Data formats used in this package: I) The .npz format is a file format used by NumPy. It can store multiple arrays within a single .npz file, making it convenient for bundling related data together. Each array in the .npz file is associated with a unique key, which can be used to access the specific array when loading the data.
II) The Extended XYZ (.xyz) format is a file format commonly used for representing molecular structures and atomic coordinates. It provides a simple and flexible way to store atomic positions, element types, and additional properties associated with each atom. Each frame can represent a different time step, molecular conformation, or related structure.
NPZ and XYZ can be interconverted b/w each other.
Information needed:
- 'atomic_numbers'
- 'cell'
- 'forces'
- 'energy'
- 'positions'
- 'pbc' #preriodic boundary condition in all 3 directions
example of accepted data: present at example/lips/data =============Lips data info============ Keys for data: key: pbc with shape (3,) key: pos with shape (1000, 83, 3) key: energy with shape (1000, 1) key: forces with shape (1000, 83, 3) key: cell with shape (3, 3) key: atomic_numbers with shape (83,)
- Nequip, Allegro, Equiformer and TorchmdNET can work with just atomic numbers, forces, energy and positions.
- By default the models use the xyz file name as and npz as nequip_npz.npz
All the models: Nequip, Allegro, Equiformer, torchmdNET, Mace and Botnet support both npz and xyz format for training
converting XYZ to NPZ: run file xyz_to_npz
CONVERTING NPZ to XYZ: example: python preprocessing/ --input-filepath example/lips/data/val/nequip_npz.npz will create an xyz file at example/lips/data/val/
IMP NOTE: In case facing some error in data conversion:
- get data in npz format and cross check with example/lips/data/train/nequip_npz.npz
- Then create test, train and val split like we have here example/lips/data
- Then convert npz to xyz