To avoid problems you need to know which MicroPython firmware and features your microcontroller supports. You can find out with
Don't forget to connect the microcontroller and start the virtual environment (in the project folder).
# show information
(venv) $ --port [SERIAL-PORT] flash_id
Note or write down the important information for chip type and features. Additional information such as MAC address, flash size, manufacturer, stub and so on can be helpful.
Now open the MicroPython website for the downloads inside your browser. Here the direct link. Now search for the port (chip type) and matching features.
Select and download the latest *.bin
file to your local device. Create another folder named firmware
in the project folder and move the *.bin
file into it.
# create local project directory
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/ESP/firmware
Inside your project root the structure should be similar to this example:
$ tree .
| |____esp32-20230426-v1.20.0.bin
| |____bin
As you can see, all following examples are with MicroPython version:
Erase everything before flashing a new version. Here few examples for different chip types:
# erease flash (ESP32)
(venv) $ --chip esp32 --port [SERIAL-PORT] erase_flash
# erease flash (ESP32-S2-WROVER)
(venv) $ --chip esp32s2 --port [SERIAL-PORT] erase_flash
# erease flash (ESP32-S3)
(venv) $ --chip esp32s3 --port [SERIAL-PORT] erase_flash
Now flash the new firmware. Pay attention to the respective information about the chip type as well as notes on the MicroPython download page!
Here an example for ESP32 with usage of firmware
# flash firmware (ESP32)
(venv) $ --chip esp32 --port [SERIAL-PORT] --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware/esp32-20230426-v1.20.0.bin
This process can take some time.
Read careful the respective
Installation instructions
on download page!