Here is a list of the contributors who have helped create and improve Jaseci. Big shout-out to them!
- Jason Mars (marsninja)
- Yiping Kang (ypkang)
- Ashish Mahendra (AshishMahendra)
- Chandra Irugalbandara (chandralegend)
- Tharuka Kasthuri Arachchige(tharukaCkasthuri)
- Timothy Shiwprasad (king-mango)
- Gimel Dick (Gim3l)
- Chavez Harris (codedbychavez)
- Ashish Agrawal (ashagraw91)
- Satyam Singh (SatyamRajawat)
- Alexie Madolid (amadolid)
- Brian Yang (BrianLifeLogify)
- Gorgeous-Patrick
- Shawn Jemmott (Shawn-Jemmott)
- azealin
- pathakshyam
- dominicbraam
- Christopher Clarke (ChrisIsKing)
- Eldon Marks (eldonm)
If you feel you're missing from this list, feel free to add yourself in a PR.