Also see
- Parses the string into data, in the sense of lists, vectors, symbols and literals
- This contain the macro processor, which is also the engine that looks at keywords as Scheme has no resevered keywords
- LibraryOrProgramme: Entry point
- AST* Visitors on the abstract syntax tree, parameterized so has different return values
- astExpectVisitor/: this contains visitors for extracting subclasses of AST
- astMacroMatchVisitor/: Contains macro match visitors
- this is the main visitor for compilation, converts to statements
- ASTApplyicationVisitor: this applies an element to the rest of the list passed in as arguments
- ASTListFoldVisitor: this folds a binary function across a proper list or throws an exception
- ASTMacroTranscribeVisitor: does transcription, see Macros That Work, W. Clinger, J. Rees
- ASTMatcher: Java interface to the macro engine, very useful as it gives us pattern matching (kind of)
- ASTSyntaxSpecificationVisitor: handles syntax spec as on r7rs 7.1.3, page 64
- Environment: Mapping from identifiers to values in store
- subEnvironment (concept): An environment that is used in the lambda body, e.g. has local variables of the lambda use environment as closure variables (then formals are the new local variables)
- bindings: These fall into one of the three categories:
- SyntacticBinding: An abstract class for all the syntactic bindings
- VariableBinding: Variable (global, local)
- MarkerBinding: Just to use for instanceof, should only be used for the macro engine, then use ASTMatcher instead
- ByteCodeMethod: Method, jumps are points of continuation (e.g. they would be different methods in continuation passing style)
- Statement: Input data from middle
- RuntimeValue: things that can occur at runtime
- PrimitiveValue: things that can be parsed by (read), i.e. not lambdas or any other pecurial things
Comment keywords
- FIXME: shortcomings that need to be fixed before release
- TODO: things that would be nice
- XXX Speed: speed improvements that should be fairly easy