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263 lines (219 loc) · 7.76 KB



Lv1. main 函数

  • 前端 解析源码为 AST
    • flex 词法分析
    • bison 语法分析
  • 中端 将 AST 转换为 IR,完成机器无关优化
  • 后端 将 IR 转换为目标平台汇编代码,完成机器相关优化
CompUnit  ::= FuncDef;

FuncDef   ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType  ::= "int";

Block     ::= "{" Stmt "}";
Stmt      ::= "return" Number ";";
Number    ::= INT_CONST;

Lv2. 初试目标代码生成

  .globl main
  li a0, 0

Lv3. 表达式

CompUnit    ::= FuncDef;

FuncDef     ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType    ::= "int";

Block       ::= "{" Stmt "}";
Stmt        ::= "return" Exp ";";

Exp         ::= LOrExp;
PrimaryExp  ::= "(" Exp ")" | Number;
Number      ::= INT_CONST;
UnaryExp    ::= PrimaryExp | UnaryOp UnaryExp;
UnaryOp     ::= "+" | "-" | "!";
MulExp      ::= UnaryExp | MulExp ("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExp;
AddExp      ::= MulExp | AddExp ("+" | "-") MulExp;
RelExp      ::= AddExp | RelExp ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") AddExp;
EqExp       ::= RelExp | EqExp ("==" | "!=") RelExp;
LAndExp     ::= EqExp | LAndExp "&&" EqExp;
LOrExp      ::= LAndExp | LOrExp "||" LAndExp;

Lv4. 常量与变量

CompUnit      ::= FuncDef;

Decl          ::= ConstDecl | VarDecl;
ConstDecl     ::= "const" BType ConstDef {"," ConstDef} ";";
BType         ::= "int";
ConstDef      ::= IDENT "=" ConstInitVal;
ConstInitVal  ::= ConstExp;
VarDecl       ::= BType VarDef {"," VarDef} ";";
VarDef        ::= IDENT | IDENT "=" InitVal;
InitVal       ::= Exp;

FuncDef       ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType      ::= "int";

Block         ::= "{" {BlockItem} "}";
BlockItem     ::= Decl | Stmt;
Stmt          ::= LVal "=" Exp ";"
                | "return" Exp ";";

Exp           ::= LOrExp;
LVal          ::= IDENT;
PrimaryExp    ::= "(" Exp ")" | LVal | Number;
Number        ::= INT_CONST;
UnaryExp      ::= PrimaryExp | UnaryOp UnaryExp;
UnaryOp       ::= "+" | "-" | "!";
MulExp        ::= UnaryExp | MulExp ("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExp;
AddExp        ::= MulExp | AddExp ("+" | "-") MulExp;
RelExp        ::= AddExp | RelExp ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") AddExp;
EqExp         ::= RelExp | EqExp ("==" | "!=") RelExp;
LAndExp       ::= EqExp | LAndExp "&&" EqExp;
LOrExp        ::= LAndExp | LOrExp "||" LAndExp;
ConstExp      ::= Exp;
RISC-V 的栈帧

Lv5. 语句块和作用域

CompUnit      ::= FuncDef;

Decl          ::= ConstDecl | VarDecl;
ConstDecl     ::= "const" BType ConstDef {"," ConstDef} ";";
BType         ::= "int";
ConstDef      ::= IDENT "=" ConstInitVal;
ConstInitVal  ::= ConstExp;
VarDecl       ::= BType VarDef {"," VarDef} ";";
VarDef        ::= IDENT | IDENT "=" InitVal;
InitVal       ::= Exp;

FuncDef       ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType      ::= "int";

Block         ::= "{" {BlockItem} "}";
BlockItem     ::= Decl | Stmt;
Stmt          ::= LVal "=" Exp ";"
                | [Exp] ";"
                | Block
                | "return" [Exp] ";";

Exp           ::= LOrExp;
LVal          ::= IDENT;
PrimaryExp    ::= "(" Exp ")" | LVal | Number;
Number        ::= INT_CONST;
UnaryExp      ::= PrimaryExp | UnaryOp UnaryExp;
UnaryOp       ::= "+" | "-" | "!";
MulExp        ::= UnaryExp | MulExp ("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExp;
AddExp        ::= MulExp | AddExp ("+" | "-") MulExp;
RelExp        ::= AddExp | RelExp ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") AddExp;
EqExp         ::= RelExp | EqExp ("==" | "!=") RelExp;
LAndExp       ::= EqExp | LAndExp "&&" EqExp;
LOrExp        ::= LAndExp | LOrExp "||" LAndExp;
ConstExp      ::= Exp;

Lv6. if 语句

CompUnit      ::= FuncDef;

Decl          ::= ConstDecl | VarDecl;
ConstDecl     ::= "const" BType ConstDef {"," ConstDef} ";";
BType         ::= "int";
ConstDef      ::= IDENT "=" ConstInitVal;
ConstInitVal  ::= ConstExp;
VarDecl       ::= BType VarDef {"," VarDef} ";";
VarDef        ::= IDENT | IDENT "=" InitVal;
InitVal       ::= Exp;

FuncDef       ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType      ::= "int";

Block         ::= "{" {BlockItem} "}";
BlockItem     ::= Decl | Stmt;
Stmt          ::= LVal "=" Exp ";"
                | [Exp] ";"
                | Block
                | "if" "(" Exp ")" Stmt ["else" Stmt]
                | "return" [Exp] ";";

Exp           ::= LOrExp;
LVal          ::= IDENT;
PrimaryExp    ::= "(" Exp ")" | LVal | Number;
Number        ::= INT_CONST;
UnaryExp      ::= PrimaryExp | UnaryOp UnaryExp;
UnaryOp       ::= "+" | "-" | "!";
MulExp        ::= UnaryExp | MulExp ("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExp;
AddExp        ::= MulExp | AddExp ("+" | "-") MulExp;
RelExp        ::= AddExp | RelExp ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") AddExp;
EqExp         ::= RelExp | EqExp ("==" | "!=") RelExp;
LAndExp       ::= EqExp | LAndExp "&&" EqExp;
LOrExp        ::= LAndExp | LOrExp "||" LAndExp;
ConstExp      ::= Exp;

Lv7. while 语句

CompUnit      ::= FuncDef;

Decl          ::= ConstDecl | VarDecl;
ConstDecl     ::= "const" BType ConstDef {"," ConstDef} ";";
BType         ::= "int";
ConstDef      ::= IDENT "=" ConstInitVal;
ConstInitVal  ::= ConstExp;
VarDecl       ::= BType VarDef {"," VarDef} ";";
VarDef        ::= IDENT | IDENT "=" InitVal;
InitVal       ::= Exp;

FuncDef       ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType      ::= "int";

Block         ::= "{" {BlockItem} "}";
BlockItem     ::= Decl | Stmt;
Stmt          ::= LVal "=" Exp ";"
                | [Exp] ";"
                | Block
                | "if" "(" Exp ")" Stmt ["else" Stmt]
                | "while" "(" Exp ")" Stmt
                | "break" ";"
                | "continue" ";"
                | "return" [Exp] ";";

Exp           ::= LOrExp;
LVal          ::= IDENT;
PrimaryExp    ::= "(" Exp ")" | LVal | Number;
Number        ::= INT_CONST;
UnaryExp      ::= PrimaryExp | UnaryOp UnaryExp;
UnaryOp       ::= "+" | "-" | "!";
MulExp        ::= UnaryExp | MulExp ("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExp;
AddExp        ::= MulExp | AddExp ("+" | "-") MulExp;
RelExp        ::= AddExp | RelExp ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") AddExp;
EqExp         ::= RelExp | EqExp ("==" | "!=") RelExp;
LAndExp       ::= EqExp | LAndExp "&&" EqExp;
LOrExp        ::= LAndExp | LOrExp "||" LAndExp;
ConstExp      ::= Exp;

Lv8. 函数和全局变量

CompUnit      ::= [CompUnit] (Decl | FuncDef);

Decl          ::= ConstDecl | VarDecl;
ConstDecl     ::= "const" BType ConstDef {"," ConstDef} ";";
BType         ::= "int";
ConstDef      ::= IDENT "=" ConstInitVal;
ConstInitVal  ::= ConstExp;
VarDecl       ::= BType VarDef {"," VarDef} ";";
VarDef        ::= IDENT | IDENT "=" InitVal;
InitVal       ::= Exp;

FuncDef       ::= FuncType IDENT "(" [FuncFParams] ")" Block;
FuncType      ::= "void" | "int";
FuncFParams   ::= FuncFParam {"," FuncFParam};
FuncFParam    ::= BType IDENT;

Block         ::= "{" {BlockItem} "}";
BlockItem     ::= Decl | Stmt;
Stmt          ::= LVal "=" Exp ";"
                | [Exp] ";"
                | Block
                | "if" "(" Exp ")" Stmt ["else" Stmt]
                | "while" "(" Exp ")" Stmt
                | "break" ";"
                | "continue" ";"
                | "return" [Exp] ";";

Exp           ::= LOrExp;
LVal          ::= IDENT;
PrimaryExp    ::= "(" Exp ")" | LVal | Number;
Number        ::= INT_CONST;
UnaryExp      ::= PrimaryExp | IDENT "(" [FuncRParams] ")" | UnaryOp UnaryExp;
UnaryOp       ::= "+" | "-" | "!";
FuncRParams   ::= Exp {"," Exp};
MulExp        ::= UnaryExp | MulExp ("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExp;
AddExp        ::= MulExp | AddExp ("+" | "-") MulExp;
RelExp        ::= AddExp | RelExp ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") AddExp;
EqExp         ::= RelExp | EqExp ("==" | "!=") RelExp;
LAndExp       ::= EqExp | LAndExp "&&" EqExp;
LOrExp        ::= LAndExp | LOrExp "||" LAndExp;
ConstExp      ::= Exp;