A few useful web3 subproviders including a LedgerSubprovider useful for adding Ledger Nano S support.
We have written up a Wiki article detailing some use cases of this subprovider package.
yarn add @0xproject/subproviders
Simply import the subprovider you are interested in using:
import {
ledgerEthereumBrowserClientFactoryAsync as ledgerEthereumClientFactoryAsync,
} from '@0xproject/subproviders';
const ledgerSubprovider = new LedgerSubprovider({
const accounts = await ledgerSubprovider.getAccountsAsync();
A subprovider that enables your dApp to send signing requests to a user's Ledger Nano S hardware wallet. These can be requests to sign transactions or messages.
A subprovider which attempts to send an RPC call to a list of RPC endpoints sequentially, until one of them returns a successful response.
A subprovider that relays all signing related requests to a particular provider (in our case the provider injected onto the web page), while sending all other requests to a different provider (perhaps your own backing Ethereum node or Infura).
We strongly recommend that the community help us make improvements and determine the future direction of the protocol. To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository.
Please read our contribution guidelines before getting started.
If you don't have yarn workspaces enabled (Yarn < v1.0) - enable them:
yarn config set workspaces-experimental true
yarn install
yarn build
yarn build:watch
yarn clean
yarn lint
yarn run test:unit
In order to run the integration tests, make sure you have a Ledger Nano S available.
- Plug it into your computer
- Unlock the device
- Open the on-device Ethereum app
- Make sure "browser support" is disabled
Then run:
yarn test:integration
yarn run test:all