In this file you will find a brief description on how to build, install and use the Gnuplot++ library.
If you are using Visual Studio, check VS_guide.
To build Gnuplot++ using CMake you need to fulfill some requirements:
- having an up-to-date compiler
- having an up-to-date CMake version
- having the LC library installed [optional]
You can download the library from the main repository and place it in a folder you like. If you want to contribute you may want to fork the repo and use a git to keep track of changes.
If you are using CMake from a terminal, navigate to the library folder and type:
cmake .
This will configure the project.
(You may want to read this CMake documentation) During build time, some CMake parameters are considered. To set a parameter, type:
cmake -Dparam=value .
instead of cmake .
Some parameters:
Example :
cmake -DGNUPLOTPP_USE_LC_LIBRARY=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="non_conventional_install_dir" .
Now, to build the whole projet, type:
cmake --build .
and after a few seconds the library should be built.
To install the library so that external projects can find and use it, type:
# Note: not cmake but make
make install
Example CMakeLists.txt
for an extenal project:
# project setup
"mySimpleProject" # your project name
VERSION 0.0 # your project version
DESCRIPTION "..." # your project brief description
LANGUAGES CXX # languages we will use (C++)
# create an executable target named "myProgram"
# find the gnuplotpp package you have already installed
find_package(gnuplotpp REQUIRED)
# link the gnuplotpp library to our target
target_link_libraries("myProgram" PRIVATE "gnuplotpp")
# add sources to our target
target_sources("myProgram" PRIVATE "main.cpp")