Releases: JuliaDataCubes/YAXArrays.jl
Releases · JuliaDataCubes/YAXArrays.jl
YAXArrays v0.4.3
Closed issues:
- Use DocStringExtensions (#101)
- EarthDataLab tests fail with new saving framework (#163)
- Access to attributes? (#191)
Merged pull requests:
- Update file (#151) (@felixcremer)
- Add doc strings for functions and types in DAT.jl (#168) (@felixcremer)
- Add tests for the switch to DimArrays (#175) (@felixcremer)
- Add Test for #182 (#183) (@felixcremer)
- Tableindex (#184) (@meggart)
- revamp docs (#189) (@lazarusA)
- Update make.jl (#190) (@lazarusA)
- Fixdocs (#193) (@lazarusA)
- adds How do I section (#195) (@lazarusA)
- fix dataset subsetting (#196) (@meggart)
YAXArrays v0.4.2
Merged pull requests:
- Rename ESDL to EarthDataLab in the Integration Test (#176) (@felixcremer)
- Update Dependency compat entries (#177) (@felixcremer)
YAXArrays v0.4.1
Closed issues:
- Subset cube error (#159)
- BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Vector{Any} when doing Cube(path_to_zarr_file) (#165)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix subset when RangeAxis contains vector (#160) (@meggart)
- Fix edltests (#164) (@meggart)
- Add How-Tos and tutorials to the documentation (#166) (@felixcremer)
- Fix mapcube ambiguity (#167) (@felixcremer)
- Check for step length of zero in axval2index (#170) (@felixcremer)
YAXArrays v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- All axis names (#46)
- Remove function writefun in DAT/CubeIO.jl ? (#84)
- UndefRefError when trying to sample from a cube (#115)
- @loadOrGenerate does not work with variables (#133)
- update projects among YAXArrays and YAXArrayBase (#144)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "WeightedOnlineStats" to "0.6" (#123) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix loadorgenerate (#134) (@gdkrmr)
- clean up after tests (#135) (@gdkrmr)
- Update to Julia 1.6 (#138) (@MartinuzziFrancesco)
- codestyling in axes.jl (#139) (@Sonicious)
- Update (#140) (@lazarusA)
- Uniqueoffsets (#141) (@meggart)
- Codestyle cubes.jl (#143) (@Sonicious)
YAXArrays v0.2.1
Merged pull requests:
YAXArrays v0.2.0
Closed issues:
- Can't do computations with Distributed for zarr based YAXArray (#16)
- Allow symbols as Axis describtion in size function (#52)
- reduction to single value throws error (#89)
- YAXArrays.Cube throws BoundsError (#92)
- Should MovingWindow drop dimensions for stepsize 0 (#106)
Merged pull requests:
- Add Tests for Axes and Filters (#74) (@felixcremer)
- Subsetcube for Dataset (#75) (@MarkusZehner)
- DTables (#88) (@meggart)
- Special case sinlge-value outputs (#90) (@meggart)
- Diskarrays 0.3 (#95) (@meggart)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "OrderedCollections" at version "1" (#96) (@github-actions[bot])
- Allow size with any Axis describtor (#98) (@felixcremer)
- Add docstring for findAxis function (#107) (@felixcremer)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "ParallelUtilities" at version "0.8" (#109) (@github-actions[bot])
- Tidy up unused functions (#110) (@felixcremer)
- Add integration test for ESDL.jl (#111) (@felixcremer)
YAXArrays v0.1.4
Closed issues:
- Cannot fit KHist from OnlineStats in cubefittable (#56)
- Cannot rename cube axis (#64)
- How to use AsAxisArray in Indims (#68)
- mapCube does not match by axis name but by axis position? (#69)
Merged pull requests:
- Add Benchmark workflow for GHA (#34) (@felixcremer)
- Add first tests for cubefittable (#55) (@felixcremer)
- Rebase of KHistfit #59 (#67) (@felixcremer)
- Fix #69 (#70) (@meggart)
- Remove channels and go back to normal pmap (#72) (@meggart)
- Fix moving windows (#73) (@meggart)
- Treat missings (#78) (@meggart)
YAXArrays v0.1.3
Closed issues:
- Can't save Cube as NetCDF (#23)
- Saving to NetCDF converts RangeAxis of Ints to RangeAxis of Floats (#33)
- MovingWindow computation fails on zarr cube (#43)
- saveCube cannot overwrite (#45)
- Cannot open dataset if loaded after ESDL (#49)
- Should CubeTable warn when there is no common axis found? (#58)
- Multiple possible axis matches found - mapCube "time" axis error with >1 InDims("time") and OutDims("time") (#60)
- cubefittable fails on TableOperations.Filter (#61)
Merged pull requests:
YAXArrays v0.1.2
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Restrict propertynames(Dataset, private) to avoid ambiguity error in 1.6 (#25) (@felixcremer)
- Add possibility to mapCube over moving windows (#28) (@meggart)
- Setup benchmarks (#31) (@felixcremer)
- Add Coveralls to CI.yml (#32) (@felixcremer)
- Generate documenation separate from ESDL (#35) (@meggart)
- Depend on Reexport again (#37) (@meggart)
- Deploy docs to meggart/YAXArrays.jl (#39) (@felixcremer)
- Link to correct docs in README and push previews (#40) (@felixcremer)