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File metadata and controls

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Nextcloud Behat context

Basic Behat steps for a Nextcloud app


composer require --dev libresign/nextcloud-behat

Create the file behat.yml

    '': '%paths.base%/features/bootstrap'
        - Libresign\NextcloudBehat\NextcloudApiContext:
              # default value
              test_password: 123456
              # default value
              admin_password: admin
      # Only necessary if you want to have a different features folder
        - '%paths.base%/features'
    # Use this extension to start the server
      verbose: false
      rootDir: /var/www/html
      host: localhost

Create the file tests/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php with this content:


use Libresign\NextcloudBehat;

class FeatureContext extends NextcloudApiContext {


Then, now you can see all available steps:

vendor/bin/behat -dl
When as user :user
When user :user exists
When sending :verb to :url
When the response should be a JSON array with the following mandatory values
When /^set the display name of user "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
When /^set the email of user "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
When sending :verb to ocs :url
When the response should have a status code :code
When fetch field :path from prevous JSON response
When the response should contain the initial state :name with the following values:
When the response should contain the initial state :name json that match with:
When the following :appId app config is set


Value as string

To send a json value as string, prefix the json string with (string)


When sending "post" to ocs "/apps/provisioning_api/api/v1/config/apps/appname/propertyname"
  | value | (string){"enabled":true} |

Value as array

To send a value as array, you can set a json string and the json string will be converted to array


When sending "post" to ocs "/apps/libresign/api/v1/request-signature"
  | status | 1 |
  | file   | {"base64":""} |

Step: fetch field :path from prevous JSON response

If the json response is an array, you can fetch specific values using this step. The fetched values is stored to be used by other steps.

:path: Path is a selector to retrieves a value from a deeply nested array using "dot" notation:

To the follow json:


path need to be: products.desk.price

You also can prefix the path by an alias inside parenthesis:


The alias price could be used in a path or body of a request:

  When set the response to:
      "data": [
  And sending "POST" to "/"
  And fetch field "(foo)" from prevous JSON response
  # After fetch the field, you can use the value of field like this:
  And sending "POST" to "/?foo=<foo>"
    | field | <> |

Parse response using jq

You can use jq expression casting to check a value in a json response body of a request. To do this you will need to install the jq command.


When set the response to:
    "Foo": {
      "Bar": "33"
And sending "POST" to "/"
Then the response should be a JSON array with the following mandatory values
  | key          | value            |
  | Foo          | (jq).Bar == "33" |
  | (jq).Foo     | {"Bar":"33"}     |
  | (jq).Foo     | (jq).Bar == "33" |
  | (jq).Foo.Bar | 33               |

Parse text

If you need to:

  • Get values from a request, store and use in other request
  • Parse the response of a request

Implement a method parseText like the follow code and remember to call parent method.

This methods can works together with fetch field :path from prevous JSON response

protected function parseText(string $text): string {
  $patterns = [
  $replacements = [
    $this->signer['sign_uuid'] ?? null,
    $this->file['uuid'] ?? $this->getFileUuidFromText($text),
  $text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text);
  $text = parent::parseText($text);
  return $text;

For more information about parseText, check the scenario Test get field from json response