####ESBII Lab 01 - AWS Windows Instance
#Introduction to Amazon Web Services(AWS)
##part 01
1. Create and logging to the Amazon Web Service Account
2. Creating a Windows Server Instance
2.1 Connect Using Remote Desktop
2.2 Connect Using ssh secure tunnel
3. Creating a Linux Server Instance
3.1 Connect Using Remote Desktop
3.3 Connect Using ssh secure tunnel
Creating new account
Pin verification
1.1 Logging to the AWS Account
Services available in AWS
2. Creating a Windows Instance
Selecting windows image
Since the free version only supports minimal performances no changes done to the configurations
Creating a key pair
Running instance
2.1 Connect Using Remote Desktop
Logging to the remote desktop by double click the remote desktop icon
3. Creating a Linux Instance
Selecting Linux Image
Since the free version only supports minimal performances no changes done to the configurations
Creating a key pair
Since there is an existing key pair
SSH using putty
.pem file was converted to a .ppk file to be used in putty
logging to the instance
updating the instance