This jsc-ld package can be either installed from npm or setup from cloning the repository.
git clone
npm i jsc-ld
JSON Schema LD is a syntactic sugar for JSON Schema to enable generative
interoperability by means of representing JSON schema in RDF vocabularies
(RDF Scheme) and RDF shapes in SHACL.
$ jsc-ld --source json_schema.js --out out --prefix example --url
$ jsc-ld --source json_schema.js -p example -u ""
-s, --source path/to/source/file|directory Path to a JSON schema file or a directory contains JSON schema files
-p, --prefix prefix JSC-LD predefined namespace prefix
-f, --format format RDF serialization format: Turtle, application/trig, N-Triples, or N-Quads. It
defaults to Turtle.
-u, --uri uri JSC-LD predefined namespace URI
-o, --out path/to/directory Path to output directory defaults to "out"
-h, --help Display this usage guide