Here is how kdb+ numeric and string types are represented in HDF5, how HDF5 native types are mapped to kdb+ and how more complex structures such as compound types in HDF5 and tables in kdb+ are mapped to the kdb+ and HDF5 respectively.
Mapping of kdb+ datatypes to HDF5 types where possible maps directly to an equivalent type. In cases where a direct mapping is not possible an attribute datatype_kdb
will be associated with the dataset and outline the type of the original kdb+ data. This allows for a consistent q -> HDF5 -> q
The following outlines the mapping which takes place between kdb+ and HDF5 datatypes. Where there is no exact mapping available between the two types every effort has been made to provide the most appropriate conversion possible.
kdb+ type HDF5 type datatype_kdb
boolean (1h) H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR "b"
guid (2h) H5T_C_S1 "g"
byte (4h) H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR
short (5h) H5T_NATIVE_SHORT
int (6h) H5T_NATIVE_INT
long (7h) H5T_NATIVE_LLONG
real (8h) H5T_NATIVE_REAL
float (9h) H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
char (10h) H5T_C_S1
symbol (11h) H5T_C_S1 "s"
timestamp (12h) H5T_NATIVE_LLONG "p"
month (13h) H5T_NATIVE_INT "m"
date (14h) H5T_NATIVE_INT "d"
datetime (15h) H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE "z"
timespan (16h) H5T_NATIVE_LLONG "n"
minute (17h) H5T_NATIVE_INT "u"
second (18h) H5T_NATIVE_INT "v"
time (19h) H5T_NATIVE_INT "t"
table (98h) "table"
dictionary (99h) "dict"
Tables and dictionaries in kdb+ are mapped differently to HDF5 than singularly typed data. While HDF5 has a compound dataset type which may acts similarly to a table in kdb+ a generic write function from kdb+ to HDF5 would likely be limited in functionality.
Given that writes to compound datasets are inflexible the following structure has been derived to store kdb+ tables and dictionaries
- Tables and dictionaries are not written to datasets but instead to a group named for the table or dictionary.
- These groups have an associated attribute
which indicates if the data is a dictionary or table. - An attribute
is added to this group indicating the ordering and naming of columns or keys. - Each key/column has an associated dataset within this group, if applicable these datasets will have an attribute indicating the kdb+ type to which they are associated.
- Recursive writes for nested dictionaries or tables within tables etc. are supported by this format.
The following images show how such a structure is formatted on write to HDF5 for both a table and dictionary
How HDF5 native datatypes are mapped to kdb+ datatypes:
HDF5 type/class kdb+ type
H5T_NATIVE_CHAR char(10h)
H5T_NATIVE_SHORT short(5h)
H5T_NATIVE_INT int(6h)
H5T_NATIVE_LONG int(6h)/long(7h)
H5T_NATIVE_ULONG int(6h)/long(7h)
H5T_NATIVE_B8 byte(4h)
H5T_C_S1 char(10h)
H5T_NATIVE_B8 byte(4h)
H5T_NATIVE_B16 short(5h)
H5T_NATIVE_B32 int(6h)
H5T_NATIVE_B64 long(7h)
H5T_COMPOUND table(98h)
Note: Int or long
As the above table shows,
may be returned as either an kdb+int
. This depends on the underlying system architecture.
datasets to kdb+ should only be completed on uncompressed HDF5 datasets which contain one dimensional H5T_NATIVE
data types.