type: IcsToJsonConverter
Converts an ics file to json file, only the following fields are kept:
interface Event {
summary: string;
start: Date;
end: Date;
description?: string;
url?: string;
location?: string;
type: JsonToIcsConverter
Convert a json file to an ics file with events of the same format as IcsToJsonConverter.
type: JsonToRdfConverter
Code for this convertor is hosted here.
type: ChainedConverter
type: WaterfallHandler
Converts data to a representation of the requested output. (More information about representations: page 3)
The following converters are tried (in order) to match the requested output:
- IndexConverter (See CSS)
- IfNeededConverter (See CSS)
- ContentTypeReplacer (See CSS)
- JsonToRdfConverter
- IcsToJsonConverter
- RdfRepresentationConverter
This converter follows the waterfall principle, i.e. if the Indexconverter can convert to a given output type, the converter will stop and those underneath won't be tried.