v0.108.0 (2020-04-27)
Implemented enhancements:
prepare fmu in heat transfer to test fmi #1457
Add generic checker capability for scalar and vector fields #1451
add list of markers to set required edges, triangles or elements when remeshing #1450
add helper function to compute the distance field to a range of entities #1448
Add quality mesh measures support #1445
Fix MacOS Homebrew support #1441
Extract only rows/cols info from hbff files #1434
add nice indicator support #1433
Get command line option name and count #1432
Design of toolboxes to handle remeshing and implementation #1431
Support mmg and parmmg #1430
Feature/hdg physics #1439 (romainhild)
Fixed bugs:
PartitionIO<MeshType>::setup has a no-op statement, M_h5filename not setup #1468
with python3.8 pybind11 embedded interpreter crashes after one evaluation #1467
Possible MPI Deadlock with hMeasure #1460
quickstart HDG apps broken in develop #1444
On MacOS, exprRepository() prepended at least twice #1442
Assertion triggered in Tensor Assignement #1425
Feature/fix gcc #1415 (vincentchabannes)
Closed issues:
add support for container development in vscode #1461
feelpp_fmi_fmu not installed in docker images #1454
add option compute-manufactured-pde #1453
Problem mesh MPI #1438
Add message when compilation of the python wrapping errors #1436
Support evaluate of an expression depending on an element of P0 continuous space #1428
Missing manpages for Feel++ toolboxes #1419
Troubles with CMake >= 3.15 and use of ProcessorCount #1396
Merged pull requests:
Pierre b patch 1 #1472 (PierreBernardCSMI)
fix filename for HL-31_H1 hdg test case [ci skip] #1452 (romainhild)
try to fix sympy2ginac #1446 (vincentchabannes)
add location of testcases in the manual #1421 (romainhild)
fix testcase HL-31-H1H4 #1420 (romainhild)
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