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Class 20

Stack Review

int plus_one( int x )
	return x + 1;

int plus_two( int x )
	return 1 + plus_one( x );

int main( )
	int result = 0;
	result = plus_one( 0 ); // result = 1
	result = plus_two( result ); // result = 3
	cout << result; //3
	return 0;


Functions can call other functions, and a function can call itself

The below is an example of a function calling itself, but it is missing some code that prevents it from crashing

void countToInfinity( int x )
	cout << x << endl;
	countToInfinity( x + 1 );

int main( )
	countToInfinity( 0 );

Solving problems with recursion

Two features of problems that make recursion an attractive solution:

  1. Subproblems that are similar or "smaller" and closer to a base case
  2. A base case that can be solved without recursion
void countToTen( int x )
	cout << x << endl;
	if ( x == 10 )
	countToTen( x + 1 );

int main( )
	countToTen( 0 );

Base case

x == 10 is the base case. When this evaluates to be true, the function does not call itself again, and the recursion stops

Recursive step

countToTen( x + 1 ) is the recursive step, and this brings x closer to the base case. If it brought x farther from the base case, we would be in jeopardy of looping forever

Exercise: factorial

// REQUIRES: n >= 0
// EFFECTS: computes and
// returns n!

int factorial( int n )
	if ( n == 0 )
		// Base case
		return 1;
	// Recursive case
	return n * factorial( n - 1 );
// REQUIRES: n >= 0
// EFFECTS: computes and
// returns n!

int factorial( int n )
	return n == 0 ?
		// Base case
		1 :
		// Recursive case
		n * factorial( n - 1 );

Recursion and the stack

int main( )
	int n;
	cin >> n;
	int x = factorial( n );

How many multiplications? n (linear time)

How many stack frames maximum? n + 1 (linear space) not counting main( )

This gives us a rough measure of how much memory is used by factorial

An iterative version

int factorial( int n )
	int result = 1;
	for ( ; n > 0; n-- )
		result *= n;
	return result;

How many multiplications? n (linear time)

How many stack frames (max)? 1 (constant space)

Constant space means that even when n gets bigger, we still need only 1 stack frame

Recursion vs. Iteration


  1. Computation is done after the "repetition"
  2. Multiplication happens during passive flow
  3. We need to keep track of each stack frame with each value of n


  1. Computation is done before the "repetition"
  2. Multiplication happens in active flow. There is no passive flow in iteration
  3. Once a value of n is multiplied into result, we can just forget it!

Is all recursion like this?

Does recursion always do work in the passive flow? No.

Tail calls

A function call is a tail call if it is the very last thing in its containing function

The calling function has no pending work to do after a tail call (in the passive flow)

Avoids saving the stack frame!

We can rewrite a tail recursive call into an update to the local variables and a return to the top

void countToTen( int x )
	cout << x << endl;
	if (x == 10)
	countToTen( x + 1 );
	//no more work to do

void countToTen( int x )
	while (true )
		cout << x << endl;
		if (x == 10)
		x = x + 1;

Tail call optimization

  1. Most compilers are able to recognize tail calls and optimize them, reusing the current stack frame for a new recursive call
  2. With g++, the -O2 and -O3 options include tail call optimization
  3. Tail call optimization can take a recursive algorithm from linear to constant space complexity as long as it only makes tail calls

Tail recursion

We say a function is tail recursive if ALL the recursive calls it makes are tail calls

//REQUIRES: x >= 1
//EFFECTS: returns floor of
// base 2 logarithm of x

int log2( int x )
	if (x == 1)
		return 0; // Base case
	// Recursive case
	return 1 + log2( x/2 );
	// Not a tail call because it
	// does work (adding 1) after
	// the return.

Tail-recursion identification

void countdown1( int n )
	if ( n <= 0 )
		cout << n << endl;
		countdown1( n – 1 );

The above is tail-recursive, because it doesn't do any work after the recursive call returns

We can rewrite the tail-recursion

void countdown1( int n )
	while ( n > 0 )
		cout << n << endl;
		n = n - 1;
void countdown1( int n )
	if ( n <= 0 )
		cout << n << endl;
		countdown1( n – 1 );

void countdown2( int n )
	if ( n <= 0 )
	cout << n << endl;
	countdown2( n – 1 );

void countdown3( int n )
	if ( n > 0 )
		cout << n << endl;
		countdown3( n – 1 );

The above is tail-recursive

void countdown5( int n )
	if ( n <= 0 )
	cout << n << endl;
	if ( n % 2 )
		{ // n is odd
		countdown5( n – 1 );
		{ // n is even
		cout << n - 1 << endl;
		countdown5( n – 2 );

The above is tail-recursive. It's OK to have two recursive calls, as long as there is no pending computation after the call

Tail recursive factorial

// Possible attempted tail-
// recursive solution
int factorial( int n )
	int result = 1;
	if ( n == 0 )
		return result;
	result *= n;
	return factorial( n – 1 );

What's wrong with this tail recursive version?

We get a new version of result whose value is 1 in every new stack frame, so result never grows

This isn't a problem in the iterative version, because there's only one stack frame and only one result variable


Make result a parameter

// Tail recursive solution
int factorial( int n, int result )
	if ( n == 0 )
		return result;
	result *= n;
	return factorial( n – 1, result );

There is still a separate result object for each call (stack frame), but we can pass the updated value along to the next

Rewritten iterative factorial
// Rewriting
int factorial( int n, int result )
	while ( n > 0 )
		result *= n;
		n = n – 1;
	return result;

But wait... we broke the procedural abstraction by changing the function signature.

Solution: Use a helper function to fix the procedural abstraction

int factorialHelper( int n,
		int result )
	if ( n == 0 )
		return result;
	return factorialHelper( n-1, n*result );

int factorial( int n )
	return factorialHelper( n, 1 );

Tail-recursion identification

void countdown4_help(int n, int i)
	if ( i > n )
	countdown4_help( n, i + 1 );
	cout << i << endl;

void countdown4( int n )
	countdown4_help( n, 1 );

Not tail-recursive. A helper function does not always make a tail-recursive function!


Any recursive routine can be rewritten as an iterative routine with a stack

The existance proof is that the compiler can do it using the call stack