WrapText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: String; MaxWidth: Integer): String;
Breaks a text between words if the lines of the text exceed a given width.
Parameter | Description |
Canvas | The canvas that provides the font metrics for the measurements |
Text | The text to be wrapped |
MaxWidth | The maximum width of the text lines |
Returns the wrapped text.
function MinimizeText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: String; const Rect: TRect): String;
Breaks a text between words and chopping it off if its dimensions exceed a given bounds.
Parameter | Description |
Canvas | The canvas that provides the font metrics for the measurements |
Text | The text to be minimized |
Rect | The bounding rectangle of the text on the canvas |
Returns the minimized text.
function IsBetween(Value: Integer; Bound1, Bound2: Integer): Boolean;
Determines whether a value is in a given range.
Parameter | Description |
Value | The value to be examined |
Bound1 | The lower or upper bound of the range |
Rect | The upper or lower bound of the range |
Returns true
if the value is in the range; otherwise, returns false
function EqualPoint(const Pt1, Pt2: TPoint): Boolean;
Determines whether two points are equal.
Parameter | Description |
Pt1 | The first point |
Pt2 | The second point |
Returns true
if points are equal; otherwise, returns false
function NormalizeAngle(const Angle: Double): Double;
Converts an angle value, so that it falls between -Pi
and Pi
Parameter | Description |
Angle | The angle to be normalized in radians |
Returns the normalized angle in radians.
function TransformRgn(Rgn: HRGN; const XForm: TXForm): HRGN;
Transforms a region using a given transformation matrix.
Parameter | Description |
Rgn | The windows handle of region to be transformed |
XForm | The transformation matrix |
Returns the windows handle of the new transformed region.
procedure TransformPoints(var Points: array of TPoint; const XForm: TXForm);
Transforms a set of coordinates using a given transformation matrix.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The coordinates to be transformed |
XForm | The transformation matrix |
procedure RotatePoints(var Points: array of TPoint; const Angle: Double; const OrgPt: TPoint);
Rotates a set of coordinates around a given point.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The coordinates to be transformed |
Angle | The angle of rotation in radians |
OrgPt | The point where the coordinates should be rotated around |
procedure ScalePoints(var Points: array of TPoint; const Factor: Double; const RefPt: TPoint);
Moves a set of coordinates toward or away from a given point by a scaling factor.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The coordinates to be transformed |
Factor | The scaling factor |
RefPt | The point where the coordinates should be moved related to |
procedure ShiftPoints(var Points: array of TPoint; dX, dY: Integer; const RefPt: TPoint);
Moves a set of coordinates toward or away from a given point by the specified amount of horizontal and vertical displacement.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The coordinates to be transformed |
dX | The amount of horizontal displacement |
dY | The amount of vertical displacement |
RefPt | The point where the coordinates should be moved related to |
procedure OffsetPoints(var Points: array of TPoint; dX, dY: Integer);
Moves a set of coordinates by the specified amount of horizontal and vertical displacement.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The coordinates to be transformed |
dX | The amount of horizontal displacement |
dY | The amount of vertical displacement |
function CenterOfPoints(var Points: array of TPoint): TPoint;
Determines the point at the center of a set of coordinates.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The source coordinates |
Returns the center of mass.
function BoundsRectOfPoints(var Points: array of TPoint): TRect;
Determines the minimum bounding box of a set of coordinates.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The source coordinates |
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle.
function NearestPoint(const Points: array of TPoint; const RefPt: TPoint; out NearestPt: TPoint): Integer;
Determines the nearest point in a set of coordinates to a given point.
Parameter | Description |
Points | The source coordinates |
RefPt | The target coordinate |
NearestPt | When the function returns, contains the nearest coordinate |
Returns the zero-based index of the nearest coordinate.
function MakeSquare(const Center: TPoint; Radius: Integer): TRect;
Creates a square specified by its center and radius.
Parameter | Description |
Center | The coordinate of the square's center |
Radius | The radius of the square (half of the sides' length) |
Returns a TRect
function MakeRect(const Corner1, Corner2: TPoint): TRect;
Creates a rectangle specified by its two opposite corners.
Parameter | Description |
Corner1 | The coordinate of one of the rectangle's corners |
Corner2 | The coordinate of the opposite corner |
Returns a TRect
function CenterOfRect(const Rect: TRect): TPoint;
Determines the point at the center of a rectangle.
Parameter | Description |
Rect | The rectangle that its center should be calculated |
Returns the center of mass.
procedure UnionRect(var DstRect: TRect; const SrcRect: TRect);
Enlarges a rectangle, so that it also covers the area of another rectangle. None of the rectangles should be empty.
Parameter | Description |
DstRect | The rectangle that gets updated |
SrcRect | The other rectangle |
procedure IntersectRect(var DstRect: TRect; const SrcRect: TRect);
Shrinks a rectangle, so that it covers only the shared area with another rectangle. None of the rectangles should be empty.
Parameter | Description |
DstRect | The rectangle that gets updated |
SrcRect | The other rectangle |
function OverlappedRect(const Rect1, Rect2: TRect);
Determines if two rectangles have intersections.
Parameter | Description |
Rect1 | The first rectangle |
Rect2 | The second rectangle |
Returns true
if two rectangles are intersecting; otherwise, returns false
function LineLength(const LinePt1, LinePt2: TPoint): Double;
Determines the length of a line segment.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt1 | The first endpoint of the line segment |
LinePt2 | The second endpoint of the line segment |
Returns the length of the line segment.
function LineSlopeAngle(const LinePt1, LinePt2: TPoint): Double;
Determines the slope angle of a line.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt1 | The first point on the line segment |
LinePt2 | The second point on the line segment |
Returns the slope angle of the line in radians
function DistanceToLine(const LinePt1, LinePt2: TPoint; const QueryPt: TPoint): Double;
Determines the shortest distance between a line segment and a point.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt1 | The first endpoint of the line segment |
LinePt2 | The second endpoint of the line segment |
QueryPt | The point to calculate its distance from the line distance |
Returns the shortest distance between the line segment and the point.
function NearestPointOnLine(const LinePt1, LinePt2: TPoint; const RefPt: TPoint): TPoint;
Finds the coordinate of a point on a line segment, which is the closest point to a given point.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt1 | The first endpoint of the line segment |
LinePt2 | The second endpoint of the line segment |
QueryPt | The point to calculate its distance from the line segment |
Returns the coordinate of the nearest point on the line segment.
function NextPointOfLine(const LineAngle: Double; const LinePt: TPoint; const LineLength: Double): TPoint;
Determines the next endpoint of a line segment.
Parameter | Description |
LineAngle | The slope angle of the line segment in radians |
LinePt | The coordinate of the known endpoint of the line segment |
LineLength | The length of the line segment |
Returns the next endpoint of the line segment.
function IntersectLines(const Line1Pt: TPoint; const Line1Angle: Double; const Line2Pt: TPoint; const Line2Angle: Double; out Intersect: TPoint): Boolean;
Determines the intersection coordinate of two lines if any.
Parameter | Description |
Line1Pt | A point on the first line |
Line1Angle | The slope angle of the first line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Line1Pt | A point on the second line |
Line1Angle | The slope angle of the second line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Intersect | When the function returns, contains the intersection coordinate |
Returns true
if the lines intersect; otherwise, returns false
function IntersectLineRect(const LinePt: TPoint; const LineAngle: Double; const Rect: TRect): TPoints;
Determines the coordinates, where a line intersects with a rectangle.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt | A point on the line |
LineAngle | The slope angle of the line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Rect | The rectangle |
Returns the intersection points as a dynamic array.
function IntersectLineRoundRect(const LinePt: TPoint; const LineAngle: Double; const Bounds: TRect; CW, CH: Integer): TPoints;
Determines the coordinates, where a line intersects with a rounded rectangle.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt | A point on the line |
LineAngle | The slope angle of the line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Bounds | The bounding box of the rounded rectangle |
CW | The horizontal curvature of the rounded rectangle |
CH | The vertical curvature of the rounded rectangle |
Returns the intersection points as a dynamic array.
function IntersectLineEllipse(const LinePt: TPoint; const LineAngle: Double; const Bounds: TRect): TPoints;
Determines the coordinates, where a line intersects with an ellipse.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt | A point on the line |
LineAngle | The slope angle of the line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Bounds | The bounding box of the ellipse |
Returns the intersection points as a dynamic array.
function IntersectLinePolygon(const LinePt: TPoint; const LineAngle: Double; const Vertices: array of TPoint): TPoints;
Determines the coordinates, where a line intersects with a polygon.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt | A point on the line |
LineAngle | The slope angle of the line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Vertices | The coordinates of the polygon's vertices |
Returns the intersection points as a dynamic array.
function IntersectLinePolyline(const LinePt: TPoint; const LineAngle: Double; const Points: array of TPoint): TPoints;
Determines the coordinates, where a line intersects with a polyline.
Parameter | Description |
LinePt | A point on the line |
LineAngle | The slope angle of the line (between -Pi and Pi ) |
Points | The coordinates of the polyline's points |
Returns the intersection points as a dynamic array.