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Flex Path Midcourse Assessment

Congratulations on getting to this assessment! You have learned a TON about JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React so far in this course.

This assessment will test your ability to understand and implement the concepts you've learned in the Flex Path course so far.

This assessment will work differently from the exercise modules you've been

working through.

  1. The requirements are organized as feature descriptions. They describe the behavior we want you to implement in your frontend application.

  2. We will give you resources to help you implement these features, but it will be your responsibility to use these resources to create an application that implements the feature requirements and matches the style of the application from the Demo video.

  3. There is no solution file to reference for this assignment. We will provide you with a Demo video of what a passing submission looks like.

  4. This assessment will be manually graded by LaunchCode staff.

  5. Your submission will involve submitting a link to your GitHub repo and a 5 minute screen recording video of you demoing your application. We will provide you with instructions on using Open Broadcasting Software[(] desktop application to record this video. If there is a different video recording software you prefer, feel free to use it. But, the video must meet the requirements we describe below.

How These Instructions Are Organized

We will start by providing you with information on how to get the api program and your assignment-app starter code installed and running. This section will be called Getting Started.

Then, we will provide the feature requirements you need to implement in your application. Included in these requirements will be relevant resource links to help you learn how to implement certain styles or visual pieces. We will then provide you with a video showing off a passing submission to this assessment and a video on how to get your starter code running. This section will be called App Requirements.

Finally, we will provide more details on how to submit your Github Repo and code video walkthrough when you have finished the assessment. This section will be called Submission Requirements

Getting Started

We have provided you with a simple backend application to use for your fetch calls in this Assessment. The program is inside the /api folder inside of this git repo.

Instructions on installing and running the api:

  1. Open a VS Code terminal window. We show you how to do this in the Demo video in this repository.
  2. Use the cd command in the terminal to navigate inside of the /api folder
  3. Run the command npm install. This will install the required packages for the api to run.
  4. To start the api, run the command npm run api
  5. The app will run at http://localhost:3000, but you DO NOT have to worry about that. We have written a "proxy" inside of the Vite app to automatically redirect requests from your starter frontend Vite app to this api.
  6. From your frontend code, all you need to do is send your fetch requests to /api/data/search to reach the api endpoint.
  7. To stop the api application, use the keyboard combo ctrl + c (Control key and 'c' key) in your VS Code terminal.

DISCLAIMER - For your fetch requests to work, you need to make sure you are running the api program. Your console should look like this if the api program is running as expected: The console should look like this when running the api program

Instructions on installing and running the assignment-app starter code:

  1. Using the "+" button inside of the VS Code terminal, create a new terminal window for you to use. VS Code terminal Plus location
  2. Use the cd command in the terminal to navigate inside of the assignment-app folder.
  3. Run the command npm install. This will install the required packages for your frontend Vite app to run.
  4. To start the app, run npm run dev
  5. The app will run at http://localhost:5173 on your machine.
  6. To stop the assignment-app application, use the keyboard combo ctrl + c (Control key and 'c' key) in your VS Code terminal.

App Requirements

We will be building a frontend application that allows users to view the results of a User Mobile Device Behavior dataset, use a keyword search on a selected field to filter the search results, and view some summary metrics (Average and Median) for the search results returned from the dataset.

We will build this application using JavaScript and React.

We will not write our own CSS files for styling. Instead, we will rely on Bootstrap version 5 for styling:

We will provide links to all the relevant Bootstrap documentation you will need to create this app. But, you will have to read through it and figure out how to use Bootstraps classes to get similar styles to the Demo application from the video.

You will fetch the data for this application from an api program we have provided for you. Instructions on how to install and run it were provided above.

The server.js program will run at http://localhost:3000, but you DO NOT have to worry about that.

We have written a "proxy" inside of the Vite apps configuration file to automatically redirect requests from your frontend Vite app to this program.

The only route you'll need to fetch data against is /api/data/search inside of the frontend application, like so:

const data = await fetch(`/api/data/search`)

This route takes 2 optional query parameters:

  • filterType
  • keyword

The keyword is whatever a user types in the search bar before hitting the Search button. The filterType is whichever field in the dataset they choose to run this keyword search against.

Valid values for the filterType are

const filterTypeOptions = ["gender", "operatingSystem", "model", "behaviorclass"]

Here are the requirements for your application:

The Demo app was designed to be displayed on a screen around 13.5 inches. If your computer has a smaller screen, feel free to size down the components as needed.

You DO NOT have to worry about displaying for a ton of different screen sizes (like mobile devices).

DO NOT use any 3rd party React or NPM libraries besides the ones installed.

You must create your own components using basic HTML, JSX, and Bootstrap className styling.

General App Requirements

  1. Create a Nav bar for the app. It will have two links in the navbar:
  • A Link pointing to the app location / that appears as "User Behavior Data"
  • A Link pointing to the app location /search that appears as "Search Through Dataset"
  1. You will setup two separate pages in the App: "Home" and "Search".
    • Home: Inside of this repo is a file named dataset-information.txt. It contains the text we used to create the Home page from the Demo app. Please use this text content to write HTML to match the layout and style of the page from the video.
    • Search: This page will contain all components pertaining to Searching the dataset. We'll lay out its requirements in a separate numbered list
  2. You will use the react-router-dom package to display the 'Home' page at the route / in the app, and the "Search" page at the route /search. When you click the links in the navbar, it should change the page shown below. It should NOT cause a complete window refresh. It will smoothly transition between the displayed page component.
  3. The Navbar should stick to the top of the page when you scroll down
  4. If you are on the Search page and have executed a search that returns results, those should not disappear if you navigate to the "Home" page and then back to the "Search" page. It is fine if the dropdown option and text search field are reset, but the results should NOT be reset from jumping between routes in the app.

Search Menu

  1. The "Search" page will have a form that allows a user to choose a filterType option (valid ones provided above) to filter their search by, a free text search input that allows them to provide a keyword to use to only return records from the api that have values in the filterType field that match the keyword, and a "Search" button to fire the search event off.

  2. When there are no records to display, the page will show the message No Records To Display under the Search button. When there are records to display, it will display the message Displaying [number of records returned from search] Records

    So if the search returns 217 records, the message would say Displaying 217 records

    When a search is being executed, this message should display Loading... until the search is completed

  3. The Search Menu should be left aligned on the screen

  4. If you have a filterType option selected, but don't provide a search keyword, then the app should pull back all 700 records from /api/data/search. We built the api to ignore the filterType option if no search keyword is provided, so that behavior is expected. You can see this in action in the demo-app-walkthrough video in this repo.

Metrics Display

  1. There should be 4 cards displayed below the Search Menu, each one displaying the Average and Median values for a given metric from the returned search results. The 4 metrics you will report on are:
    • App Usage Time (min/day)
    • Screen On Time (hours/day)
    • Number of Apps Installed
    • Age
  2. Anytime you execute a search, these metrics should be calculated for the given search results and displayed in these cards.
  3. These cards should also display the proper units for these metrics. For example, the App Usage Time (min/day) should display [number] Minutes for the displayed average and median
  4. The numbers should be displayed in "en-US" format, where long numbers are formatted with a comma after every third integer

Search Results Table

  1. There should be a component that will display the search results.
  2. This table should have a table header for each property in the search result records.
  3. Then, for each search result record, it should display that property under the relevant column in the table.
  4. You DO NOT need to worry about pagination. Display all the records that are returned from your search.
  5. The text inside the Table Cells should be left-aligned. The header names should be left-aligned as well.
  6. When search results are loading, the table should not display, and should show the message Loading Records...
  7. If there is an error retrieving search results, a message in the color red should display above the table headers with the message of the error encountered.
  8. Bootstrap Version 5 styling

    1. We want you to build this application using the Bootstrap CSS styling library. We have already imported the relevant links into the index.html file.
    2. All you need to do is read the provided documentation and learn which classes you need to use in your app to get styling results matching the Demo video.
    3. Reading through documentation and learning how to use new technologies is an ESSENTIAL skill in this job. That's why we're introducing it here.
    4. Here are the relevant documentation links you need for all components in this app. We have provided a link to the "Getting Started" page and targeted links to the specific styling examples you'll need to match the styling of the Demo App:

    Getting Started:




    Components (these aren't React components, just their name for these things):



    Here are some screenshots of the Demo app

    Finished Home Page Finished Search Page Finished Search Page with Results Finished App Search Page Select Behavior Search Return Example

    Videos provided in this repo:

    • Demo walkthrough video - demo-app-walkthrough.mp4
    • How to run the api and assignment-app applications with two VS code terminals - running-the-app.mp4

    VIDEO DISCLAIMER - You will need to clone the repo to your local device before you can watch the .mp4 files since GitHub does not support watching it from here.

    Submission Requirements

    When you are ready to submit your assessment, you will submit your GitHub Repo link and Walkthrough video .mp4 file through canvas.

    Requirements for Github Repo:

    • Once submitted, the application in your github repo must be able to build and run.
    • LaunchCode staff will be pulling down your app to review your code, ensure that the application has all required features, meets the style requirements, and can be built and run on their local device.

    Requirements for Walkthrough Video:

    Link to download OBS

    Download the right version of OBS for your device (Windows or Mac) from the home page. OBS Homepage

    Watch the following tutorial for how to record your screen and capture audio from your laptop with OBS: Tutorial for how to record your screen with OBS

    Please save your walkthrough video as an .mp4 file.

    We will NOT accept a video shot from your phone of your computer screen. Please install the OBS application, watch the tutorial video, and record the video directly on your computer.

    Walkthrough Video Requirements:

    1. Your video MUST be at least 5 minutes long and NO LONGER than 10 minutes
    2. Show yourself starting the application on your device. Then open your web browser and navigate to the running React app.
    3. Give us a walkthrough of the features of the app and how they run
    4. Then, show us your code files in VS Code. Give us a quick summary of how you organized your app and walk us through 1 of the React component code files you built.
    5. Then, tell us which feature requirement was the most difficult for you to implement. Tell us why it was difficult and the process you went through to figure it out.

    Video Technical Requirements:

    1. We must be able to hear you walking us through everything in the video, so make sure to capture your laptops microphone audio in OBS.
    2. The code file text must be clear and readable in the video. Ensure you are capturing a good Base Resolution for your video in the OBS settings. A good Base Resolution is 1920x1080. Example of good video recording settings
    3. You can find where OBS is saving your videos inside of Settings -> Output -> Recording: Example of where OBS files are saved

    If you encounter any issues during this process, please seek help in this order:

    1. Reach out to your Peers in the Slack
    2. Log a ticket to the LaunchCode Support Queue:
    3. Reach out to Course Staff in the Slack