All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
pydantic update is not good for this project
Full SQL support
Field description in docs
relationship with get api
disable alias
usage is more easy and quick build up
post redirect get can not rollback when find one api not found with async session
support create more than one pydantic model with same
duplicated pydantic model name
SQLAlchemy Table is supported, but not support alias yet
Support create CRUD route without primary key for SQLAlchemy Table
UntitledTable256 = Table(
'test_table', metadata,
Column('bool_value', Boolean, nullable=False, server_default=text("false")),
Column('bytea_value', LargeBinary),
Column('char_value', CHAR(10)),
Column('date_value', Date, server_default=text("now()")),
Column('float4_value', Float, nullable=False),
Column('float8_value', Float(53), nullable=False, server_default=text("10.10")),
Column('int2_value', SmallInteger, nullable=False),
Column('int4_value', Integer, nullable=False),
Column('int8_value', BigInteger, server_default=text("99")),
Column('interval_value', INTERVAL),
Column('json_value', JSON),
Column('jsonb_value', JSONB(astext_type=Text())),
Column('numeric_value', Numeric),
Column('text_value', Text),
Column('time_value', Time),
Column('timestamp_value', DateTime),
Column('timestamptz_value', DateTime(True)),
Column('timetz_value', Time(True)),
Column('uuid_value', UUID),
Column('varchar_value', String),
Column('array_value', ARRAY(Integer())),
Column('array_str__value', ARRAY(String())),
UniqueConstraint( 'int4_value', 'float4_value'),
primary key can be optional if autoincrement is True
get many responses 204 if not found
- primary key will be required if no default value or not nullable
- User don't need to declare crud_service
- query abstract
- Sqlalchemy
- route abstract
When you ask for a specific resource, say a user or with query param, and the user doesn't exist
then fastapi-qucikcrud should return 404. In this case, the client requested a resource that doesn't exist.
In the other case, you have an api that returns all users in the system using the following url:
If there are no users in the system, then, in this case, you should return 204.
- FastAPIQuickCRUD support commit by user
- for example if autocommit set False
def get_transaction_session(): try: db = sync_session() yield db finally: db.commit() db.close()
- for example if autocommit set True
def get_transaction_session(): try: db = sync_session() yield db finally: db.close()
- Refactor - Separate the sql result parsing