If you do not yet have a NERSC account, please follow these instructions.
Follow the typical sn_pipe instructions
git clone https://github.com/lsstdesc/sn_pipe (master)
git clone -b <tag_name> https://github.com/lsstdesc/sn_pipe (release tag_name)
CVMFS is accessible at NERSC. Rather than using sn_pipe's release_setup.sh script, set up w_2020_15 version of lsst_sims:
source /global/common/software/lsst/cori-haswell-gcc/stack/setup_any_sims.sh w_2020_15
cd sn_pipe
python pip_sn_pack.py --action install --package all
Rather than running jupyter at the command line, we can set up a python environment, called a jupyter kernel, which includes sn_pipe that will run in jupyter.nersc.gov
At the command line, from within the sn_pipe
directory, run:
you only need to do this step once when first installing sn_pipe.