diff --git a/.github/workflows/dotnet.yml b/.github/workflows/dotnet.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d3b049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/dotnet.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This workflow will build a .NET project
+# For more information see: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-net
+name: .NET
+ push:
+ branches: [ "master" ]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ "master" ]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Setup .NET
+ uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
+ with:
+ dotnet-version: 6.0.x
+ - name: Restore dependencies
+ run: dotnet restore
+ - name: Build for linux
+ run: dotnet publish -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true --configuration Release
+ - name: Build for windows
+ run: dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true --configuration Release
+ - name: Build for macos
+ run: dotnet publish -r osx-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true --configuration Release
+ # upload artifacts
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: macOS release
+ path: /home/runner/work/TABGCommunityServer/TABGCommunityServer/TABGServer/bin/Release/net7.0/osx-x64/publish/TABGCommunityServer
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: linux release
+ path: /home/runner/work/TABGCommunityServer/TABGCommunityServer/TABGServer/bin/Release/net7.0/linux-x64/publish/TABGCommunityServer
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: windows release
+ path: /home/runner/work/TABGCommunityServer/TABGCommunityServer/TABGServer/bin/Release/net7.0/win-x64/publish/TABGCommunityServer.exe
diff --git a/TABGEmulationClient/Program.cs b/TABGEmulationClient/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba0873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGEmulationClient/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+using System;
+using ENet;
+string ip = "";
+ushort port = 5000;
+using (Host client = new Host())
+ Address address = new Address();
+ address.SetHost(ip);
+ address.Port = port;
+ try
+ {
+ client.Create();
+ } catch (Exception)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("server is not running!! exiting...");
+ return;
+ }
+ Peer peer = client.Connect(address);
+ Event netEvent;
+ while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
+ {
+ bool polled = false;
+ while (!polled)
+ {
+ if (client.CheckEvents(out netEvent) <= 0)
+ {
+ if (client.Service(15, out netEvent) <= 0)
+ break;
+ polled = true;
+ }
+ switch (netEvent.Type)
+ {
+ case EventType.None:
+ break;
+ case EventType.Connect:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client connected to server");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Disconnect:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client disconnected from server");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Timeout:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client connection timeout");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Receive:
+ Console.WriteLine("Packet received from server - Channel ID: " + netEvent.ChannelID + ", Data length: " + netEvent.Packet.Length);
+ netEvent.Packet.Dispose();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ client.Flush();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGEmulationClient/TABGEmulationClient.csproj b/TABGEmulationClient/TABGEmulationClient.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a2841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGEmulationClient/TABGEmulationClient.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Exe
+ net7.0
+ enable
+ enable
diff --git a/TABGServer/AdminCommandHandler.cs b/TABGServer/AdminCommandHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0761833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/AdminCommandHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class AdminCommandHandler
+ {
+ private string command;
+ public bool shouldSendPacket = false;
+ public EventCode code;
+ public string? notification;
+ public byte[] packetData;
+ private byte executor;
+ public AdminCommandHandler(string command, byte executor) {
+ this.command = command;
+ // filler data
+ this.packetData = new byte[1];
+ this.notification = "";
+ this.executor = executor;
+ }
+ public void Handle(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConncurencyHandler)
+ {
+ this.notification = null;
+ this.packetData = new byte[1];
+ this.shouldSendPacket = false;
+ Console.WriteLine("Processing command " + command);
+ if (command.StartsWith("/"))
+ {
+ command = command.Substring(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Debug: command does not start with a /");
+ return;
+ }
+ string[] parts = command.Split(' ');
+ if (parts.Length == 0)
+ {
+ // invalid command (just /)
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (parts[0])
+ {
+ case "kill":
+ // format: /kill VictimID KillerID VictimName
+ // example: /kill 0 0 Tester
+ if(parts.Length != 4)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Ignoring invalid command!");
+ return;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ int victim = int.Parse(parts[1]);
+ int killer = int.Parse(parts[2]);
+ string victimName = parts[3];
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ this.packetData = new PlayerHandler().KillPlayer(victim, killer, victimName);
+ this.code = EventCode.PlayerDead;
+ return;
+ } catch(Exception error)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(error.Message);
+ }
+ return;
+ case "give":
+ // format: /give ItemID ItemAmount
+ // example: /give 32 1
+ if (parts.Length != 3)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Ignoring invalid command!");
+ return;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ int itemid = int.Parse(parts[1]);
+ int amount = int.Parse(parts[2]);
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ this.packetData = new PlayerHandler().GiveItem(itemid, amount);
+ this.code = EventCode.PlayerLootRecieved;
+ return;
+ } catch(Exception error)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(error.Message);
+ }
+ return;
+ case "notification":
+ this.packetData = new PlayerHandler().SendNotification(executor, "WELCOME - RUNNING COMMUNITY SERVER V1.TEST");
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ this.code = EventCode.PlayerDead;
+ return;
+ case "kit":
+ Console.WriteLine("Giving kit to player " + executor);
+ this.packetData = new PlayerHandler().GiveGear();
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ this.code = EventCode.PlayerLootRecieved;
+ this.notification = "You got the default kit!";
+ return;
+ case "coords":
+ var executorData = playerConncurencyHandler.Players[executor];
+ var loc = executorData.Location;
+ string notif = "COORDS- X: " + loc.X.ToString() + " Y: " + loc.Y.ToString() + " Z: " + loc.Z.ToString();
+ this.packetData = new PlayerHandler().SendNotification(executor, notif);
+ this.code = EventCode.PlayerDead;
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ return;
+ case "broadcast":
+ if (parts.Length != 2)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Ignoring invalid command!");
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var item in playerConncurencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerDead, new PlayerHandler().SendNotification(item.Value.Id, "ANNOUNCE: " + parts[1])));
+ }
+ return;
+ case "revive":
+ this.shouldSendPacket = false;
+ foreach (var item in playerConncurencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.ReviveState, new PlayerHandler().RevivePlayer(executor)));
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerHealed, new PlayerHandler().SetPlayerHealth(executor, 100f)));
+ }
+ this.notification = "You were revived by SERVER";
+ return;
+ case "heal":
+ float health = 100f;
+ if (parts.Length == 2)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ health = float.Parse(parts[1]);
+ } catch(Exception error)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Parsing error!" + error.Message);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var item in playerConncurencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerHealed, new PlayerHandler().SetPlayerHealth(executor, health)));
+ }
+ this.notification = "Healed!";
+ return;
+ case "state":
+ try
+ {
+ TABGPlayerState playerState = (TABGPlayerState)Byte.Parse(parts[1]);
+ float playerHealth = float.Parse(parts[2]);
+ foreach (var item in playerConncurencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerEnteredChunk, new PlayerHandler().SimulateChunkEnter(playerConncurencyHandler, executor, playerState, playerHealth)));
+ }
+ this.notification = "Player state changed!";
+ } catch(Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ this.notification = "Player state change ERROR!";
+ }
+ return;
+ case "gamestate":
+ if (parts.Length < 2)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Ignoring invalid command!");
+ return;
+ }
+ // broadcast instead of send
+ this.code = EventCode.GameStateChanged;
+ switch (parts[1])
+ {
+ case "waiting":
+ this.packetData = GameHandler.SetWaitingForPlayersState();
+ break;
+ case "started":
+ this.packetData = GameHandler.SetStarted();
+ break;
+ case "countdown":
+ this.packetData = GameHandler.SetCountDown(Int32.Parse(parts[2]));
+ break;
+ case "flying":
+ this.packetData = GameHandler.SetFlying(Byte.Parse(parts[2]));
+ break;
+ }
+ foreach (var item in playerConncurencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(this.code, this.packetData));
+ }
+ this.packetData = new PlayerHandler().SendNotification(executor, "GAME STATE CHANGED!");
+ this.code = EventCode.PlayerDead;
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ return;
+ case "ring":
+ // Ring Update
+ // 1 = Set Size, and Position
+ // 0 = TimeTraveled (sync time)
+ // 2 = Start moving ring
+ // parts[1] is the Ring Update Type # Byte
+ // parts[2] is either the "Time Travelled" or the "Ring Index" in "Set Size & Rotation" # Single
+ // parts[3] is the X if "Set Size & Position" # Single
+ // parts[4] is the Y if "Set Size & Position" # Single
+ // parts[5] is the Z if "Set Size & Position" # Single
+ // parts[6] is the Size if "Set Size & Position" # Single
+ while(parts.Length < 7)
+ {
+ parts = parts.Concat(new string[] { "0" }).ToArray();
+ }
+ byte[] sendByte = GameHandler.GenerateRingPacket(
+ Byte.Parse(parts[1]),
+ Byte.Parse(parts[2]),
+ Single.Parse(parts[3]),
+ Single.Parse(parts[4]),
+ Single.Parse(parts[5]),
+ Single.Parse(parts[6]));
+ this.packetData = sendByte;
+ this.code = EventCode.RingUpdate;
+ this.shouldSendPacket = true;
+ return;
+ case "start":
+ TABGServer.startGame = true;
+ return;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/DataFiles/ItemSpawns.csv b/TABGServer/DataFiles/ItemSpawns.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db3efd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/DataFiles/ItemSpawns.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,14928 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/DataFiles/TABG_Items.csv b/TABGServer/DataFiles/TABG_Items.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1046557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/DataFiles/TABG_Items.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+Index, Name, Class/Type
+0, .45 ACP, Ammo
+1, Big Ammo, Ammo
+2, Bolts, Ammo
+3, Money Ammo, Ammo
+4, Musket Ammo, Ammo
+5, No Ammo, Ammo
+6, Normal Ammo, Ammo
+7, Rocket Ammo, Ammo
+8, Shotgun Ammo, Ammo
+9, Small Ammo, Ammo
+10, Soul, Soul
+11, Taser Ammo, Ammo
+12, Water Ammo, Ammo
+13, Lv0 JetpackArmor, Armor
+14, Lv1 Safety Vest, Armor
+15, Lv2 Kevlar Vest, Armor
+16, Lv3 Big Boy Kevlar Vest, Armor
+17, Lv4 Heavy Armor, Armor
+18, Banana Armor, Armor
+19, Lv5 Pickle Armor, Armor
+20, 0.5xScope, Scope/Attachment
+21, 2xScope, Scope/Attachment
+22, 4xScope, Scope/Attachment
+23, 8xScope, Scope/Attachment
+24, Compensator, Muzzle/Attachment
+25, Damage Analyzer, Utility/Attachment
+26, Healing Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+27, Health Analyzer, Utility/Attachment
+28, Heavy Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+29, Laser Sight, Utility/Attachment
+30, Double Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+31, Fast Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+32, Accuracy Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+33, Fire Rate Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+34, Big Slow Bullet Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+35, Periscope Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+36, Periscope, Scope/Attachment
+37, Recycler, Utility/Attachment
+38, Red Dot, Scope/Attachment
+39, Suppressor, Muzzle/Attachment
+40, Suppressor002, Muzzle/Attachment
+41, Tazer Barrel, Muzzle/Attachment
+42, Common bloodlust, Blessing
+43, Common cardio, Blessing
+44, Common dash, Blessing
+45, Common health, Blessing
+46, Common ice, Blessing
+47, Common jump, Blessing
+48, Common posion, Blessing
+49, Common recycling, Blessing
+50, Common regeneration, Blessing
+51, Common relax, Blessing
+52, Common shield, Blessing
+53, Common speed, Blessing
+54, Common spray, Blessing
+55, Common storm, Blessing
+56, Common the hunt, Blessing
+57, Common vampire, Blessing
+58, Common weapon mastery, Blessing
+59, Epic battlecry, Blessing
+60, Epic bloodlust, Blessing
+61, Epic cardio, Blessing
+62, Epic charge, Blessing
+63, Epic dash, Blessing
+64, Epic healing words, Blessing
+65, Epic health, Blessing
+66, Epic ice, Blessing
+67, Epic jump, Blessing
+68, Epic lit beats, Blessing
+69, Epic poison, Blessing
+70, Epic recycling, Blessing
+71, Epic regeneration, Blessing
+72, Epic relax, Blessing
+73, Epic shield, Blessing
+74, Epic small, Blessing
+75, Epic speed, Blessing
+76, Epic spray, Blessing
+77, Epic storm call, Blessing
+78, Epic storm, Blessing
+79, Epic the hunt, Blessing
+80, Epic vampire, Blessing
+81, Epic weapon mastery, Blessing
+82, Epic words of justice, Blessing
+83, Legendary battlecry, Blessing
+84, Legendary bloodlust, Blessing
+85, Legendary cardio, Blessing
+86, Legendary charge, Blessing
+87, Legendary dash, Blessing
+88, Legendary healing words, Blessing
+89, Legendary health, Blessing
+90, Legendary ice, Blessing
+91, Legendary jump, Blessing
+92, Legendary lit beats, Blessing
+93, Legendary poison, Blessing
+94, Legendary recycling, Blessing
+95, Legendary regeneration, Blessing
+96, Legendary relax, Blessing
+97, Legendary shield, Blessing
+98, Legendary speed, Blessing
+99, Legendary spray, Blessing
+100, Legendary storm call, Blessing
+101, Legendary storm, Blessing
+102, Legendary the hunt, Blessing
+103, Legendary vampire, Blessing
+104, Legendary weapon mastery, Blessing
+105, Legendary words of justice, Blessing
+106, Rare airstrike, Blessing
+107, Rare bloodlust, Blessing
+108, Rare cardio, Blessing
+109, Rare dash, Blessing
+110, Rare health, Blessing
+111, Rare ice, Blessing
+112, Rare insight, Blessing
+113, Rare jump, Blessing
+114, Rare lit beats, Blessing
+115, Rare poison, Blessing
+116, Rare pull, Blessing
+117, Rare recycling, Blessing
+118, Rare regeneration, Blessing
+119, Rare relax, Blessing
+120, Rare shield, Blessing
+121, Rare speed, Blessing
+122, Rare spray, Blessing
+123, Rare storm, Blessing
+124, Rare the hunt, Blessing
+125, Rare vampire, Blessing
+126, Rare weapon mastery, Blessing
+127, The assassin, Blessing
+128, The mad mechanic, Blessing
+129, Blessing pickup, None
+130, Transcention Orb, None
+131, Bandage, Healing
+132, Med Kit, Healing
+133, Lv1 Bike Helmet, Armor
+134, Lv2 Fast Motorcycle Helmet, Armor
+135, Lv2 Fastest Motorcycle Helmet, Armor
+136, Lv2 Motorcycle Helmet Open, Armor
+137, Lv2 Motorcycle Helmet, Armor
+138, Lv2 Old School Motorcycle Helmet, Armor
+139, Lv3 Grey Kevlar Helmet with Googles, Armor
+140, Lv3 Grey Kevlar Helmet, Armor
+141, Lv3 Kevlar Helmet with Googles, Armor
+142, Lv3 Kevlar Helmet, Armor
+143, Lv3 Heavy Helmet Open 1, Armor
+144, Lv4 Cowboy Hat, Armor
+145, Lv4 Explosiveguy Hat, Armor
+146, Lv4 Heavy Helmet Open, Armor
+147, Lv4 Heavy Helmet, Armor
+148, Lv4 Knight Helmet, Armor
+149, Lv4 Rambo Bandana, Armor
+150, Lv4 Tricorne Hat, Armor
+151, AK-2K47, NormalAmmoGun
+152, AK-47, NormalAmmoGun
+153, AUG, NormalAmmoGun
+154, Beam-AR, SmallAmmoGun
+155, Burstgun, NormalAmmoGun
+156, Famas, NormalAmmoGun
+157, Cursed Famas, NormalAmmoGun
+158, H1, NormalAmmoGun
+159, Liberating M16, NormalAmmoGun
+160, M16, NormalAmmoGun
+161, MP-44, NormalAmmoGun
+162, SCAR-H, NormalAmmoGun
+163, Automatic Crossbow, BoltsAmmoGun
+164, Balloon Crossbow, BoltsAmmoGun
+165, AK-47, NormalAmmoGun
+166, AK-47, NormalAmmoGun
+167, AK-47, NormalAmmoGun
+168, BOMB, MoneyAmmoGun
+169, Crossbow, BoltsAmmoGun
+170, Taser Crossbow, TaserAmmoGun
+171, Firework Crossbow, BoltsAmmoGun
+172, Gaussbow, BoltsAmmoGun
+173, Grappling hook, BoltsAmmoGun
+174, Harpoon, BoltsAmmoGun
+175, Mini Gun, BrokenGun
+176, Liberating Mini Gun, NormalAmmoGun
+177, Mega Gun, NormalAmmoGun
+178, Mini Gun, NormalAmmoGun
+179, MissileLauncher, BigAmmoGun
+180, MoneyStack, MoneyAmmoGun
+181, Smoke Rocket Launcher, RocketAmmoGun
+182, Rocket Launcher, RocketAmmoGun
+183, Taser Mini Gun, TaserAmmoGun
+184, The Promise, BoltsAmmoGun
+185, Water Gun, WaterAmmoGun
+186, Grenade, Grenade (Big Weird Model)
+187, BIG Healing Grenade, Grenade
+188, Black Hole Grenade, Grenade
+189, Bombardment Grenade, Grenade
+190, Bouncy Grenade, Grenade
+191, Cage Grenade, Grenade
+192, Taser Cage Grenade, Grenade
+193, Cluster Grenade, Grenade
+194, Cluster Dummy Grenade, Grenade
+195, Dummy Grenade, Grenade
+196, Fire Grenade, Grenade
+197, Grenade, Grenade
+198, Healing Grenade, Grenade
+199, Implosion Grenade, Grenade
+200, Knockback Grenade, Grenade
+201, BIG Knockback Grenade, Grenade
+202, Launch Pad Grenade, Grenade
+203, MGL, BigAmmoGun
+204, Orbital Tase Grenade, Grenade
+205, Orbital Strike Grenade, Grenade
+206, Poof Grenade, Grenade
+207, Shield Grenade, Grenade
+208, Smoke Grenade, Grenade
+209, Snow Storm Grenade, Grenade
+210, Splinter Grenade, Grenade
+211, Taser Splinter Grenade, Grenade
+212, Stun Grenade, Grenade
+213, Snow Storm Grenade, Grenade
+214, Dynamite, Grenade
+215, Volley Grenade, Grenade
+216, Wall Grenade, Grenade
+217, Browning M2, NormalAmmoGun
+218, M1918-BAR, NormalAmmoGun
+219, M8, NormalAmmoGun
+220, MG-42, NormalAmmoGun,
+221, Spell: Blinding Light, SpellBook
+222, Spell: Gravity Field, SpellBook
+223, Spell: Gust, SpellBook
+224, Spell: Healing aura, SpellBook
+225, Spell: Speed aura, SpellBook
+226, Spell: Summon rock, SpellBook
+227, Spell: Teleport, SpellBook
+228, Spell: Track, SpellBook
+229, Spell: Fireball, SpellBook
+230, Spell: Ice bold, SpellBook
+231, Spell: Magical missile, SpellBook
+232, Spell: Mirage, SpellBook
+233, Spell: Orb of sight, SpellBook
+234, Spell: Reveal, SpellBook
+235, Spell: Shockwave, SpellBook
+236, Spell: Summom tree, SpellBook
+237, Spell: Track, SpellBook (Weird Cover)
+238, Ballistic Shield, Melee
+239, Ballistic Shields, Melee
+240, Taser Ballistic Shield, Melee
+241, Baton, Melee
+242, Black Katana, Melee
+243, Boxing Glove, Melee
+244, Cleaver, Melee
+245, Crowbar, Melee
+246, Crusader Sword, Melee
+247, Taser Crusader Sword, Melee
+248, Fish, Melee
+249, Taser Fish, Melee
+250, Holy Sword, Melee
+251, Inflatable Hammer, Melee
+252, Jarl Axe, Melee
+253, Taser Jarl Axe, Melee
+254, Katana, Melee
+255, Knife, Melee
+256, Rapier, Melee
+257, Riot Shield, Melee
+258, Sabre, Melee
+259, Shallow Pot With Long Handel, Melee
+260, Shield, Melee
+261, Shovel, Melee
+262, Viking Axe, Melee
+263, Weights, Melee
+264, Beretta 93R, SmallAmmoGun
+265, Crossbow pistol, BoltsAmmoGun
+266, Desert Eagle, NormalAmmoGun
+267, Flintlock, MusketAmmoGun
+268, Taser Flintlock, TaserAmmoGun
+269, Auto Revolver, NormalAmmoGun
+270, Wind up pistol, SmallAmmoGun
+271, G18c, SmallAmmoGun
+272, Glue Gun, SmallAmmoGun
+273, Hand Gun, SmallAmmoGun
+274, HandCannon, MusketAmmoGun
+275, Liberating m1911, SmallAmmoGun
+276, Luger-P08, SmallAmmoGun
+277, m1911, SmallAmmoGun
+278, Real Gun, NormalAmmoGun
+279, Really Big Deagle, NormalAmmoGun
+280, Revolver, NormalAmmoGun
+281, Holy Revolver, NormalAmmoGun
+282, Revolver, NormalAmmoGun
+283, Hardballer, SmallAmmoGun
+284, Taser, TaserAmmoGun
+285, Beam-DMR, SmallAmmoGun
+286, FAL, NormalAmmoGun
+287, Garand, BigAmmoGun
+288, Liverating Garand, BigAmmoGun
+289, M14, NormalAmmoGun
+290, S7, NormalAmmoGun
+291, Winchester-Model1886, BigAmmoGun
+292, AA-12, ShotgunAmmoGun
+293, Blunderbuss, MusketAmmoGun
+294, Sawed-off Shotgun, ShotgunAmmoGun
+295, FlyingBlunderbuss, MusketAmmoGun
+296, Liberating AA-12, ShotgunAmmoGun
+297, Mossberg-500, ShotgunAmmoGun
+298, Mossberg-5000, ShotgunAmmoGun
+299, Taser Mossberg-500, TaserAmmoGun
+300, Rainmaker, ShotgunAmmoGun
+301, The Arnold, ShotGunAmmoGun
+302, AKS-74U, SmallAmmoGun
+303, AWPS-74U, BigAmmoGun
+304, Money maker mac, SmallAmmoGun
+305, Glockinator, SmallAmmoGun
+306, Liberating M1a1-Thompson, SmallAmmoGun
+307, M1a1-Thompson, SmallAmmoGun
+308, Mac-10, SmallAmmoGun
+309, MP-40, SmallAmmoGun
+310, MP5-K, SmallAmmoGun
+311, P90, SmallAmmoGun
+312, PPSH-41, SmallAmmoGun
+313, Tec-9, SmallAmmoGun
+314, UMP-45, SmallAmmoGun
+315, Vector, SmallAmmoGun
+316, Z4, SmallAmmoGun
+317, AWP, BigAmmoGun
+318, Taser AWP, TaserAmmoGun
+319, Barrett, BigAmmoGun
+320, Beam-Sniper, SmallAmmoGun
+321, Kar98K, BigAmmoGun
+322, Liberating Barrett, BigAmmoGun
+323, Musket, MusketAmmoGun
+324, Taser Musket, TaserAmmoGun
+325, Really Big Barret, BigAmmoGun
+326, Sniper Shotgun..?, ShotgunAmmoGun
+327, Double Shot, BigAmmoGun
+328, VSS, SmallAmmoGun
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/Droppables.cs b/TABGServer/Droppables.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f75c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/Droppables.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Xml;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class Droppables
+ {
+ public static byte[] ClientRequestDrop(BinaryReader binaryReader, WeaponConcurrencyHandler weaponConcurrencyHandler)
+ {
+ // player
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // item id
+ var itemID = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // count of items
+ var itemCount = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // location
+ var x = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ int networkID = weaponConcurrencyHandler.CurrentID;
+ //Weapon weapon = new Weapon(networkID, itemID, itemCount, (x, y, z));
+ Weapon weapon = new Weapon(itemID, networkID, itemCount, (x, y, z));
+ weaponConcurrencyHandler.SpawnWeapon(weapon);
+ return SendItemDropPacket(networkID, itemID, itemCount, (x, y, z));
+ }
+ public static byte[] SendItemDropPacket(int index, int type, int count, (float x, float y, float z) loc)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // index (doesn't seem to serve a purpose)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)index);
+ // type
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(type);
+ // quantity
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(count);
+ // location
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.z);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public static byte[] ClientRequestPickUp(BinaryReader binaryReader, WeaponConcurrencyHandler weaponConcurrencyHandler)
+ {
+ // player
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // item network index
+ var netIndex = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // item slot of player
+ var itemSlot = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ /*
+ Console.WriteLine(
+ "{" + string.Join(",", weaponConcurrencyHandler.WeaponDB.Select(kv => kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value).ToArray()) + "}"
+ );
+ Console.WriteLine(netIndex);
+ foreach (var item in weaponConcurrencyHandler.WeaponDB)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(item.Value.Type);
+ }
+ int indx = weaponConcurrencyHandler.WeaponDB.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Type == netIndex).Key;
+ Weapon weapon = weaponConcurrencyHandler.WeaponDB[indx];
+ */
+ // if "WeaponDB[weapon.Type] = weapon;" is "WeaponDB[weapon.Id] = weapon;" in "WeaponConcurrencyHandler.cs"
+ Weapon weapon = weaponConcurrencyHandler.WeaponDB[netIndex];
+ // clean up DB
+ weaponConcurrencyHandler.RemoveWeapon(weapon);
+ return SendWeaponPickUpAcceptedPacket(playerIndex, netIndex, weapon.Type, weapon.Count, itemSlot);
+ }
+ public static byte[] SendWeaponPickUpAcceptedPacket(byte playerID, int networkIndex, int weaponID, int quantity, byte slot)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerID);
+ // network index of the gun
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(networkIndex);
+ // weapon index in the game (id)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(weaponID);
+ // quantity
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(quantity);
+ // slot
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(slot);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/GameHandler.cs b/TABGServer/GameHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea4548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/GameHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class GameHandler
+ {
+ public static byte[] SetWaitingForPlayersState()
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // game state
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)GameState.WaitingForPlayers);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public static byte[] SetCountDown(int countdownFrom)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // game state
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)GameState.CountDown);
+ // count down from this int
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)countdownFrom);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public static byte[] SetFlying(byte matchModifier)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // game state
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)GameState.Flying);
+ #region CustomRandomBusPath
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ float max = 360;
+ float angleOne = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * max);
+ float angleTwo = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * max);
+ float radius = 1_000;
+ // Circle Points
+ float x1 = MathF.Sin(angleOne) * radius;
+ float y1 = MathF.Cos(angleOne) * radius;
+ float x2 = MathF.Sin(angleTwo) * radius;
+ float y2 = MathF.Cos(angleTwo) * radius;
+ //Console.WriteLine($"{angleOne} - {angleTwo}\n{x1}, {y1} ~ {x2}, {y2}");
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x1);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)200f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y1);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x2);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)125);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y2);
+ #endregion CustomRandomBusPath
+ /*
+ // start flying from this X Y Z
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)0f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)200f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)0f);
+ // "end vector"
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)100f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)125f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)100f);
+ */
+ // time of day
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)0f);
+ // match modifier
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(matchModifier);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public static byte[] SetStarted()
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // game state
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)GameState.Started);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public static byte[] GenerateRingPacket(byte ringStatus, byte newStateOrTimeTravelled, Single X, Single Y, Single Z, Single Size)
+ {
+ // Ring Update
+ // 1 = Set Size, and Position
+ // 0 = TimeTraveled (sync time)
+ // 2 = Start moving ring
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // ring status (See Ring Update Line for info)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(ringStatus);
+ if (ringStatus == 1)
+ {
+ // new state (index according to PhotonServerHandler : 1437)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(newStateOrTimeTravelled);
+ // X
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(X);
+ // Y
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Y);
+ // Z
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Z);
+ // Size
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Size);
+ }
+ else if (ringStatus == 0)
+ {
+ // time travelled
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(newStateOrTimeTravelled);
+ }
+ // no data is sent, other than the status we already have, when we give the update code "2"
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/Packet.cs b/TABGServer/Packet.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef74efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/Packet.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class Packet
+ {
+ public EventCode Type { get; set; }
+ public byte[] Data { get; set; }
+ public Packet(EventCode type, byte[] data)
+ {
+ Data = data;
+ Type = type;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/PacketHandler.cs b/TABGServer/PacketHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ec726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/PacketHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+using ENet;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Numerics;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class PacketHandler
+ {
+ private readonly Peer m_peer;
+ private readonly PlayerConcurencyHandler concurrencyHandler;
+ private readonly WeaponConcurrencyHandler weaponConcurrencyHandler;
+ public PacketHandler(Peer peer, PlayerConcurencyHandler handler, WeaponConcurrencyHandler weaponConcurrencyHandler)
+ {
+ this.m_peer = peer;
+ this.concurrencyHandler = handler;
+ this.weaponConcurrencyHandler = weaponConcurrencyHandler;
+ }
+ public void Handle(EventCode code, byte[] buffer)
+ {
+ string? stringCode = Enum.GetName(typeof(EventCode), code);
+ if ((stringCode != "TABGPing") && (stringCode != "PlayerUpdate")) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Handling packet: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(EventCode), code));
+ }
+ using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
+ {
+ using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream))
+ {
+ switch (code)
+ {
+ case EventCode.RoomInit:
+ string roomName = "DecompileServer";
+ byte newIndex = concurrencyHandler.LastID++;
+ var playerName = binaryReader.ReadString();
+ var gravestoneText = binaryReader.ReadString();
+ var loginKey = binaryReader.ReadUInt64();
+ var squadHost = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ var squadMembers = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ var userGearLength = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ int[] gearData = new int[userGearLength];
+ for(int i = 0; i < userGearLength; i++)
+ {
+ var userGear = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ gearData[i] = (int)userGear;
+ }
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + (roomName.Length + 4)];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // accepted or not
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)ServerResponse.Accepted);
+ // gamemode
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)GameMode.BattleRoyale);
+ // client requires this, but it's useless
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)1);
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(newIndex);
+ // group index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)newIndex);
+ // useless
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(1);
+ // useless string (but using it to notify server of a custom server)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("CustomServer"));
+ }
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("Sending request RESPONSE to client!");
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.RoomInitRequestResponse, sendByte, true);
+ Console.WriteLine("Sending Login RESPONSE to client!");
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.Login, SendJoinMessageToServer(newIndex, playerName, gearData), true);
+ foreach (var item in concurrencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ if(item.Key == newIndex)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // this has been moved into the natively supported Login event for the main player
+ //this.SendMessageToServer(ClientEventCode.Login, new PlayerHandler().BroadcastPlayerJoin((byte)item.Key, item.Value.Name, item.Value.GearData), true);
+ // broadcast to ALL players
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.Login, SendLoginMessageToServer(newIndex, playerName, gearData)));
+ }
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.PlayerDead, new PlayerHandler().SendNotification(0, "WELCOME - RUNNING COMMUNITY SERVER V1.TEST"), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.ChatMessage:
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte(); // or ReadInt32(), depending on the type of PlayerIndex
+ var messageLength = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ var messageBytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes(messageLength);
+ var message = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(messageBytes);
+ Console.WriteLine("Player " + playerIndex + ": " + message);
+ var handler = new AdminCommandHandler(message, playerIndex);
+ handler.Handle(concurrencyHandler);
+ // test if there needs to be a packet sent back
+ if (handler.shouldSendPacket)
+ {
+ this.SendMessageToServer(handler.code, handler.packetData, true);
+ }
+ if((handler.notification != null) && (handler.notification != ""))
+ {
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.PlayerDead, new PlayerHandler().SendNotification(playerIndex, handler.notification), true);
+ }
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestItemThrow:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.ItemThrown, Throwables.ClientRequestThrow(binaryReader), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestItemDrop:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.ItemDrop, Droppables.ClientRequestDrop(binaryReader, weaponConcurrencyHandler), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestWeaponPickUp:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.WeaponPickUpAccepted, Droppables.ClientRequestPickUp(binaryReader, weaponConcurrencyHandler), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.PlayerUpdate:
+ // this packet is different because it can have an unlimited amount of subpackets
+ UpdatePacket updatePacket = new PlayerHandler().PlayerUpdate(binaryReader, buffer.Length, concurrencyHandler);
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.PlayerUpdate, updatePacket.Packet, true);
+ // have to do this so enumeration is safe
+ List packetList = updatePacket.BroadcastPackets.PendingBroadcastPackets;
+ // also use this packet to send pending broadcast packets
+ foreach (var item in packetList)
+ {
+ this.SendMessageToServer(item.Type, item.Data, true);
+ }
+ updatePacket.BroadcastPackets.PendingBroadcastPackets = new List();
+ return;
+ case EventCode.WeaponChange:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.WeaponChanged, new PlayerHandler().PlayerChangedWeapon(binaryReader), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.PlayerFire:
+ new PlayerHandler().PlayerFire(binaryReader, buffer.Length, concurrencyHandler);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestSyncProjectileEvent:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.SyncProjectileEvent, new PlayerHandler().ClientRequestProjectileSyncEvent(concurrencyHandler, binaryReader, buffer.Length), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestAirplaneDrop:
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.PlayerAirplaneDropped, new PlayerHandler().RequestAirplaneDrop(binaryReader), true);
+ return;
+ // damage event breaks damage for some reason
+ case EventCode.DamageEvent:
+ new PlayerHandler().PlayerDamagedEvent(concurrencyHandler, binaryReader);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestBlessing:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.BlessingRecieved, new PlayerHandler().RequestBlessingEvent(binaryReader), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RequestHealthState:
+ this.BroadcastPacket(EventCode.PlayerHealthStateChanged, new PlayerHandler().RequestHealthState(concurrencyHandler, binaryReader), true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.BossFightResult:
+ byte[][] bossFightRespawnBytes = new PlayerHandler().BossFightResultEvent(concurrencyHandler, binaryReader);
+ this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.PlayerRespawnFromBoss, bossFightRespawnBytes[0], true);
+ //this.SendMessageToServer(EventCode.PlayerEffect, bossFightRespawnBytes[1], true);
+ return;
+ case EventCode.RingDeath:
+ new PlayerHandler().RingDeathEvent(concurrencyHandler, binaryReader);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Console.WriteLine("Unhandled Handle Event Code: " + code);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void BroadcastPacket(EventCode eventCode, byte[] playerData, bool unused)
+ {
+ foreach (var item in concurrencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(eventCode, playerData));
+ }
+ }
+ private byte[] SendJoinMessageToServer(byte playerIndex, string playerName, int[] gearData)
+ {
+ List itemsSpawnLocations = LoadItemSpawns();
+ List allowedItemTypes = new List { (int)ItemTypes.Spell_Blinding_Light };
+ List lootPool = new List { ItemIDs.The_mad_mechanic };
+ foreach(ItemIDs enumValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ItemIDs)))
+ {
+ ItemTypes itemType;
+ if (Enum.TryParse(enumValue.ToString(), out itemType) == false) { continue; }
+ if (allowedItemTypes.IndexOf((int)itemType) == -1) { continue; }
+ lootPool.Add(enumValue);
+ //Console.WriteLine($"Added {enumValue.ToString()} to the loot pool.");
+ }
+ lootPool = new List();
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[1024 * 512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)playerIndex);
+ // group index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)playerIndex);
+ // username length
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)(playerName.Length));
+ // username
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(playerName));
+ // is dev
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(true);
+ // set up locations properly
+ Player player = new(playerIndex, 0, playerName, (0f, 200f, 0f), (0f, 0f), gearData);
+ concurrencyHandler.AddPlayer(player);
+ concurrencyHandler.UpdatePlayerLocation(playerIndex, (0f, 200f, 0f));
+ // x
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(0f);
+ // y
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(200f);
+ // z
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(0f);
+ // rotation
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)0);
+ // is dead
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ // is downed
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ // health value (not needed)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)100);
+ // something relating to cars? not needed
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ // how many players are in the lobby?
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)concurrencyHandler.Players.Count);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)(concurrencyHandler.Players.Count - 1));
+ // --- OTHER PLAYERS ---
+ foreach (var item in concurrencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ if (item.Key == playerIndex)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)item.Key);
+ // group index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)item.Key);
+ // convert so bytes can be grabbed
+ var nameBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(item.Value.Name);
+ // username length
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)(nameBytes.Length));
+ // username
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(nameBytes);
+ // gun (this has been disabled for efficiency)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ // gear data
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)item.Value.GearData.Length);
+ for(int i = 0; i < item.Value.GearData.Length; i++)
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)item.Value.GearData[i]);
+ }
+ // is dev
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(true);
+ // colour (disabled amongus gamemode)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ }
+ // --- END OTHER PLAYERS ---
+ // --- WEAPONS SECTION ---
+ // number of weapons to spawn, just leave this empty...
+ //float numOfWeapons = 329; // there are 329 items with the index starting at 0, making 328 the last index
+ float numOfWeapons = itemsSpawnLocations.Count / 2;
+ int itemIdOffset = 0;
+ List weapons = new List();
+ List ammoClassIds = new List { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 };
+ List ammoIds = new List { 6, 9, 2, 3, 11, 1, 7, 12, 4, 8 };
+ Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ for (int k = 0; k < numOfWeapons; k++)
+ {
+ // Weapon at random spawn location
+ Vector3 randLocation = itemsSpawnLocations[(int)rand.NextInt64(0, itemsSpawnLocations.Count)] + offset;
+ //Vector3 randLocation = itemsSpawnLocations[k] + offset;
+ // Random Weapon ID from loot pool
+ int randItem;
+ if (lootPool.Count == 0) { randItem = (int)rand.NextInt64(0, 329); }
+ else { randItem = (int)lootPool[(int)rand.NextInt64(0, lootPool.Count)]; }
+ // Hellish way to spawn ammo, but ig it'll work for now
+ ItemIDs itemId;
+ ItemTypes itemType;
+ if (Enum.TryParse(randItem.ToString(), out itemId))
+ {
+ if (Enum.TryParse(itemId.ToString(), out itemType))
+ {
+ int index = ammoClassIds.IndexOf((int)(itemType));
+ if (index != -1) {
+ Weapon newAmmo = new Weapon(ammoIds[index], k + (int)itemIdOffset, (int)rand.NextInt64(10, 30), (randLocation.X, randLocation.Y, randLocation.Z));
+ weapons.Add(newAmmo);
+ itemIdOffset += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Console.WriteLine($"{itemId} - {itemType}");
+ Weapon newWeapon = new Weapon(randItem, k + (int)itemIdOffset, 1, (randLocation.X, randLocation.Y, randLocation.Z));
+ weapons.Add(newWeapon);
+ // Weapon newWeapon = new Weapon(k, k*5, k, (xInc, 113, k % squareSize));
+ // ItemId, NetworkId, Amount, Location
+ }
+ // Generate the weapons first
+ // binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)numOfWeapons);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)weapons.Count);
+ for (int k = 0; k < weapons.Count; k++)
+ {
+ Weapon newWeapon = weapons[k];
+ weaponConcurrencyHandler.SpawnWeapon(newWeapon);
+ // Item ID
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)newWeapon.Type);
+ // Identifier
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)newWeapon.Id);
+ // Quantity / Amount
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)newWeapon.Count);
+ // X Y and Z
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Single)newWeapon.Location.X);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Single)newWeapon.Location.Y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Single)newWeapon.Location.Z);
+ }
+ // --- CARS SECTION ---
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // car id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // car index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ // seats
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)4);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)i);
+ }
+ // parts of car
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)4);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ // index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)i);
+ // health
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(100f);
+ // name
+ binaryWriterStream.Write("Test");
+ }
+ // --- END CARS SECTION ---
+ // time of day
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((float)0);
+ // seconds before first ring
+ binaryWriterStream.Write( TABGServer.secondsBeforeBaseRing );
+ // base ring time
+ binaryWriterStream.Write( TABGServer.baseRingTime );
+ int ringCount = TABGServer.ringCount;
+ // something ring-related, just set to false to disable
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)ringCount);
+ for(int ringIndx = 0; ringIndx < ringCount; ringIndx++)
+ {
+ // ring time
+ binaryWriterStream.Write( TABGServer.ringTime[ringIndx] );
+ // ring speed
+ binaryWriterStream.Write( TABGServer.ringSpeed[ringIndx] );
+ }
+ // lives
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)2);
+ // kills to win
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((ushort)10);
+ // gamestate
+ GameState gameState = GameState.WaitingForPlayers;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)gameState);
+ // flying stuff (?)
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write(0f);
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write(200f);
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write(0f);
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write(0f);
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write(200f);
+ //binaryWriterStream.Write(0f);
+ if ((gameState == GameState.Flying || gameState == GameState.Started))
+ {
+ // flying stuff (?)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(300f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(125f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(300f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(-200f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(125f);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(-350f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ private byte[] SendLoginMessageToServer(byte playerIndex, string playerName, int[] gearData)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[1024];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)playerIndex);
+ // group index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)playerIndex);
+ // username length
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)(playerName.Length));
+ // username
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(playerName));
+ // gear data
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)gearData.Length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < gearData.Length; i++)
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)gearData[i]);
+ }
+ // is dev
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public void SendMessageToServer(EventCode code, byte[] buffer, bool reliable)
+ {
+ ENet.Packet packet = default(ENet.Packet);
+ byte[] array = new byte[buffer.Length + 1];
+ array[0] = (byte)code;
+ Array.Copy(buffer, 0, array, 1, buffer.Length);
+ packet.Create(array, reliable ? PacketFlags.Reliable : PacketFlags.None);
+ this.m_peer.Send(0, ref packet);
+ }
+ private List LoadItemSpawns()
+ {
+ List list = new List();
+ //string absPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "./DataFiles/ItemsSpawns.cs");
+ string absPath = @"C:\Users\Weaver\Downloads\TABGCommunityServer-master\TABGServer\DataFiles\ItemSpawns.csv";
+ string contents = File.ReadAllText(absPath);
+ string[] splits = contents.Split("\n");
+ foreach(string line in splits)
+ {
+ if (line.StartsWith("X")) continue;
+ string[] values = line.Split(",");
+ Vector3 vector = new Vector3(float.Parse(values[0]), float.Parse(values[1]), float.Parse(values[2]));
+ list.Add(vector);
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/Player.cs b/TABGServer/Player.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d7df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/Player.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class Player
+ {
+ public byte Id { get; set; }
+ public byte Group { get; set; }
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ public (float X, float Y, float Z) Location { get; set; }
+ public (float X, float Y) Rotation { get; set; }
+ public int[] GearData { get; set; }
+ public float Health { get; set; }
+ // aim down sights
+ public bool Ads { get; set; }
+ public byte[] OptimizedDirection { get; set; }
+ public List PendingBroadcastPackets { get; set; }
+ public byte MovementFlags { get; set; }
+ public Player(byte id, byte group, string name, (float X, float Y, float Z) location, (float X, float Y) rotation, int[] gearData)
+ {
+ Id = id;
+ Group = group;
+ Name = name;
+ Rotation = rotation;
+ Location = location;
+ Ads = false;
+ GearData = gearData;
+ OptimizedDirection = new byte[3];
+ MovementFlags = 0;
+ PendingBroadcastPackets = new List();
+ Health = 100f;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/PlayerConcurencyHandler.cs b/TABGServer/PlayerConcurencyHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4928274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/PlayerConcurencyHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class PlayerConcurencyHandler
+ {
+ public Dictionary Players = new Dictionary();
+ public byte LastID = 0;
+ public PlayerConcurencyHandler() { }
+ public void AddPlayer(Player player)
+ {
+ Players[player.Id] = player;
+ LastID++;
+ }
+ public void RemovePlayer(Player player)
+ {
+ Players.Remove(player.Id);
+ }
+ public void UpdatePlayerLocation(int playerId, (float X, float Y, float Z) newLocation)
+ {
+ if (Players.TryGetValue(playerId, out Player? player))
+ {
+ player.Location = newLocation;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/PlayerHandler.cs b/TABGServer/PlayerHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e76bb9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/PlayerHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Numerics;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class PlayerHandler
+ {
+ public PlayerHandler() { }
+ public byte[] KillPlayer(int victim, int killer, string victimName)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)victim);
+ // player who killed the player
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)killer);
+ // spectator value: 255 = don't respawn. 254 = go to boss. other ints = spectate that player
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)254);
+ // victim length
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)(victimName.Length));
+ // victim
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(victimName));
+ // weapon id for killscreen (unused for now)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // is ring death (unused for now because ring isn't operational)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] SendNotification(int playerIndex, string notification)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index (set to 255 for invalid player so nobody gets killed)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)255);
+ // player who killed the player
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)playerIndex);
+ // spectator value is unneeded when killing other players
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)255);
+ // get amount of bytes
+ byte[] message = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(notification);
+ // victim length
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Byte)(message.Length));
+ // victim
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(message);
+ // weapon id for killscreen (unused for now)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // is ring death (unused for now because ring isn't operational)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] GiveItem(int itemID, int amount)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // num of items (loops)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((ushort)1);
+ // item id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)itemID);
+ // quantity of item
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)amount);
+ // Client requires this, but it's redundant
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] GiveGear()
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[768];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // number of loops
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((ushort)14);
+ // start with the ammo
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ // item id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)i);
+ // quantity of item
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)999);
+ }
+ // give LP grenade
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)ItemIDs.Launch_Pad_Grenade);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // give vector
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)ItemIDs.Vector);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)999);
+ // give AWP
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)ItemIDs.AWP);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // give deagle
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)ItemIDs.Desert_Eagle);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)1);
+ // Client requires this, but it's redundant
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public UpdatePacket PlayerUpdate(BinaryReader binaryReader, int packetLength, PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConncurencyHandler)
+ {
+ // player
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // location
+ var x = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ // rotation
+ var rotX = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var rotY = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ // "ads" bool (?)
+ var ads = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ // optimizeDirection (?)
+ var arrayLen = packetLength - 23;
+ var optimizeDirection = binaryReader.ReadBytes(arrayLen);
+ // movement flags
+ var movementFlags = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ Player player = playerConncurencyHandler.Players[playerIndex];
+ player.Id = playerIndex;
+ player.Location = (x, y, z);
+ player.Rotation = (rotX, rotY);
+ player.Ads = ads;
+ player.OptimizedDirection = optimizeDirection;
+ player.MovementFlags = movementFlags;
+ UpdatePacket fullPacket = new UpdatePacket(SendPlayerUpdateResponsePacket(playerConncurencyHandler), player);
+ return fullPacket;
+ }
+ public void PlayerFire(BinaryReader binaryReader, int length, PlayerConcurencyHandler concurrencyHandler)
+ {
+ // player index
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // firing mode
+ var firingMode = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // ammo type
+ var ammoType = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // extra data (vectors and more)
+ // you gotta be kidding me, did Landfall really just put a flag in rather than passing at least idk like an EMPTY ARRAY?
+ int extraDataLength = length - 6;
+ byte[] extraData = new byte[0];
+ if (extraDataLength != 0)
+ {
+ extraData = binaryReader.ReadBytes(extraDataLength);
+ }
+ FiringMode firingModeFlag = (FiringMode)firingMode;
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[1024];
+ try
+ {
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // ANOTHER binary stream because of Landfall's bad design
+ // i KNOW this is confusing but the variable scopes require me to write it this way
+ using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(extraData))
+ {
+ using (BinaryReader extraDataBinaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(firingMode);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(ammoType);
+ // flag is used to signal firing mode
+ if ((firingModeFlag & FiringMode.ContainsDirection) == FiringMode.ContainsDirection)
+ {
+ // vector direction
+ float x = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ float y = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ float z = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z);
+ // random patch!!!
+ while (binaryReader.PeekChar() != -1)
+ {
+ byte quaternion = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(quaternion);
+ if (!(quaternion >= 4))
+ {
+ byte[] quaternionData = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadBytes(6);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(quaternionData);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((firingModeFlag & FiringMode.WantsToBeSynced) == FiringMode.WantsToBeSynced)
+ {
+ var syncIndex = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(syncIndex);
+ }
+ if ((firingModeFlag & FiringMode.UseBulletEffect) == FiringMode.UseBulletEffect)
+ {
+ var bulletEffectType = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(bulletEffectType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(Exception err)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(err);
+ }
+ foreach (var item in concurrencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ if (item.Key == playerIndex)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // broadcast to ALL players but the shooter
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerFire, sendByte));
+ }
+ //return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] PlayerChangedWeapon(BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ // player index
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // slot flag
+ var slotFlag = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // w1
+ var w1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ // w2
+ var w2 = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ // w3
+ var w3 = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ // w4
+ var w4 = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ // w5
+ var w5 = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ // attachments
+ var attachmentsLength = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ short[] attachments = new short[256];
+ for (int i = 0; i < attachmentsLength; i++)
+ {
+ var attachmentID = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ attachments[i] = (short)attachmentID;
+ }
+ // is throwable
+ var throwable = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[2048];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(slotFlag);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(w1);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(w2);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(w3);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(w4);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(w5);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(attachments.Length);
+ for(int i = 0; i < attachments.Length; i++)
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(attachments[i]);
+ }
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(throwable);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] SendPlayerUpdateResponsePacket(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurrencyHandler)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[2048];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // ms (to get ms since last update)
+ float milliseconds = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(milliseconds);
+ // amount of players to loop (unimplemented)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)playerConcurrencyHandler.Players.Count);
+ foreach(var item in playerConcurrencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)item.Key);
+ // packet container flags
+ PacketContainerFlags packetContainerFlags = PacketContainerFlags.PlayerPosition | PacketContainerFlags.PlayerRotation | PacketContainerFlags.PlayerDirection;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)packetContainerFlags);
+ // driving state
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)DrivingState.None);
+ // player position (triggered by packet container flag)
+ var loc = item.Value.Location;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.X);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.Y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.Z);
+ // player rotation (triggered by flag)
+ var rot = item.Value.Rotation;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(rot.X);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(rot.Y);
+ // aim down sights state
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(item.Value.Ads);
+ // optimized direction
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(item.Value.OptimizedDirection);
+ // movement flag bytes
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(item.Value.MovementFlags);
+ }
+ // car stuff - vehicles are disabled so this isn't important
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)0);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] RequestAirplaneDrop(BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ // player index
+ var index = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // location
+ var x = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ //Console.WriteLine($"I, player index {index.ToString()}, am at the location {x}, {y}, {z}");
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(index);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x - 1);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y - 100);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] RevivePlayer(byte playerID)
+ {
+ var sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)ReviveState.Finished);
+ // player being revived
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerID);
+ // player who is revivng
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)255);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] ClientRequestProjectileSyncEvent(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurrencyHandler, BinaryReader binaryReader, int fullLength)
+ {
+ // "sync index"
+ var syncIndex = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // removed
+ var removed = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ // "everyone"
+ var everyone = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ // include self (?)
+ var includeSelf = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ // is static (?)
+ var isStatic = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ // additional data length
+ var addDataLength = fullLength - 8;
+ // additional data byte
+ var additionalData = binaryReader.ReadBytes(addDataLength);
+ using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(additionalData))
+ {
+ using (BinaryReader extraDataBinaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream))
+ {
+ byte syncProjectileDataType = (byte)0;
+ while (binaryReader.PeekChar() != -1)
+ {
+ syncProjectileDataType = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ }
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(syncIndex);
+ // removed flag
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(removed);
+ // these don't matter
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(everyone);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(includeSelf);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(isStatic);
+ // case
+ switch (syncProjectileDataType)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ var syncedInt = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(syncedInt);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ var x = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ var x = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var x2 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y2 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z2 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x2);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y2);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5:
+ {
+ // no idea what this does... client requires it tho
+ float randomFloat = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(randomFloat);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6:
+ {
+ bool flag2 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte() == 1;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(flag2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 7:
+ {
+ // two bytes for collission
+ byte b = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ byte b2 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(b);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(b2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8:
+ {
+ // collision bytes PLUS vector
+ byte b = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ byte b2 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ var x = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(b);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(b2);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 9:
+ {
+ // just one byte (?)
+ byte b5 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(b5);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 10:
+ {
+ // one byte and one bool. not sure what this does either
+ byte b6 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadByte();
+ bool flag3 = extraDataBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(b6);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(flag3);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public byte[] RequestBlessingEvent(BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ // player index
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // blessing slots
+ var slot1 = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ var slot2 = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ var slot3 = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[256];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(slot1);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(slot2);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(slot3);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public void RingDeathEvent(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurencyHandler, BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ byte deadUser = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ byte[] killUserBytes = new PlayerHandler().KillPlayer(deadUser, deadUser, "The Wall");
+ foreach (var item in playerConcurencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerDead, killUserBytes));
+ }
+ }
+ public byte[] GenerateRespawnPacket(byte playerIndex)
+ {
+ byte[] respawnBytes = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(respawnBytes))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // How many players we are respawning?
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(0);
+ // Player Index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ // New Player Index ( I'm going to keep this the same )
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ // Health
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Single)100f);
+ // Position X, Y, and Z
+ //Console.WriteLine($"PlayerHandler here, respawning from boss fight. Checking all circle positions!\n {TABGServer.centers.Length} {TABGServer.centers.ToString()}");
+ int[] pos = TABGServer.centers[TABGServer.currentRingIndex - 1];
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(pos[0]);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(150);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(pos[1]);
+ // Rotation
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Single)0);
+ // Curse ID ~ 255 = None
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(255);
+ }
+ }
+ return respawnBytes;
+ }
+ public byte[] TaseEffectPlayer(byte playerIndex)
+ {
+ // Tase effect
+ byte[] taseEffectBytes = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(taseEffectBytes))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ // Weapon Effect
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)WeaponEffect.Tase);
+ // Range Multiplier
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Single)1);
+ }
+ }
+ return taseEffectBytes;
+ }
+ public byte[][] BossFightResultEvent(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurencyHandler, BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ bool didWin = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ byte difficulty = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ Console.WriteLine($"Boss fight Result ~ Win : {didWin}, Difficulty : {difficulty}");
+ //if (didWin == false) return new byte[0][];
+ byte playerIndex = 0;
+ return new byte[][] {
+ GenerateRespawnPacket(playerIndex),
+ TaseEffectPlayer(playerIndex)
+ };
+ }
+ public void PlayerDamagedEvent(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurrencyHandler, BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[256];
+ Player playerOutside;
+ Player playerOutside2;
+ byte attackerOutside;
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // attacker id
+ var attacker = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ attackerOutside = attacker;
+ // victim id
+ var victim = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ Player player = playerConcurrencyHandler.Players[victim];
+ playerOutside = player;
+ Player player2 = playerConcurrencyHandler.Players[attacker];
+ playerOutside2 = player;
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(victim);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(attacker);
+ // health
+ var health = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(health);
+ player.Health = health;
+ if(health <= 0)
+ {
+ byte[] killUserBytes = KillPlayer(victim, attacker, player2.Name);
+ foreach (var item in playerConcurrencyHandler.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerDead, killUserBytes));
+ }
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("Attacker: " + attacker + ". Victim: " + victim + ". New health value: " + health);
+ // direction
+ var x = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(z);
+ // "flag" for force
+ var flag = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)1);
+ if (flag)
+ {
+ var forceX = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var forceY = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var forceZ = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var rigIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ var forceMode = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(forceX);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(forceY);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(forceZ);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(rigIndex);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(forceMode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var returnToSender = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ playerOutside.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerDamaged, sendByte));
+ playerOutside2.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.PlayerDamaged, sendByte));
+ //foreach (var item in playerConcurrencyHandler.Players)
+ //{
+ // if (item.Key == attackerOutside)
+ // {
+ // continue;
+ // }
+ // broadcast to ALL players but the shooter
+ // item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(ClientEventCode.PlayerDamaged, sendByte));
+ //}
+ return;
+ }
+ public byte[] SetPlayerHealth(byte playerID, float newHealth)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerID);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(newHealth);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] SimulateChunkEnter(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurrencyHandler, byte playerIndex, TABGPlayerState playerState, float health)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[1024];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player index
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerIndex);
+ // player state (transcended etc)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)playerState);
+ // health
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(health);
+ // is player downed
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ // is skydiving
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ // gear data
+ var player = playerConcurrencyHandler.Players[playerIndex];
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)player.GearData.Length);
+ for(int i = 0; i < player.GearData.Length; i++)
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(player.GearData[i]);
+ }
+ // equipment (not tracked by concurrency handler yet)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)0);
+ // attachments (also not tracked)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)0);
+ // blessings
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ // should spawn car?
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)DrivingState.None);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ public byte[] RequestHealthState(PlayerConcurencyHandler playerConcurrencyHandler, BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ // player's index
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // new health
+ var newHealth = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ // same packet as heal
+ return SetPlayerHealth(playerIndex, newHealth);
+ }
+ public byte[] BroadcastPlayerJoin(byte playerID, string playerName, int[] gearData)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // player id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(playerID);
+ // group id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((byte)0);
+ // username length
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)(playerName.Length));
+ // username
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(playerName));
+ // gear data.
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(gearData.Length);
+ foreach (int num in gearData)
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(num);
+ }
+ // is dev
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/Program.cs b/TABGServer/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e5bfa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+namespace TABGCommunityServer;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
+using System.Timers;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Channels;
+using ENet;
+class TABGServer
+ static Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
+ static PlayerConcurencyHandler manager;
+ static WeaponConcurrencyHandler weaponConcurrencyHandler;
+ // Player/Server Data
+ public static int minPlayersStart = 16;
+ public static bool startGame = false;
+ // Ring Data
+ public static int maxRingSize = 1600;
+ public static int currentRingIndex = 1;
+ public static int secondsBeforeBaseRing = 10;
+ public static int baseRingTime = 120; // 2 minutes
+ public static int ringCount = 4;
+ public static int[] ringTime = new int[] { 60, 60, 60, 60 };
+ //public static int[] ringTime = new int[] { 120, 120, 120, 120 };
+ public static int[] ringSpeed = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
+ public static int[] radii = new int[] { maxRingSize, maxRingSize / 2, maxRingSize / 4, maxRingSize / 8, maxRingSize / 16 };
+ public static int[][] centers = new int[][] { new int[] { 0, 0 } };
+ // Timer Values
+ public static int countdownTimerValue = 10;
+ public static int maxBusDuration = 60;
+ // Boolean Check Values
+ static bool flyingTimerSet = false;
+ static bool sentFirstRing = false;
+ static bool ringSet = false;
+ // data to ensure everyone gets packets
+ // List of packets, index is their ID
+ static List< Tuple > packetList = new();
+ // Index is Peer ID, Sublist is list of every packet ID recieved
+ static List> peerPacketsRecievedList = new();
+ static GameState currentGameState = GameState.WaitingForPlayers;
+ static void handleFrame(Event netEvent)
+ {
+ while(centers.Length < ringCount)
+ {
+ int[] oldCenter = centers[ centers.Length-1 ];
+ int oldRadius = radii[centers.Length-1 ];
+ int newRadius = radii[centers.Length ];
+ int[] c = getCenterOfNewRing(oldRadius, newRadius, oldCenter);
+ //Console.WriteLine($"Center Old: {oldCenter[0]}, {oldCenter[1]} - oldRad: {oldRadius}, newRad: {newRadius} ~ newCenter: {c[0]}, {c[1]}");
+ Array.Resize(ref centers, centers.Length+1);
+ centers[centers.Length - 1] = c;
+ }
+ long deltaTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
+ stopwatch.Restart();
+ // i'd rather die than reverse this because im lazy
+ if (manager.Players.Count >= minPlayersStart || startGame) {}
+ else { return; }
+ switch (currentGameState)
+ {
+ case GameState.WaitingForPlayers:
+ currentGameState = GameState.CountDown;
+ setGamestate(manager, currentGameState, countdownTimerValue);
+ Timer countdownTimer = new Timer(countdownTimerValue * 1000);
+ countdownTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) =>
+ {
+ currentGameState = GameState.Flying;
+ setGamestate(manager, currentGameState, 0);
+ countdownTimer.Stop();
+ };
+ countdownTimer.Enabled = true;
+ break;
+ case GameState.CountDown:
+ break;
+ case GameState.Flying:
+ if (flyingTimerSet == true) break;
+ Timer flyingTimer = new Timer(maxBusDuration * 1000);
+ flyingTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) =>
+ {
+ currentGameState = GameState.Started;
+ setGamestate(manager, currentGameState, 0);
+ byte[] dropEveryonePacket = new byte[128];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(dropEveryonePacket))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(0);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(0);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(0);
+ }
+ }
+ //new PacketHandler(netEvent.Peer, manager, weaponConcurrencyHandler).SendMessageToServer(EventCode.AllDrop, dropEveryonePacket, true);
+ SendMessageToServer(EventCode.AllDrop, dropEveryonePacket, true);
+ flyingTimer.Stop();
+ };
+ flyingTimer.Enabled = true;
+ flyingTimerSet = true;
+ break;
+ case GameState.Started:
+ if (sentFirstRing == true) break;
+ Timer firstRingTimer = new Timer(secondsBeforeBaseRing * 1000);
+ firstRingTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) =>
+ {
+ bool oldRingStatus = ringSet ? true : false;
+ nextRingUpdate(netEvent.Peer, manager, weaponConcurrencyHandler, false);
+ if (oldRingStatus == false)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Set ring, will start moving in {firstRingTimer.Interval / 1000} seconds");
+ return;
+ }
+ else { firstRingTimer.Stop(); }
+ if (currentRingIndex > ringCount)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Completed all rings, now exiting ring timer loop thing");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Now on ring index {currentRingIndex}, setting an Interval of {ringTime[currentRingIndex - 1]} ");
+ firstRingTimer.Interval = (ringTime[currentRingIndex - 1]) * 1000;
+ firstRingTimer.Start();
+ }
+ };
+ firstRingTimer.Enabled = true;
+ sentFirstRing = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // end of func.
+ }
+ static void Main()
+ {
+ ushort port = 9701;
+ ushort maxClients = 256;
+ ENet.Library.Initialize();
+ using Host server = new Host();
+ Address address = new Address();
+ bool oneTimeClientStart = false;
+ address.Port = port;
+ address.SetIP("");
+ server.Create(address, maxClients);
+ Event netEvent;
+ manager = new();
+ weaponConcurrencyHandler = new();
+ stopwatch.Start();
+ while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
+ {
+ if (!oneTimeClientStart)
+ {
+ //Task.Run(TABGEmulationClient);
+ oneTimeClientStart = true;
+ Console.WriteLine($"Server Started on port {port}!");
+ }
+ bool polled = false;
+ while (!polled)
+ {
+ if (server.CheckEvents(out netEvent) <= 0)
+ {
+ if (server.Service(15, out netEvent) <= 0)
+ break;
+ polled = true;
+ }
+ switch (netEvent.Type)
+ {
+ case EventType.None:
+ break;
+ case EventType.Connect:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client connected - ID: " + netEvent.Peer.ID + ", IP: " + netEvent.Peer.IP);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Disconnect:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client disconnected - ID: " + netEvent.Peer.ID + ", IP: " + netEvent.Peer.IP);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Timeout:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client timeout - ID: " + netEvent.Peer.ID + ", IP: " + netEvent.Peer.IP);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Receive:
+ //Console.WriteLine("Packet received from - ID: " + netEvent.Peer.ID + ", IP: " + netEvent.Peer.IP + ", Channel ID: " + netEvent.ChannelID + ", Data length: " + netEvent.Packet.Length);
+ handleFrame(netEvent);
+ Console.WriteLine(netEvent.Peer.ID);
+ byte[] array = new byte[netEvent.Packet.Length];
+ netEvent.Packet.CopyTo(array);
+ var code = (EventCode)array[0];
+ var buffer = new byte[array.Length - 1];
+ Array.Copy(array, 1, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
+ new PacketHandler(netEvent.Peer, manager, weaponConcurrencyHandler).Handle(code, buffer);
+ netEvent.Packet.Dispose();
+ break;
+ default:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client (ID: " + netEvent.Peer.ID + " ~ IP: " + netEvent.Peer.IP + ") Sent Event: " + netEvent.Type.ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ server.Flush();
+ }
+ /*
+ // List of packets, index is their ID
+ static List packetList = new();
+ // Index is Peer ID, Sublist is list of every packet ID recieved
+ static List> peerPacketsRecievedList = new();
+ */
+ public static void checkUnsetPacketsForClient(Peer peer)
+ {
+ uint peerID = peer.ID;
+ List recievedPackets = peerPacketsRecievedList[(int)peerID];
+ for(int packetIndex=0; packetIndex tupleData = Tuple.Create(eventCode, packetData, reliable);
+ packetList.Add(tupleData);
+ int indexOfPacket = packetList.LastIndexOf(tupleData);
+ //new PacketHandler(netEvent.Peer, manager, weaponConcurrencyHandler).SendMessageToServer(eventCode, packetData, reliable);
+ }
+ public static void nextRingUpdate(Peer peer, PlayerConcurencyHandler manager, WeaponConcurrencyHandler weaponConcurrencyHandler, bool doAll)
+ {
+ if (doAll || ringSet==false)
+ {
+ // set ring radius
+ int[] ringPosition = centers[currentRingIndex - 1];
+ byte[] newRingPacket = GameHandler.GenerateRingPacket(1, (byte)currentRingIndex, ringPosition[0], 113, ringPosition[0], radii[currentRingIndex - 1]);
+ //new PacketHandler(peer, manager, weaponConcurrencyHandler).SendMessageToServer(EventCode.RingUpdate, newRingPacket, true);
+ SendMessageToServer(EventCode.RingUpdate, newRingPacket, true);
+ }
+ if (doAll || ringSet)
+ {
+ // start moving the ring
+ byte[] startRingPacket = GameHandler.GenerateRingPacket(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ //new PacketHandler(peer, manager, weaponConcurrencyHandler).SendMessageToServer(EventCode.RingUpdate, startRingPacket, true);
+ SendMessageToServer(EventCode.RingUpdate, startRingPacket, true);
+ currentRingIndex++;
+ }
+ ringSet = !ringSet;
+ }
+ public static void setGamestate(PlayerConcurencyHandler manager, GameState gamestate, int secondsOrModifier)
+ {
+ byte[] packetBytes = new byte[512];
+ switch (gamestate)
+ {
+ case GameState.WaitingForPlayers:
+ packetBytes = GameHandler.SetWaitingForPlayersState();
+ break;
+ case GameState.CountDown:
+ packetBytes = GameHandler.SetCountDown(secondsOrModifier);
+ break;
+ case GameState.Flying:
+ packetBytes = GameHandler.SetFlying((byte)secondsOrModifier);
+ break;
+ case GameState.Started:
+ packetBytes = GameHandler.SetStarted();
+ break;
+ }
+ foreach (var item in manager.Players)
+ {
+ item.Value.PendingBroadcastPackets.Add(new Packet(EventCode.GameStateChanged, packetBytes));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ public static int[] getCenterOfNewRing(int oldRadius, int newRadius, int[] oldPosition) {
+ int diff = oldRadius - newRadius;
+ int[] newPosition = randomPointInCircle(oldRadius, oldPosition);
+ return newPosition;
+ }
+ public static int[] randomPointInCircle(int radius, int[] position)
+ {
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ int randomRadius = (int)rand.NextInt64(radius);
+ int randomAngle = (int)rand.NextInt64(360);
+ return new int[] {
+ (int)(position[0] + (randomRadius * Math.Cos(randomAngle))),
+ (int)(position[1] + (randomRadius * Math.Sin(randomAngle)))
+ };
+ }
+ public static void TABGEmulationClient()
+ {
+ ushort port = 9700;
+ bool connected = false;
+ Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ Console.WriteLine("[CLIENT] Started Client!");
+ using (Host client = new Host())
+ {
+ Address address = new Address();
+ address.SetHost("");
+ address.Port = port;
+ client.Create();
+ Peer peer = client.Connect(address);
+ Event netEvent;
+ while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
+ {
+ bool polled = false;
+ if (connected)
+ {
+ //Console.WriteLine("[CLIENT] Sending Packet to server!");
+ //Packet packet = new Packet();
+ //byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("POLL_NOTIMEOUT");
+ //packet.Create(data, PacketFlags.Reliable);
+ //bool error = peer.Send(0, ref packet);
+ //if (error)
+ // Console.WriteLine(error);
+ //Console.WriteLine("[CLIENT] FAILED sending packet!");
+ //else
+ // Console.WriteLine("[CLIENT] Succeeded sending NOTIMEOUT!");
+ }
+ while (!polled)
+ {
+ if (client.CheckEvents(out netEvent) <= 0)
+ {
+ if (client.Service(15, out netEvent) <= 0)
+ break;
+ polled = true;
+ }
+ switch (netEvent.Type)
+ {
+ case EventType.None:
+ break;
+ case EventType.Connect:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client connected to server");
+ connected = true;
+ break;
+ case EventType.Disconnect:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client disconnected from server");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Timeout:
+ Console.WriteLine("Client connection timeout");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Receive:
+ Console.WriteLine("Packet received from server - Channel ID: " + netEvent.ChannelID + ", Data length: " + netEvent.Packet.Length);
+ netEvent.Packet.Dispose();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ client.Flush();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/ServerInstance.cs b/TABGServer/ServerInstance.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2014c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/ServerInstance.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABG
+ internal class ServerInstance
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/DrivingState.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/DrivingState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89eee44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/DrivingState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// DrivingState gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/26/2023, using ILspy
+public enum DrivingState : byte
+ None = 0,
+ InsideCar = 1,
+ Driving = 2,
+ Slow = 4
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/EventCode.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/EventCode.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06e3a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/EventCode.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// EventCode gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/23/2023, using ILspy
+public enum EventCode : byte
+ NoCodeSet = 0,
+ Info = 1,
+ PlayerUpdate = 2,
+ Login = 3,
+ PlayerLeft = 4,
+ WeaponPickUpAccepted = 5,
+ PlayerDamaged = 6,
+ PlayerRespawn = 7,
+ SpawnGun = 8,
+ Data = 9,
+ GameStateChanged = 10,
+ ServerRestart = 11,
+ AllWeapons = 12,
+ SeatAccepted = 13,
+ PingRecieved = 14,
+ CarUpdate = 15,
+ PlayerMarkerEvent = 16,
+ CarDamage = 17,
+ TeamDead = 18,
+ ItemDrop = 19,
+ RingUpdate = 20,
+ PlayerAirplaneDropped = 21,
+ PlaneUpdate = 22,
+ AllDrop = 23,
+ RoomInitRequestResponse = 24,
+ ServerShutDown = 25,
+ ChunkEntry = 26,
+ ChunkExit = 27,
+ ReviveState = 28,
+ PlayerEnteredChunk = 29,
+ PlayerLeftChunk = 30,
+ ChatMessage = 31,
+ ItemThrown = 32,
+ WeaponChanged = 33,
+ GearChange = 34,
+ ThrowChatMessage = 35,
+ PlayerHealed = 36,
+ PlayerDead = 37,
+ PlayerStateChanged = 38,
+ PlayerEffect = 39,
+ PlayerDeathLootDrop = 40,
+ PlayerFire = 41,
+ ACMessage = 42,
+ PlayerLand = 43,
+ KickPlayer = 44,
+ SpectatorForce = 45,
+ ACRequestedData = 46,
+ KickPlayerMessage = 47,
+ PlayerRegMessage = 48,
+ LootRemovedFromMap = 49,
+ SoulDrop = 50,
+ CatchPhrase = 51,
+ BlessingRecieved = 52,
+ CurseCleansed = 53,
+ TakeDamageEvent = 54,
+ PlayerHealthStateChanged = 55,
+ DropSpawned = 56,
+ DropOpened = 57,
+ SyncProjectileEvent = 58,
+ PlayerFireSyncReturn = 59,
+ LootDropped = 60,
+ ScoresChanged = 61,
+ BombPlanted = 62,
+ GunPurchasedAccepted = 63,
+ MoneyChanged = 64,
+ BombStartDefuse = 65,
+ BombStopDefuse = 66,
+ PlayerLootRecieved = 67,
+ GraveStoneSpawned = 68,
+ PlayerRespawnFromBoss = 69,
+ NetworkPlayerTransmittedPackage = 70,
+ LootPackGiven = 71,
+ RecievedSteamID = 72,
+ ServerBrowserHandshake = 100,
+ SteamTicketAuthenticationResponse = 101,
+ AssignSteamID = 163,
+ FlagMatchOver = 164,
+ BossFightResult = 166,
+ PackedServerData = 167,
+ RequestStopDefuse = 168,
+ RequestDefuseBomb = 169,
+ RequestPlantBomb = 170,
+ RequestPurchaseGun = 171,
+ RequestSyncProjectileEvent = 172,
+ RequestClickInteract = 173,
+ RequestTakeDamageEvent = 174,
+ RequestCurseCleanse = 175,
+ RequestHealthState = 176,
+ RequestBlessing = 177,
+ SendCatchPhrase = 178,
+ RequestRespawnTeamMate = 179,
+ RingDeath = 180,
+ KickMessage = 181,
+ ACCacheState = 182,
+ SpectatorRequest = 184,
+ CarTemporaryUpdate = 189,
+ PassangerUpdate = 190,
+ PlayerState = 193,
+ RequestHealing = 194,
+ PhotonCloseRoom = 195,
+ WeaponChange = 198,
+ RequestItemThrow = 199,
+ RequestAirplaneDrop = 203,
+ RoomInit = 202,
+ RequestItemDrop = 206,
+ AdminCommand = 207,
+ PlayerMarkerAdded = 208,
+ TABGPing = 210,
+ RequestSeat = 211,
+ DamageEvent = 214,
+ RequestWeaponPickUp = 215,
+ RequestWorldState = 218,
+ LobbyStats = 224,
+ GameServerOffline = 225,
+ AppStats = 226,
+ QueueState = 228,
+ GameListUpdate = 229,
+ GameList = 230,
+ Ping = 248,
+ EventCacheSlicePurged = 249,
+ CacheSliceChanged = 250,
+ ErrorInfo = 251,
+ Disconnect = 252,
+ PropertiesChanged = 253,
+ Leave = 254,
+ Join = byte.MaxValue
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/FiringMode.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/FiringMode.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729ef8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/FiringMode.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// FiringMode gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/26/2023, using ILspy
+public enum FiringMode : byte
+ None = 0,
+ Semi = 1,
+ Burst = 2,
+ FullAutoStart = 4,
+ FullAutoStop = 8,
+ ContainsDirection = 0x10,
+ RightGun = 0x20,
+ WantsToBeSynced = 0x40,
+ UseBulletEffect = 0x80
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/GameMode.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/GameMode.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67a7bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/GameMode.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// GameMode gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/23/2023, using ILspy
+public enum GameMode : byte
+ BattleRoyale,
+ Brawl,
+ Test,
+ Bomb,
+ Deception
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/GameState.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/GameState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f0cd26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/GameState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// GameState gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/23/2023, using ILspy
+public enum GameState : byte
+ WaitingForPlayers,
+ CountDown,
+ Flying,
+ Started,
+ Ended,
+ OpenDoors,
+ RoundOver,
+ Intermission,
+ Voting,
+ VotingOver
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ItemIDs.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ItemIDs.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b56c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ItemIDs.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+public enum ItemIDs : Int32
+ fortyFive_ACP = 0,
+ Big_Ammo = 1,
+ Bolts = 2,
+ Money_Ammo = 3,
+ Musket_Ammo = 4,
+ No_Ammo = 5,
+ Normal_Ammo = 6,
+ Rocket_Ammo = 7,
+ Shotgun_Ammo = 8,
+ Small_Ammo = 9,
+ Soul = 10,
+ Taser_Ammo = 11,
+ Water_Ammo = 12,
+ Lv0_JetpackArmor = 13,
+ Lv1_Safety_Vest = 14,
+ Lv2_Kevlar_Vest = 15,
+ Lv3_Big_Boy_Kevlar_Vest = 16,
+ Lv4_Heavy_Armor = 17,
+ Banana_Armor = 18,
+ Lv5_Pickle_Armor = 19,
+ Half_xScope = 20,
+ Two_xScope = 21,
+ Four_xScope = 22,
+ Eight_xScope = 23,
+ Compensator = 24,
+ Damage_Analyzer = 25,
+ Healing_Barrel = 26,
+ Health_Analyzer = 27,
+ Heavy_Barrel = 28,
+ Laser_Sight = 29,
+ Double_Barrel = 30,
+ Fast_Barrel = 31,
+ Accuracy_Barrel = 32,
+ Fire_Rate_Barrel = 33,
+ Big_Slow_Bullet_Barrel = 34,
+ Periscope_Barrel = 35,
+ Periscope = 36,
+ Recycler = 37,
+ Red_Dot = 38,
+ Suppressor = 39,
+ Suppressor002 = 40,
+ Tazer_Barrel = 41,
+ Common_bloodlust = 42,
+ Common_cardio = 43,
+ Common_dash = 44,
+ Common_health = 45,
+ Common_ice = 46,
+ Common_jump = 47,
+ Common_posion = 48,
+ Common_recycling = 49,
+ Common_regeneration = 50,
+ Common_relax = 51,
+ Common_shield = 52,
+ Common_speed = 53,
+ Common_spray = 54,
+ Common_storm = 55,
+ Common_the_hunt = 56,
+ Common_vampire = 57,
+ Common_weapon_mastery = 58,
+ Epic_battlecry = 59,
+ Epic_bloodlust = 60,
+ Epic_cardio = 61,
+ Epic_charge = 62,
+ Epic_dash = 63,
+ Epic_healing_words = 64,
+ Epic_health = 65,
+ Epic_ice = 66,
+ Epic_jump = 67,
+ Epic_lit_beats = 68,
+ Epic_poison = 69,
+ Epic_recycling = 70,
+ Epic_regeneration = 71,
+ Epic_relax = 72,
+ Epic_shield = 73,
+ Epic_small = 74,
+ Epic_speed = 75,
+ Epic_spray = 76,
+ Epic_storm_call = 77,
+ Epic_storm = 78,
+ Epic_the_hunt = 79,
+ Epic_vampire = 80,
+ Epic_weapon_mastery = 81,
+ Epic_words_of_justice = 82,
+ Legendary_battlecry = 83,
+ Legendary_bloodlust = 84,
+ Legendary_cardio = 85,
+ Legendary_charge = 86,
+ Legendary_dash = 87,
+ Legendary_healing_words = 88,
+ Legendary_health = 89,
+ Legendary_ice = 90,
+ Legendary_jump = 91,
+ Legendary_lit_beats = 92,
+ Legendary_poison = 93,
+ Legendary_recycling = 94,
+ Legendary_regeneration = 95,
+ Legendary_relax = 96,
+ Legendary_shield = 97,
+ Legendary_speed = 98,
+ Legendary_spray = 99,
+ Legendary_storm_call = 100,
+ Legendary_storm = 101,
+ Legendary_the_hunt = 102,
+ Legendary_vampire = 103,
+ Legendary_weapon_mastery = 104,
+ Legendary_words_of_justice = 105,
+ Rare_airstrike = 106,
+ Rare_bloodlust = 107,
+ Rare_cardio = 108,
+ Rare_dash = 109,
+ Rare_health = 110,
+ Rare_ice = 111,
+ Rare_insight = 112,
+ Rare_jump = 113,
+ Rare_lit_beats = 114,
+ Rare_poison = 115,
+ Rare_pull = 116,
+ Rare_recycling = 117,
+ Rare_regeneration = 118,
+ Rare_relax = 119,
+ Rare_shield = 120,
+ Rare_speed = 121,
+ Rare_spray = 122,
+ Rare_storm = 123,
+ Rare_the_hunt = 124,
+ Rare_vampire = 125,
+ Rare_weapon_mastery = 126,
+ The_assassin = 127,
+ The_mad_mechanic = 128,
+ Blessing_pickup = 129,
+ Transcention_Orb = 130,
+ Bandage = 131,
+ Med_Kit = 132,
+ Lv1_Bike_Helmet = 133,
+ Lv2_Fast_Motorcycle_Helmet = 134,
+ Lv2_Fastest_Motorcycle_Helmet = 135,
+ Lv2_Motorcycle_Helmet_Open = 136,
+ Lv2_Motorcycle_Helmet = 137,
+ Lv2_Old_School_Motorcycle_Helmet = 138,
+ Lv3_Grey_Kevlar_Helmet_with_Googles = 139,
+ Lv3_Grey_Kevlar_Helmet = 140,
+ Lv3_Kevlar_Helmet_with_Googles = 141,
+ Lv3_Kevlar_Helmet = 142,
+ Lv3_Heavy_Helmet_Open_1 = 143,
+ Lv4_Cowboy_Hat = 144,
+ Lv4_Explosiveguy_Hat = 145,
+ Lv4_Heavy_Helmet_Open = 146,
+ Lv4_Heavy_Helmet = 147,
+ Lv4_Knight_Helmet = 148,
+ Lv4_Rambo_Bandana = 149,
+ Lv4_Tricorne_Hat = 150,
+ AK_2K47 = 151,
+ AK_47 = 152,
+ AUG = 153,
+ Beam_AR = 154,
+ Burstgun = 155,
+ Famas = 156,
+ Cursed_Famas = 157,
+ H1 = 158,
+ Liberating_M16 = 159,
+ M16 = 160,
+ MP_44 = 161,
+ SCAR_H = 162,
+ Automatic_Crossbow = 163,
+ Balloon_Crossbow = 164,
+ AK_47_1 = 165,
+ AK_47_2 = 166,
+ AK_47_3 = 167,
+ BOMB = 168,
+ Crossbow = 169,
+ Taser_Crossbow = 170,
+ Firework_Crossbow = 171,
+ Gaussbow = 172,
+ Grappling_hook = 173,
+ Harpoon = 174,
+ Mini_Gun_1 = 175,
+ Liberating_Mini_Gun = 176,
+ Mega_Gun = 177,
+ Mini_Gun = 178,
+ MissileLauncher = 179,
+ MoneyStack = 180,
+ Smoke_Rocket_Launcher = 181,
+ Rocket_Launcher = 182,
+ Taser_Mini_Gun = 183,
+ The_Promise = 184,
+ Water_Gun = 185,
+ Grenade_LooksLikeNuke = 186,
+ BIG_Healing_Grenade = 187,
+ Black_Hole_Grenade = 188,
+ Bombardment_Grenade = 189,
+ Bouncy_Grenade = 190,
+ Cage_Grenade = 191,
+ Taser_Cage_Grenade = 192,
+ Cluster_Grenade = 193,
+ Cluster_Dummy_Grenade = 194,
+ Dummy_Grenade = 195,
+ Fire_Grenade = 196,
+ Grenade = 197,
+ Healing_Grenade = 198,
+ Implosion_Grenade = 199,
+ Knockback_Grenade = 200,
+ BIG_Knockback_Grenade = 201,
+ Launch_Pad_Grenade = 202,
+ MGL = 203,
+ Orbital_Tase_Grenade = 204,
+ Orbital_Strike_Grenade = 205,
+ Poof_Grenade = 206,
+ Shield_Grenade = 207,
+ Smoke_Grenade = 208,
+ Snow_Storm_Grenade = 209,
+ Splinter_Grenade = 210,
+ Taser_Splinter_Grenade = 211,
+ Stun_Grenade = 212,
+ Snow_Storm_Grenade_1 = 213,
+ Dynamite = 214,
+ Volley_Grenade = 215,
+ Wall_Grenade = 216,
+ Browning_M2 = 217,
+ M1918_BAR = 218,
+ M8 = 219,
+ MG_42 = 220,
+ Spell_Blinding_Light = 221,
+ Spell_Gravity_Field = 222,
+ Spell_Gust = 223,
+ Spell_Healing_aura = 224,
+ Spell_Speed_aura = 225,
+ Spell_Summon_rock = 226,
+ Spell_Teleport = 227,
+ Spell_Track = 228,
+ Spell_Fireball = 229,
+ Spell_Ice_bold = 230,
+ Spell_Magical_missile = 231,
+ Spell_Mirage = 232,
+ Spell_Orb_of_sight = 233,
+ Spell_Reveal = 234,
+ Spell_Shockwave = 235,
+ Spell_Summom_tree = 236,
+ Spell_Track_1 = 237,
+ Ballistic_Shield = 238,
+ Ballistic_Shields = 239,
+ Taser_Ballistic_Shield = 240,
+ Baton = 241,
+ Black_Katana = 242,
+ Boxing_Glove = 243,
+ Cleaver = 244,
+ Crowbar = 245,
+ Crusader_Sword = 246,
+ Taser_Crusader_Sword = 247,
+ Fish = 248,
+ Taser_Fish = 249,
+ Holy_Sword = 250,
+ Inflatable_Hammer = 251,
+ Jarl_Axe = 252,
+ Taser_Jarl_Axe = 253,
+ Katana = 254,
+ Knife = 255,
+ Rapier = 256,
+ Riot_Shield = 257,
+ Sabre = 258,
+ Shallow_Pot_With_Long_Handel = 259,
+ Shield = 260,
+ Shovel = 261,
+ Viking_Axe = 262,
+ Weights = 263,
+ Beretta_93R = 264,
+ Crossbow_pistol = 265,
+ Desert_Eagle = 266,
+ Flintlock = 267,
+ Taser_Flintlock = 268,
+ Auto_Revolver = 269,
+ Wind_up_pistol = 270,
+ G18c = 271,
+ Glue_Gun = 272,
+ Hand_Gun = 273,
+ HandCannon = 274,
+ Liberating_m1911 = 275,
+ Luger_P08 = 276,
+ m1911 = 277,
+ Real_Gun = 278,
+ Really_Big_Deagle = 279,
+ Revolver = 280,
+ Holy_Revolver = 281,
+ Revolver_Suicide = 282,
+ Hardballer = 283,
+ Taser = 284,
+ Beam_DMR = 285,
+ FAL = 286,
+ Garand = 287,
+ Liverating_Garand = 288,
+ M14 = 289,
+ S7 = 290,
+ Winchester_Model1886 = 291,
+ AA_12 = 292,
+ Blunderbuss = 293,
+ Sawed_off_Shotgun = 294,
+ FlyingBlunderbuss = 295,
+ Liberating_AA_12 = 296,
+ Mossberg_500 = 297,
+ Mossberg_5000 = 298,
+ Taser_Mossberg_500 = 299,
+ Rainmaker = 300,
+ The_Arnold = 301,
+ AKS_74U = 302,
+ AWPS_74U = 303,
+ Money_maker_mac = 304,
+ Glockinator = 305,
+ Liberating_M1a1_Thompson = 306,
+ M1a1_Thompson = 307,
+ Mac_10 = 308,
+ MP_40 = 309,
+ MP5_K = 310,
+ P90 = 311,
+ PPSH_41 = 312,
+ Tec_9 = 313,
+ UMP_45 = 314,
+ Vector = 315,
+ Z4 = 316,
+ AWP = 317,
+ Taser_AWP = 318,
+ Barrett = 319,
+ Beam_Sniper = 320,
+ Kar98K = 321,
+ Liberating_Barrett = 322,
+ Musket = 323,
+ Taser_Musket = 324,
+ Really_Big_Barret = 325,
+ Sniper_Shotgun = 326,
+ Double_Shot = 327,
+ VSS = 328,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ItemTyps.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ItemTyps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893ec96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ItemTyps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// 0 = Ammo
+// 1 = None
+// 2 = Armor
+// 3 = Scope
+// 4 = Muzzle
+// 5 = Utility
+// 6 = Blessing
+// 7 = Healing
+// 8 = Normal Ammo Gun
+// 9 = Small Ammo Gun
+// 10 = Bolts Ammo Gun
+// 11 = Money Ammo Gun
+// 12 = Taser Ammo Gun
+// 13 = Broken Gun
+// 14 = Big Gun Ammo
+// 15 = Rocket Ammo Gun
+// 16 = Water Ammo Gun
+// 17 = Grenade
+// 18 = SpellBook
+// 19 = Melee
+// 20 = Musket Ammo Gun
+// 21 = Shotgun Ammo Gun
+public enum ItemTypes : Int32
+ fortyFive_ACP = 0,
+ Big_Ammo = 0,
+ Bolts = 0,
+ Money_Ammo = 0,
+ Musket_Ammo = 0,
+ No_Ammo = 0,
+ Normal_Ammo = 0,
+ Rocket_Ammo = 0,
+ Shotgun_Ammo = 0,
+ Small_Ammo = 0,
+ Soul = 1,
+ Taser_Ammo = 0,
+ Water_Ammo = 0,
+ Lv0_Jetpack2 = 2,
+ Lv1_Safety_Vest = 2,
+ Lv2_Kevlar_Vest = 2,
+ Lv3_Big_Boy_Kevlar_Vest = 2,
+ Lv4_Heavy_2 = 2,
+ Banana_2 = 2,
+ Lv5_Pickle_2 = 2,
+ Half_x3 = 3,
+ Two_x3 = 3,
+ Four_x3 = 3,
+ Eight_x3 = 3,
+ Compensator = 4,
+ Damage_Analyzer = 5,
+ Healing_Barrel = 4,
+ Health_Analyzer = 5,
+ Heavy_Barrel = 4,
+ Laser_Sight = 5,
+ Double_Barrel = 4,
+ Fast_Barrel = 4,
+ Accuracy_Barrel = 4,
+ Fire_Rate_Barrel = 4,
+ Big_Slow_Bullet_Barrel = 4,
+ Periscope_Barrel = 4,
+ Periscope = 3,
+ Recycler = 5,
+ Red_Dot = 3,
+ Suppressor = 4,
+ Suppressor002 = 4,
+ Tazer_Barrel = 4,
+ Common_bloodlust = 6,
+ Common_cardio = 6,
+ Common_dash = 6,
+ Common_health = 6,
+ Common_ice = 6,
+ Common_jump = 6,
+ Common_posion = 6,
+ Common_recycling = 6,
+ Common_regeneration = 6,
+ Common_relax = 6,
+ Common_shield = 6,
+ Common_speed = 6,
+ Common_spray = 6,
+ Common_storm = 6,
+ Common_the_hunt = 6,
+ Common_vampire = 6,
+ Common_weapon_mastery = 6,
+ Epic_battlecry = 6,
+ Epic_bloodlust = 6,
+ Epic_cardio = 6,
+ Epic_charge = 6,
+ Epic_dash = 6,
+ Epic_healing_words = 6,
+ Epic_health = 6,
+ Epic_ice = 6,
+ Epic_jump = 6,
+ Epic_lit_beats = 6,
+ Epic_poison = 6,
+ Epic_recycling = 6,
+ Epic_regeneration = 6,
+ Epic_relax = 6,
+ Epic_shield = 6,
+ Epic_small = 6,
+ Epic_speed = 6,
+ Epic_spray = 6,
+ Epic_storm_call = 6,
+ Epic_storm = 6,
+ Epic_the_hunt = 6,
+ Epic_vampire = 6,
+ Epic_weapon_mastery = 6,
+ Epic_words_of_justice = 6,
+ Legendary_battlecry = 6,
+ Legendary_bloodlust = 6,
+ Legendary_cardio = 6,
+ Legendary_charge = 6,
+ Legendary_dash = 6,
+ Legendary_healing_words = 6,
+ Legendary_health = 6,
+ Legendary_ice = 6,
+ Legendary_jump = 6,
+ Legendary_lit_beats = 6,
+ Legendary_poison = 6,
+ Legendary_recycling = 6,
+ Legendary_regeneration = 6,
+ Legendary_relax = 6,
+ Legendary_shield = 6,
+ Legendary_speed = 6,
+ Legendary_spray = 6,
+ Legendary_storm_call = 6,
+ Legendary_storm = 6,
+ Legendary_the_hunt = 6,
+ Legendary_vampire = 6,
+ Legendary_weapon_mastery = 6,
+ Legendary_words_of_justice = 6,
+ Rare_airstrike = 6,
+ Rare_bloodlust = 6,
+ Rare_cardio = 6,
+ Rare_dash = 6,
+ Rare_health = 6,
+ Rare_ice = 6,
+ Rare_insight = 6,
+ Rare_jump = 6,
+ Rare_lit_beats = 6,
+ Rare_poison = 6,
+ Rare_pull = 6,
+ Rare_recycling = 6,
+ Rare_regeneration = 6,
+ Rare_relax = 6,
+ Rare_shield = 6,
+ Rare_speed = 6,
+ Rare_spray = 6,
+ Rare_storm = 6,
+ Rare_the_hunt = 6,
+ Rare_vampire = 6,
+ Rare_weapon_mastery = 6,
+ The_assassin = 6,
+ The_mad_mechanic = 6,
+ Blessing_pickup = 1,
+ Transcention_Orb = 1,
+ Bandage = 7,
+ Med_Kit = 7,
+ Lv1_Bike_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv2_Fast_Motorcycle_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv2_Fastest_Motorcycle_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv2_Motorcycle_Helmet_Open = 2,
+ Lv2_Motorcycle_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv2_Old_School_Motorcycle_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv3_Grey_Kevlar_Helmet_with_Googles = 2,
+ Lv3_Grey_Kevlar_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv3_Kevlar_Helmet_with_Googles = 2,
+ Lv3_Kevlar_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv3_Heavy_Helmet_Open_1 = 2,
+ Lv4_Cowboy_Hat = 2,
+ Lv4_Explosiveguy_Hat = 2,
+ Lv4_Heavy_Helmet_Open = 2,
+ Lv4_Heavy_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv4_Knight_Helmet = 2,
+ Lv4_Rambo_Bandana = 2,
+ Lv4_Tricorne_Hat = 2,
+ AK_2K47 = 8,
+ AK_47 = 8,
+ AUG = 8,
+ Beam_AR = 9,
+ Burstgun = 8,
+ Famas = 8,
+ Cursed_Famas = 8,
+ H1 = 8,
+ Liberating_M16 = 8,
+ M16 = 8,
+ MP_44 = 8,
+ SCAR_H = 8,
+ Automatic_Crossbow = 10,
+ Balloon_Crossbow = 10,
+ AK_47_1 = 8,
+ AK_47_2 = 8,
+ AK_47_3 = 8,
+ BOMB = 11,
+ Crossbow = 10,
+ Taser_Crossbow = 12,
+ Firework_Crossbow = 10,
+ Gaussbow = 10,
+ Grappling_hook = 10,
+ Harpoon = 10,
+ Mini_Gun_1 = 13,
+ Liberating_Mini_Gun = 8,
+ Mega_Gun = 8,
+ Mini_Gun = 8,
+ MissileLauncher = 14,
+ MoneyStack = 11,
+ Smoke_Rocket_Launcher = 15,
+ Rocket_Launcher = 15,
+ Taser_Mini_Gun = 12,
+ The_Promise = 10,
+ Water_Gun = 16,
+ Grenade_LooksLikeNuke = 17,
+ BIG_Healing_Grenade = 17,
+ Black_Hole_Grenade = 17,
+ Bombardment_Grenade = 17,
+ Bouncy_Grenade = 17,
+ Cage_Grenade = 17,
+ Taser_Cage_Grenade = 17,
+ Cluster_Grenade = 17,
+ Cluster_Dummy_Grenade = 17,
+ Dummy_Grenade = 17,
+ Fire_Grenade = 17,
+ Grenade = 17,
+ Healing_Grenade = 17,
+ Implosion_Grenade = 17,
+ Knockback_Grenade = 17,
+ BIG_Knockback_Grenade = 17,
+ Launch_Pad_Grenade = 17,
+ MGL = 17,
+ Orbital_Tase_Grenade = 17,
+ Orbital_Strike_Grenade = 17,
+ Poof_Grenade = 17,
+ Shield_Grenade = 17,
+ Smoke_Grenade = 17,
+ Snow_Storm_Grenade = 17,
+ Splinter_Grenade = 17,
+ Taser_Splinter_Grenade = 17,
+ Stun_Grenade = 17,
+ Snow_Storm_Grenade_1 = 17,
+ Dynamite = 17,
+ Volley_Grenade = 17,
+ Wall_Grenade = 17,
+ Browning_M2 = 8,
+ M1918_BAR = 8,
+ M8 = 8,
+ MG_42 = 8,
+ Spell_Blinding_Light = 18,
+ Spell_Gravity_Field = 18,
+ Spell_Gust = 18,
+ Spell_healing_aura = 18,
+ Spell_Speed_aura = 18,
+ Spell_Summon_rock = 18,
+ Spell_Teleport = 18,
+ Spell_Track = 18,
+ Spell_Fireball = 18,
+ Spell_Ice_bold = 18,
+ Spell_Magical_missile = 18,
+ Spell_Mirage = 18,
+ Spell_Orb_of_sight = 18,
+ Spell_Reveal = 18,
+ Spell_Shockwave = 18,
+ Spell_Summom_tree = 18,
+ Spell_Track_1 = 18, // (Weird Cover)
+ Ballistic_Shield = 19,
+ Ballistic_Shields = 19,
+ Taser_Ballistic_Shield = 19,
+ Baton = 19,
+ Black_Katana = 19,
+ Boxing_Glove = 19,
+ Cleaver = 19,
+ Crowbar = 19,
+ Crusader_Sword = 19,
+ Taser_Crusader_Sword = 19,
+ Fish = 19,
+ Taser_Fish = 19,
+ Holy_Sword = 19,
+ Inflatable_Hammer = 19,
+ Jarl_Axe = 19,
+ Taser_Jarl_Axe = 19,
+ Katana = 19,
+ Knife = 19,
+ Rapier = 19,
+ Riot_Shield = 19,
+ Sabre = 19,
+ Shallow_Pot_With_Long_Handel = 19,
+ Shield = 19,
+ Shovel = 19,
+ Viking_Axe = 19,
+ Weights = 19,
+ Beretta_93R = 9,
+ Crossbow_pistol = 10,
+ Desert_Eagle = 8,
+ Flintlock = 20,
+ Taser_Flintlock = 12,
+ Auto_Revolver = 8,
+ Wind_up_pistol = 9,
+ G18c = 9,
+ Glue_Gun = 9,
+ Hand_Gun = 9,
+ HandCannon = 20,
+ Liberating_m1911 = 9,
+ Luger_P08 = 9,
+ m1911 = 9,
+ Real_Gun = 8,
+ Really_Big_Deagle = 8,
+ Revolver = 8,
+ Holy_Revolver = 8,
+ Revolver_Suicide = 8,
+ Hardballer = 9,
+ Taser = 12,
+ Beam_DMR = 9,
+ FAL = 8,
+ Garand = 14,
+ Liverating_Garand = 14,
+ M14 = 8,
+ S7 = 8,
+ Winchester_Model1886 = 14,
+ AA_12 = 21,
+ Blunderbuss = 20,
+ Sawed_off_Shotgun = 21,
+ FlyingBlunderbuss = 20,
+ Liberating_AA_12 = 21,
+ Mossberg_500 = 21,
+ Mossberg_5000 = 21,
+ Taser_Mossberg_500 = 12,
+ Rainmaker = 21,
+ The_Arnold = 21,
+ AKS_74U = 9,
+ AWPS_74U = 14,
+ Money_maker_mac = 9,
+ Glockinator = 9,
+ Liberating_M1a1_Thompson = 9,
+ M1a1_Thompson = 9,
+ Mac_10 = 9,
+ MP_40 = 9,
+ MP5_K = 9,
+ P90 = 9,
+ PPSH_41 = 9,
+ Tec_9 = 9,
+ UMP_45 = 9,
+ Vector = 9,
+ Z4 = 9,
+ AWP = 14,
+ Taser_AWP = 12,
+ Barrett = 14,
+ Beam_Sniper = 9,
+ Kar98K = 14,
+ Liberating_Barrett = 14,
+ Musket = 20,
+ Taser_Musket = 12,
+ Really_Big_Barret = 14,
+ Sniper_Shotgun = 21,
+ Double_Shot = 14,
+ VSS = 9,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/PacketContainerFlags.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/PacketContainerFlags.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f022338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/PacketContainerFlags.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// PacketContainerFlags gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/26/2023, using ILspy
+public enum PacketContainerFlags : byte
+ Nothing = 0,
+ PlayerPosition = 1,
+ PlayerRotation = 2,
+ PlayerDirection = 4,
+ CarPosition = 8,
+ CarRotation = 0x10,
+ CarInput = 0x20,
+ All = 0x40
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ReviveState.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ReviveState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c695e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ReviveState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// ReviveState gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/26/2023, using ILspy
+public enum ReviveState : byte
+ Start,
+ Stop,
+ Finished
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ServerResponse.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ServerResponse.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66dfd61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/ServerResponse.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// ServerResponse gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/23/2023, using ILspy
+public enum ServerResponse : byte
+ Error = 0,
+ Accepted = 1,
+ SquadDontFit = 2,
+ SquadIsBiggerThanTeamSize = 4,
+ DontHaveBooking = 8,
+ MatchAlreadyStarted = 0x10,
+ WrongPassword = 0x20
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/TABGPlayerState.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/TABGPlayerState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..846ac2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/TABGPlayerState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// TABGPlayerState gotten from the TABG Client, on 11/26/2023, using ILspy
+public enum TABGPlayerState : byte
+ None = 0,
+ Buff = 1,
+ Transcended = 2
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/WeaponEffect.cs b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/WeaponEffect.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a57b483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGClientEmuns/WeaponEffect.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using System;
+// Token: 0x02000178 RID: 376
+public enum WeaponEffect : byte
+ // Token: 0x040009AE RID: 2478
+ Tase,
+ // Token: 0x040009AF RID: 2479
+ Skydiving,
+ // Token: 0x040009B0 RID: 2480
+ Misc,
+ // Token: 0x040009B1 RID: 2481
+ PlayerEffectVector3
diff --git a/TABGServer/TABGCommunityServer.csproj b/TABGServer/TABGCommunityServer.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732303a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/TABGCommunityServer.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Exe
+ net7.0
+ enable
+ enable
+ true
+ true
+ embedded
diff --git a/TABGServer/Throwables.cs b/TABGServer/Throwables.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba45bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/Throwables.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class Throwables
+ {
+ public static byte[] ClientRequestThrow(BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ // player
+ var playerIndex = binaryReader.ReadByte();
+ // not sure what this is..? maybe the throwable ID?
+ var throwableID = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // count of throwables
+ var throwableCount = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ // location
+ var x = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var y = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var z = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ // rotation
+ var rotX = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var rotY = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ var rotZ = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
+ return SendItemThrowPacket(playerIndex, throwableID, throwableCount, (x, y, z), (rotX, rotY, rotZ));
+ }
+ public static byte[] SendItemThrowPacket(byte thrower, int throwable, int count, (float x, float y, float z) loc, (float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ) rot)
+ {
+ byte[] sendByte = new byte[512];
+ using (MemoryStream writerMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(sendByte))
+ {
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(writerMemoryStream))
+ {
+ // thrower
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(thrower);
+ // network index (?)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write((Int32)0);
+ // throwable id
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(throwable);
+ // count of throwables
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(count);
+ // location
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.x);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.y);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(loc.z);
+ // rotation
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(rot.rotX);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(rot.rotY);
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(rot.rotZ);
+ // projectileSyncWatcher (not sure what this is, but it will Throw if it's true)
+ binaryWriterStream.Write(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return sendByte;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/UpdatePacket.cs b/TABGServer/UpdatePacket.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9237d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/UpdatePacket.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class UpdatePacket
+ {
+ public byte[] Packet { get; set; }
+ public Player BroadcastPackets { get; set; }
+ public UpdatePacket(byte[] packet, Player broadcastPlayer) {
+ Packet = packet;
+ BroadcastPackets = broadcastPlayer;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/Weapon.cs b/TABGServer/Weapon.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f70e18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/Weapon.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class Weapon
+ {
+ public int Id { get; set; }
+ public int Type { get; set; }
+ public int Count { get; set; }
+ public (float X, float Y, float Z) Location { get; set; }
+ public Weapon(int id, int localIndex, int count, (float x, float y, float z) loc)
+ {
+ Id = id;
+ Type = localIndex;
+ Count = count;
+ Location = loc;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TABGServer/WeaponConcurrencyHandler.cs b/TABGServer/WeaponConcurrencyHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63bc667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TABGServer/WeaponConcurrencyHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace TABGCommunityServer
+ internal class WeaponConcurrencyHandler
+ {
+ public Dictionary WeaponDB = new Dictionary();
+ public int CurrentID = 0;
+ public WeaponConcurrencyHandler() { }
+ public void SpawnWeapon(Weapon weapon)
+ {
+ //WeaponDB[weapon.Id] = weapon;
+ WeaponDB[weapon.Type] = weapon;
+ CurrentID++;
+ }
+ public void RemoveWeapon(Weapon weapon)
+ {
+ WeaponDB.Remove(weapon.Id);
+ }
+ }