- Use BWA for alignment
- Use Picard to mark duplicates
- Using GATK HaplotypeCaller for the germline Variant Calling
- Learn to read VCF files (the results of variant calling).
- GATK (Genome Analysis Toolkit) is a powerful software toolkit for genomic analysis, specifically designed to process high-throughput DNA and RNA sequence data. It focuses on variant calling, data quality control, and data post-processing. GATK is widely used in research to analyze genetic variations associated with diseases, cancer genomics, and individual genomic analysis.
- The tool used in this course is HaplotypeCaller, which is the most commonly used variant calling tool in GATK, specifically for detecting single nucleotide variants (SNPs) and insertion/deletion variants (Indels). https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us
Variant calling is a process in bioinformatics used to detect and identify genetic variations in a genome from DNA sequence data. These variations may represent differences between the DNA sequences and a reference genome. Common applications of variant calling include identifying disease-related gene mutations, individual genomic analysis, and studying genetic diversity within populations.
Variants can typically be classified into the following categories: (1)Single Nucleotide Variants (SNPs): Changes in a single nucleotide. For example, if the reference sequence is A, but a T is found in the sample. (2)Insertions and Deletions (Indels): The insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides in the DNA sequence. Structural Variants (SVs): Larger-scale variations that may involve significant rearrangements, duplications, or translocations of genomic segments.
- Log in to the NCHC (For those who forgot how to log in, please refer to this link(https://hackmd.io/jcvG9iIiRW6DTUysi8AKug)).
- Create a folder named "variantcalling" in the "work/username" directory.
cd /work/username
mkdir variantcalling
- Enter the "variantcalling" folder.
cd /work/username/variantcalling
- Copy the executable files needed for the class.
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcalling.sh /work/username/variantcalling
- Enter variantcalling.sh
vim variantcalling.sh
- Please press "i" to modify the following code:
The following serves as an example based on the files
(1) #SBATCH -A ACD113120 #Account name/project number
(2) #SBATCH -J variantcalling ###Job name
(3) #SBATCH -p ngscourse #### Partition Name (equivalent to PBS's -q Queue name)
(4) #SBATCH -c 2 #Number of cores used (refer to Queue resource settings)
(5) #SBATCH --mem=13g #Amount of memory used (refer to Queue resource settings)
(6) #SBATCH -o out_vc.log ###Path to the standard output file
(7) #SBATCH -e err_vc.log ###Path to the standard error ouput file
(8) #SBATCH --mail-user= ###e-mail
(9) #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL,END ###pecifies when to send email; can be NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL
# For NCHC usage
- Enter your account in any location marked as username.
- Enter
to save and exit.
- Execute the script (1) Enter the following command to submit the edited draft as an sbatch job:
sbatch variantcalling.sh
(2) If submitted successfully, the following message will appear (after the variantcalling.sh file completes running, an variantcallingR folder will be automatically created under the variantcalling directory to store the results):
(3) You can use the following command to check the status of the job execution:
- View Results: In the variantcallingR folder, there will be a vcf file. Check the file's integrity, and the detailed steps are listed below: (1) Open the variantcallingR folder: You can use a relative or absolute path.
cd variantcallingR # Use a relative path
cd /work/username/variantcalling/variantcallingR # Or use an absolute path
(2) Confirm the file exists:
(3) Verify the file's integrity:
less SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.vcf.gz
(4) Use Shift
+ g
to view the bottom of the file.
(5) Exit:
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.vcf.gz ./
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.vcf.gz.tbi ./
VCF (Variant Call Format) files are a standard file format used to store genetic variation data, typically documenting the differences in DNA sequences compared to a reference genome. VCF files are primarily used in genomics research, especially for data generated by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. These files can record various types of variants, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, and deletions (Indels). https://www.htslib.org/doc/vcf.html
- 利用BWA做alignment
- 利用picard做mark duplicates
- 利用GATK做variant calling
- 學會看vcf檔案(variant calling的結果)
GATK(Genome Analysis Toolkit)是一套功能強大的基因組學分析軟件工具集,專門設計來處理高通量 DNA 和 RNA sequence data,特別是處理變異檢測(variant calling)、數據品質控制以及數據後處理。GATK 被廣泛應用於研究中,用來分析與疾病相關的遺傳變異、癌症基因組學及個體基因組分析。
課程中使用的部分為HaplotypeCaller,是GATK 中最常用的變異檢測工具,專門用於檢測單核苷酸變異(SNPs)和插入/刪除變異(Indels)。
Variant calling(變異檢測)是生物信息學中的一個過程,用於從 DNA sequnece data 中檢測和識別基因組中的遺傳變異。這些變異可能是不同的 DNA sequence與reference genome 相比存在的差異。變異檢測的常見應用包括尋找疾病相關的基因突變、個人基因組分析以及研究群體中的遺傳多樣性。
變異通常可以分為以下幾類: (1)單核苷酸變異(SNP,Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms):單個核苷酸的改變。例如參考序列是 A,但在樣本中發現變為 T。 (2)插入與刪除變異(Indels,Insertions and Deletions):DNA 序列中插入或刪除了一個或多個核苷酸。 (3)結構變異(Structural Variants, SVs):較大範圍的變異,可能涉及基因組的大塊重排、複製、轉位等。
- 登入國網(忘記怎麼登入的人請參見連結)
- 在
cd /work/username
mkdir variantcalling
- 進入variantcalling資料夾
cd /work/username/variantcalling
- 複製上課所需執行檔
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcalling.sh /work/username/variantcalling
- 進入variantcalling資料夾
vim variantcalling.sh
- 請輸入
做為示範 (格式請依照裡面給你的範例,副檔名不用寫進去)
(1) #SBATCH -A ACD113120 #Account name/project number
(2) #SBATCH -J variantcalling ###Job name:可修改
(3) #SBATCH -p ngscourse ###Partition Name:等同PBS裡面的 -q Queue name
(4) #SBATCH -c 2 #使用的core數:請參考Queue資源設定
(5) #SBATCH --mem=13g #使用的記憶體量 請參考Queue資源設定
(6) #SBATCH -o out_vc.log ###Path to the standard output file:可修改
(7) #SBATCH -e err_vc.log ###Path to the standard error ouput file:可修改
(8) #SBATCH --mail-user= ###e-mail:可修改
(9) #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL,END ###指定送出email時機:可為NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL
- 在任何username的位子輸入自己的主機帳號
4. 輸入:wq
- 執行script
(1)輸入以下指令,來以sbatch job的方式送出編輯完成的草稿
sbatch variantcalling.sh
(2)若送出成功將會出現以下文字 (variantcalling.sh
- 查看結果:在
cd variantcallingR #可使用相對路徑
cd /work/username/variantcalling/variantcallingR #或使用絕對路徑
less SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.vcf.gz
(4)利用 shift+g 查看檔案最底部
由於GATK在執行variant calling的時間較長,所以執行以下步驟時使用的都是助教已經跑出的結果,請先複製助教的結果到variantcalling資料夾底下(兩個檔案都要)
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.vcf.gz ./
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.vcf.gz.tbi ./
VCF(Variant Call Format)檔案是一種用於存儲基因變異數據的標準檔案格式,通常用來記錄 DNA sequence中與regerence genome不同的變異信息。VCF 檔案的主要應用是在基因組學研究中,特別是基於高通量測序(NGS)技術所產生的數據。這些檔案可以記錄多種類型的變異,包括單核苷酸多態性(SNPs)、插入或刪除變異(Indels)等。 https://www.htslib.org/doc/vcf.html