Shape Expressions (ShEx) is a language for describing RDF graph structures. A ShEx schema prescribes conditions that RDF data graphs must meet in order to be considered conformant. ShEx and SHACL have similarities, such as:
- Have as goal to describe and validate RDF graphs.
- Constraints on incoming/outgoing arcs.
- Cardinalities.
They also have differences, such as:
- ShEx only defines structure of nodes, while SHACL defines structure and can have target declarations.
- ShEx separates validation language and triggering mechanism, while in SHACL target declarations can be part of shapes graph.
- ShEx designed with focus on human-readability, while SHACL design is focused on RDF vocabulary.
Task: Recreate your SHACL shapes of exercise 5.3 in a ShEx schema, starting from the schema below.
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
<ex:PersonShape> {
foaf:givenName LITERAL+ ;
Tip: try your ShEx schema via Do not forget to add your targets in the query map.