Exquisite standard extension for basic types and make c++ as easy as possible.
Add vscprintf
to fix _vscprintf
"%S" return -1,
also exxsprintf
let sprintf more flexible
and build the world!!!The Json parser speed as faster as
, enjoy!estr is useful for Win32 api with disposable towide
estrs is a splitter contains the estr array
all class comply with RAII
header line v1/later: ONLY 1000/1200
estr (deep copy ONLY)
// estr estr tmp("%d%S", 123, L"456"); tmp = tmp + "789" + "ABCDEF"; printf(*tmp); dbk("Done!");
// estrs estrs tmp("123 456 789", " "); dbk("Done!");
// ejson ejson ej(R"({ "data": { "app_enabled": true, "app_good": true, "app_initialized": true, "good": true, "online": true, "member": ["aaa","bbb","ccc"], "stat": { "packet_received": 16598, "packet_sent": 14505, "packet_lost": 0, "message_received": 1914, "message_sent": 135, "disconnect_times": 0, "lost_times": 0, "last_message_time": 1689350878 } }, "message": "", "retcode": 0, "status": "ok" })"); ejs& js = ej["data"]; if (js) { printf("this is a member!\n"); } int _i = ej["data"]["stat"]["message_sent"]; printf("_i %d", _i);
You can use Visual Vtudio debugger by copy *.nativs to,
> VS2019
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers
> VS2022
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers"
- estr nativs support
- estr reserve data manual
- estr support plus const char*
- estr support
valid check - estrs nativs support
- ecstr make c++17 encrypt string by stack(v3 made this 12 day to 20.Y.O)
- ejson nativs support
- ejson for any type
- ejson
valid check - ejson basic str parser
- ejson support Obj array
- ejson support Number array
- ejson support String array
- ejson support bool array
- ejson support parse float array