There are three steps required for testing the integration and communication between the Near- and Non-RT RICs: (i) create a policy type in the Near-RT RIC, (ii) create a policy instance in the Non-RT RIC, and (iii) verify the policy being propagated from the Non- to the Near-RT RICs, detailed below.
First, we need a valid policy type schema file in the Near-RT RIC, which we can create using the command below:
Policy Type Schema File (click to expand)
echo '{
"name": "E2Node UE Energy Policy Type Schema",
"description": "Defines the UE connections for E2Nodes focusing on management to enhance energy efficiency.",
"policy_type_id": 5,
"create_schema": {
"$schema": "",
"title": "E2Node UE Energy Policy Configuration",
"description": "A schema to Defines the UE connections for E2Nodes focusing on management to enhance energy efficiency",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"E2NodeList": {
"type": "array",
"description": "A list of E2Nodes, each defined by specific parameters including Mobile Country Code, Mobile Network Code, NodeB Identifier, and a list of UE (User Equipment) with IMSIs.",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"mcc": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Mobile Country Code identifying the country of the mobile subscriber."
"mnc": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Mobile Network Code identifying the home network of the mobile subscriber."
"nodebid": {
"type": "string",
"description": "NodeB Identifier uniquely identifying a NodeB within a mobile network."
"UEList": {
"type": "array",
"description": "A list of User Equipment identified by IMSIs.",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"imsi": {
"type": "string",
"description": "International Mobile Subscriber Identity uniquely identifying a user of a cellular network."
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
}' >> E2nodeUESchema.json
Note the "policy_type_id"; this will be the ID we will use to reference this policy type.
Next, to interact with the A1 Mediator, we must find the IP address of its HTTP service:
minikube service service-ricplt-a1mediator-http -n ricplt
Now, we can register the policy type with the A1 Mediator:
export POLICY_ID=5
curl -v -X PUT http://<a1_mediator_http_ip>/a1-p/policytypes/${POLICY_ID} \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @E2nodeUESchema.json
Which should return an HTTP code 201, indicating the policy type was registered successfully.
First, we need a valid policy instance schema file in the Non-RT RIC, which we can create using the command below:
Policy Instance Schema File (click to expand)
echo '{
"ric_id": "ric1",
"policy_id": "456",
"service_id": "EnergySaverApp",
"policy_data": {
"E2NodeList": [
"mcc": "310",
"mnc": "260",
"nodebid": "10001",
"UEList": [
"imsi": "7240110"
"imsi": "7240111"
"mcc": "311",
"mnc": "480",
"nodebid": "10002",
"UEList": [
"imsi": "7240112"
"imsi": "7240113"
"policytype_id": "5"
}' >>> E2nodeUEInstance.json
Note the "policytype_id" matches the ID in the previous step.
Next, to interact with the Policy Management Servcie, we must find the IP address of the Non-RT RIC's gateway:
minikube service nonrtricgateway -n nonrtric
Now, we can register the policy type with Non-RT RIC's gateway:
curl -v -X PUT "http://<a1_mediator_http_ip>/a1-policy/v2/policies" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @E2nodeUEInstance.json
Which should return an HTTP code 201, indicating the policy instance was registered successfully.
FInally, we can check the policy instance being propagated from the Non- to the Near-RT RIC.
In the Near-RT RIC, we can check the registered policy types:
curl -X GET "http://<a1_mediator_http_ip>/A1-P/v2/policytypes/" | jq .
And then, check the current policy instance of that particular type, for example:
curl -s -X GET "http://<a1_mediator_http_ip>/a1-p/v2/policytypes/5/policies/" | jq .
Last, we can get details about a particular policy instance, for example:
curl -s -X GET "http://<a1_mediator_http_ip>/a1-p/v2/policytypes/5/policies/456" | jq .
Which should reflect the information of the policy instance we created in step #2.