=value]
default: kinect2
info: set base name for all topics
info: serial of the sensor to use
default: -1.0
info: limit the frames per second
default: /home/wiedemeyer/work/src/iai_kinect2/kinect2_bridge/data/
info: path to the calibration files
default: false
info: Use PNG compression instead of TIFF
default: 90
info: JPEG quality level from 0 to 100
default: 1
info: PNG compression level from 0 to 9
default: cuda
info: Use specific depth processing: default, cpu, opengl, opencl, cuda
default: -1
info: openCL device to use for depth processing
default: opencl
info: Use specific depth registration: default, cpu, opencl
default: -1
info: openCL device to use for depth registration
default: 12.0
info: max depth value
default: 0.1
info: min depth value
default: 2
info: queue size of publisher
default: true
info: enable bilateral filtering of depth images
default: true
info: enable edge aware filtering of depth images
default: false
info: publish static tf transforms for camera
default: as base_name
info: base name for the tf frames
default: 4
info: number of threads used for processing the images
: Quit