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So it's quite weird. When the web socket server starts. It reboots the arduino. Can this library work with ethernet?
I am using;
Arduino Nano ESP32 with Headers [ABX00083] - ESP32-S3, USB-C, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HID Support, MicroPython Compatible https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C947BHK5?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
and AZDelivery ENC28J60 Ethernet Shield LAN Network Module compatible with Arduino including E-Book! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D8SV85Q?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
#include <EthernetENC.h> #include <WebSocketsServer.h> // Links2004 WebSocket library #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h> #define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 #define LED_PIN 46 #define OLED_RESET -1 #define I2C_SDA 5 #define I2C_SCL 4 // ENC28J60 pins for SPI communication #define CS_PIN 7 #define MISO_PIN 12 #define MOSI_PIN 11 #define SCK_PIN 13 // Network configuration byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 0, 177); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 0, 1); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(80); Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET); bool displayAvailable = false; #define MAX_CLIENTS 10 #define MAX_ROOMS 5 #define MAX_LOG_LINES 5 #define MAX_PLAYERS_PER_ROOM 4 // Message queue structure #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 10 struct QueuedMessage { String message; bool used; }; struct VirtualLockbox { bool isLocked; int deviceCount; bool isInitialized; }; struct Room { String roomId; VirtualLockbox lockbox; bool isActive; }; struct MessageQueue { QueuedMessage messages[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE]; int head; int tail; }; MessageQueue messageQueues[MAX_CLIENTS]; Room rooms[MAX_ROOMS]; // Circular buffer for log messages String logLines[MAX_LOG_LINES]; int currentLogLine = 0; struct WebSocketClient { uint8_t num; // WebSocket client number String clientId; String roomId; bool isHost; bool isExternal; bool isPlayer; String label; }; WebSocketClient wsClients[MAX_CLIENTS]; uint8_t clientIds[MAX_ROOMS][MAX_CLIENTS]; uint8_t clientCount[MAX_ROOMS] = {0}; uint8_t playerCount[MAX_ROOMS] = {0}; // Queue management functions void initQueue(int clientIndex) { messageQueues[clientIndex].head = 0; messageQueues[clientIndex].tail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { messageQueues[clientIndex].messages[i].used = false; } } void queueMessage(int clientIndex, const String& message) { MessageQueue& queue = messageQueues[clientIndex]; int nextTail = (queue.tail + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; if (nextTail != queue.head) { queue.messages[queue.tail].message = message; queue.messages[queue.tail].used = true; queue.tail = nextTail; } } void setLockboxLED(bool locked) { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !locked ? HIGH : LOW); addLog(String("LED ") + (locked ? "ON" : "OFF")); } void sendQueuedMessages(uint8_t num) { int clientIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num == num) { clientIndex = i; break; } } if (clientIndex != -1) { MessageQueue& queue = messageQueues[clientIndex]; while (queue.head != queue.tail) { if (queue.messages[queue.head].used) { webSocket.sendTXT(num, queue.messages[queue.head].message); queue.messages[queue.head].used = false; } queue.head = (queue.head + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; } } } void addLog(const String& message) { Serial.println(message); logLines[currentLogLine] = message; currentLogLine = (currentLogLine + 1) % MAX_LOG_LINES; if (displayAvailable) { display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 0); display.print("IP: "); display.println(Ethernet.localIP()); display.drawLine(0, 9, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, 9, WHITE); int y = 11; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_LINES; i++) { int index = (currentLogLine - 1 - i + MAX_LOG_LINES) % MAX_LOG_LINES; if (!logLines[index].isEmpty()) { display.setCursor(0, y); String truncated = logLines[index]; if (truncated.length() > 21) { truncated = truncated.substring(0, 18) + "..."; } display.println(truncated); y += 10; } } display.display(); } } int findRoomIndex(const String& roomId) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROOMS; i++) { if (clientCount[i] > 0 && wsClients[clientIds[i][0]].roomId == roomId) { return i; } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROOMS; i++) { if (clientCount[i] == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } void broadcastToRoom(uint8_t sender, String& message) { // Changed to non-const reference String roomId; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num == sender) { roomId = wsClients[i].roomId; break; } } if (!roomId.isEmpty()) { int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < clientCount[roomIndex]; i++) { uint8_t clientNum = wsClients[clientIds[roomIndex][i]].num; webSocket.sendTXT(clientNum, message); } } } } void initializeRoomLockbox(const String& roomId) { int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex != -1) { rooms[roomIndex].roomId = roomId; rooms[roomIndex].isActive = true; rooms[roomIndex].lockbox = {false, 0, true}; DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "lockbox_init"; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); for (int i = 0; i < clientCount[roomIndex]; i++) { uint8_t clientNum = wsClients[clientIds[roomIndex][i]].num; webSocket.sendTXT(clientNum, message); } addLog("Room " + roomId + " created with virtual lockbox"); } } void cleanupRoomLockbox(const String& roomId) { int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex != -1) { rooms[roomIndex].isActive = false; rooms[roomIndex].lockbox = {false, 0, false}; setLockboxLED(false); addLog("Room " + roomId + " destroyed, lockbox cleaned up"); } } void handleLockboxMessage(uint8_t num, const String& type, const JsonObject& data) { String roomId; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num == num) { roomId = wsClients[i].roomId; break; } } int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex == -1 || !rooms[roomIndex].isActive) return; VirtualLockbox& lockbox = rooms[roomIndex].lockbox; if (type == "lockbox_init") { lockbox.deviceCount = 0; lockbox.isLocked = false; lockbox.isInitialized = true; setLockboxLED(false); DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "lockbox_init"; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); broadcastToRoom(num, message); addLog("Lockbox initialized in room: " + roomId); } else if (type == "lockbox_device_added") { if (!lockbox.isInitialized) return; lockbox.deviceCount++; DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "lockbox_device_added"; doc["data"]["deviceCount"] = lockbox.deviceCount; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); broadcastToRoom(num, message); addLog("Device added to lockbox in room " + roomId + ": " + String(lockbox.deviceCount)); if (lockbox.deviceCount >= 4 && !lockbox.isLocked) { lockbox.isLocked = true; setLockboxLED(true); DynamicJsonDocument lockDoc(256); lockDoc["type"] = "devices_locked"; lockDoc["data"]["locked"] = true; String lockMessage; serializeJson(lockDoc, lockMessage); broadcastToRoom(num, lockMessage); addLog("Lockbox locked in room: " + roomId); } } else if (type == "unlock_devices") { if (!lockbox.isInitialized) return; lockbox.isLocked = false; setLockboxLED(false); DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "unlock_devices"; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); broadcastToRoom(num, message); addLog("Lockbox unlocked in room: " + roomId); } } void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) { switch(type) { case WStype_DISCONNECTED: { Serial.printf("[WebSocket] Client #%u Disconnected\n", num); String clientId; String roomId; bool wasHost = false; bool wasPlayer = false; int clientIndex = -1; // Find the disconnected client's information for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num == num) { clientId = wsClients[i].clientId; roomId = wsClients[i].roomId; wasHost = wsClients[i].isHost; wasPlayer = wsClients[i].isPlayer; clientIndex = i; break; } } if (clientIndex != -1) { int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex != -1) { // Update player count if necessary if (wasPlayer) { playerCount[roomIndex]--; } // Remove client from room's client list for (int j = 0; j < clientCount[roomIndex]; j++) { if (clientIds[roomIndex][j] == clientIndex) { // Shift remaining clients for (int k = j; k < clientCount[roomIndex] - 1; k++) { clientIds[roomIndex][k] = clientIds[roomIndex][k + 1]; } clientCount[roomIndex]--; break; } } // If room is empty, clean up if (clientCount[roomIndex] == 0) { cleanupRoomLockbox(roomId); playerCount[roomIndex] = 0; addLog("Room " + roomId + " reset"); } else { // Notify remaining clients about disconnection DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "user_disconnected"; doc["data"]["clientId"] = clientId; doc["data"]["isPlayer"] = wasPlayer; doc["data"]["wasHost"] = wasHost; doc["data"]["playerCount"] = playerCount[roomIndex]; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); for (int j = 0; j < clientCount[roomIndex]; j++) { uint8_t targetNum = wsClients[clientIds[roomIndex][j]].num; webSocket.sendTXT(targetNum, message); } // Reassign host if necessary if (wasHost) { reassignHost(roomId); } } } // Clear client data wsClients[clientIndex] = {0, "", "", false, false, false, ""}; initQueue(clientIndex); addLog("Client disconnected: " + clientId); } break; } case WStype_CONNECTED: { Serial.printf("[WebSocket] Client #%u Connected\n", num); String url = String((char*)payload); String clientId = ""; String roomId = ""; bool isPlayer = false; String label = ""; // Extract parameters from connection URL int clientIdStart = url.indexOf("clientId="); int roomIdStart = url.indexOf("roomId="); int isPlayerStart = url.indexOf("isPlayer="); int labelStart = url.indexOf("label="); if (clientIdStart != -1) { clientIdStart += 9; // Length of "clientId=" int clientIdEnd = url.indexOf('&', clientIdStart); if (clientIdEnd == -1) clientIdEnd = url.length(); clientId = url.substring(clientIdStart, clientIdEnd); } if (roomIdStart != -1) { roomIdStart += 7; // Length of "roomId=" int roomIdEnd = url.indexOf('&', roomIdStart); if (roomIdEnd == -1) roomIdEnd = url.length(); roomId = url.substring(roomIdStart, roomIdEnd); } if (isPlayerStart != -1) { isPlayerStart += 9; // Length of "isPlayer=" int isPlayerEnd = url.indexOf('&', isPlayerStart); if (isPlayerEnd == -1) isPlayerEnd = url.length(); String isPlayerStr = url.substring(isPlayerStart, isPlayerEnd); isPlayer = (isPlayerStr == "true"); } if (labelStart != -1) { labelStart += 6; // Length of "label=" int labelEnd = url.indexOf('&', labelStart); if (labelEnd == -1) labelEnd = url.length(); label = url.substring(labelStart, labelEnd); } if (clientId.isEmpty()) { webSocket.disconnect(num); return; } // Check for reconnection bool isReconnection = false; int existingIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num != 0 && wsClients[i].clientId == clientId) { existingIndex = i; isReconnection = true; break; } } // Handle reconnection if (isReconnection) { addLog("Client reconnecting: " + clientId); wsClients[existingIndex] = {0, "", "", false, false, false, ""}; } // Find empty slot for new connection int clientIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num == 0) { clientIndex = i; break; } } if (clientIndex != -1) { int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex == -1) { roomIndex = findRoomIndex(""); } if (roomIndex != -1) { if (clientCount[roomIndex] == 0) { initializeRoomLockbox(roomId); } // Check player limit if (isPlayer && playerCount[roomIndex] >= MAX_PLAYERS_PER_ROOM) { webSocket.disconnect(num); addLog("Room full - connection rejected"); return; } bool isHost = (isPlayer && playerCount[roomIndex] == 0); wsClients[clientIndex] = {num, clientId, roomId, isHost, false, isPlayer, label}; clientIds[roomIndex][clientCount[roomIndex]++] = clientIndex; if (isPlayer) { playerCount[roomIndex]++; addLog("Player count in room " + roomId + ": " + String(playerCount[roomIndex])); } initQueue(clientIndex); sendQueuedMessages(num); // Notify room about new connection DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "user_entered"; doc["data"]["clientId"] = clientId; doc["data"]["isPlayer"] = isPlayer; doc["data"]["playerCount"] = playerCount[roomIndex]; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); for (int i = 0; i < clientCount[roomIndex]; i++) { uint8_t targetNum = wsClients[clientIds[roomIndex][i]].num; if (targetNum != num) { // Don't send to the new client webSocket.sendTXT(targetNum, message); } } if (isHost) { notifyHostAssigned(roomId, clientId); } addLog(String(isPlayer ? "Player" : "Spectator") + " connected: " + clientId + (isReconnection ? " (reconnected)" : "")); } else { addLog("No room available"); webSocket.disconnect(num); } } else { addLog("Max clients reached"); webSocket.disconnect(num); } break; } case WStype_TEXT: { Serial.printf("[WebSocket] Received text from #%u\n", num); String message = String((char*)payload); DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024); DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, message); if (error) { addLog("JSON parse failed"); return; } String type = doc["type"]; // Handle update_socket_client_id message if (type == "update_socket_client_id") { String oldClientId = doc["data"]["oldClientId"]; String newClientId = doc["data"]["newClientId"]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (wsClients[i].num == num && wsClients[i].clientId == oldClientId) { wsClients[i].clientId = newClientId; addLog("Updated client ID: " + oldClientId + " -> " + newClientId); break; } } return; } // Handle lockbox messages if (type == "lockbox_init" || type == "lockbox_device_added" || type == "unlock_devices") { handleLockboxMessage(num, type, doc["data"]); return; } // Broadcast other messages to room broadcastToRoom(num, message); break; } case WStype_BIN: case WStype_ERROR: case WStype_FRAGMENT_TEXT_START: case WStype_FRAGMENT_BIN_START: case WStype_FRAGMENT: case WStype_FRAGMENT_FIN: default: break; } } void notifyHostAssigned(const String& roomId, const String& clientId) { DynamicJsonDocument doc(256); doc["type"] = "host_assigned"; doc["data"]["isHost"] = true; doc["data"]["clientId"] = clientId; String message; serializeJson(doc, message); addLog("Host: " + clientId); int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < clientCount[roomIndex]; i++) { uint8_t clientNum = wsClients[clientIds[roomIndex][i]].num; webSocket.sendTXT(clientNum, message); } } } void reassignHost(const String& roomId) { int roomIndex = findRoomIndex(roomId); if (roomIndex == -1 || clientCount[roomIndex] == 0) { return; } // Find first non-host, non-external client for (int i = 0; i < clientCount[roomIndex]; i++) { uint8_t id = clientIds[roomIndex][i]; if (!wsClients[id].isHost && !wsClients[id].isExternal) { wsClients[id].isHost = true; notifyHostAssigned(roomId, wsClients[id].clientId); addLog("New host assigned: " + wsClients[id].clientId); break; } } } bool parseUrlParams(const String& url, String& clientId, String& roomId, bool& isPlayer) { // Example URL format: /ws?clientId=123&roomId=456&isPlayer=true int clientIdStart = url.indexOf("clientId="); int roomIdStart = url.indexOf("roomId="); int isPlayerStart = url.indexOf("isPlayer="); if (clientIdStart == -1 || roomIdStart == -1) { return false; } clientIdStart += 9; // Length of "clientId=" int clientIdEnd = url.indexOf('&', clientIdStart); if (clientIdEnd == -1) clientIdEnd = url.length(); clientId = url.substring(clientIdStart, clientIdEnd); roomIdStart += 7; // Length of "roomId=" int roomIdEnd = url.indexOf('&', roomIdStart); if (roomIdEnd == -1) roomIdEnd = url.length(); roomId = url.substring(roomIdStart, roomIdEnd); if (isPlayerStart != -1) { isPlayerStart += 9; // Length of "isPlayer=" int isPlayerEnd = url.indexOf('&', isPlayerStart); if (isPlayerEnd == -1) isPlayerEnd = url.length(); String isPlayerStr = url.substring(isPlayerStart, isPlayerEnd); isPlayer = (isPlayerStr == "true"); } else { isPlayer = false; } return true; } bool initializeDisplay() { Serial.println("Attempting to initialize OLED display..."); Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); Wire.beginTransmission(0x3C); if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0) { Serial.println("Display not found on I2C bus"); return false; } if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { Serial.println("SSD1306 allocation failed"); return false; } display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(0,0); display.println("Initializing..."); display.display(); Serial.println("OLED display initialized successfully"); return true; } bool initializeEthernet() { Serial.println("Initializing Ethernet..."); SPI.begin(SCK_PIN, MISO_PIN, MOSI_PIN, CS_PIN); Ethernet.init(CS_PIN); if (Ethernet.begin(mac)) { Serial.print("DHCP assigned IP: "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); return true; } else { Serial.println("DHCP failed, trying static IP..."); Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet); if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) { Serial.println("Ethernet shield not found"); return false; } if (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkOFF) { Serial.println("Ethernet cable is not connected"); return false; } Serial.print("Static IP: "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); return true; } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Starting up..."); pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Initialize rooms for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROOMS; i++) { rooms[i].isActive = false; rooms[i].lockbox = {false, 0, false}; } // Initialize client array for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { wsClients[i] = {0, "", "", false, false, false, ""}; initQueue(i); } // Initialize display displayAvailable = initializeDisplay(); if (!displayAvailable) { Serial.println("WARNING: Display initialization failed - continuing without display"); } // Initialize Ethernet with verification if (!initializeEthernet()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize Ethernet"); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); return; } // Wait for Ethernet to be fully ready delay(1000); // Verify Ethernet status before starting WebSocket if (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkON && Ethernet.localIP()) { Serial.println("Ethernet is ready. Starting WebSocket server..."); // Initialize WebSocket server webSocket.begin(); webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent); addLog("WebSocket Server Ready"); addLog("IP: " + Ethernet.localIP().toString()); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Indicate successful setup } else { Serial.println("Ethernet not ready. Cannot start WebSocket server."); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); } } // Modified loop with debug prints and state tracking void loop() { static unsigned long lastDebugPrint = 0; static bool wsActive = false; static int loopCount = 0; // Basic loop counter for debugging loopCount++; // Print debug info every 5 seconds if (millis() - lastDebugPrint >= 5000) { Serial.printf("Loop count: %d, Ethernet status: %s, IP: %s\n", loopCount, Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkON ? "ON" : "OFF", Ethernet.localIP().toString().c_str()); lastDebugPrint = millis(); loopCount = 0; } // Check Ethernet status if (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkON && Ethernet.localIP()) { if (!wsActive) { Serial.println("Ethernet is connected, starting WebSocket server"); webSocket.begin(); webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent); wsActive = true; } // Only run WebSocket loop if we're properly connected webSocket.loop(); } else { if (wsActive) { Serial.println("Ethernet disconnected, stopping WebSocket server"); wsActive = false; } } // Maintain Ethernet connection Ethernet.maintain(); // Monitor display connection static unsigned long lastDisplayCheck = 0; if (millis() - lastDisplayCheck >= 30000) { // Check every 30 seconds lastDisplayCheck = millis(); if (!displayAvailable) { Wire.beginTransmission(0x3C); if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0) { displayAvailable = initializeDisplay(); if (displayAvailable) { addLog("Display connected"); } } } else { Wire.beginTransmission(0x3C); if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0) { displayAvailable = false; Serial.println("Display disconnected"); } } } // Small delay to prevent tight looping delay(1); }
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So it's quite weird. When the web socket server starts. It reboots the arduino. Can this library work with ethernet?
I am using;
Arduino Nano ESP32 with Headers [ABX00083] - ESP32-S3, USB-C, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HID Support, MicroPython Compatible
AZDelivery ENC28J60 Ethernet Shield LAN Network Module compatible with Arduino including E-Book!
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: