The frontend is written in vue3 composition api in typescript, building with Vite. Using the BC Parks Bootstrap theme. The theme still need to be discussed with UX designers.
Create a .env file inside this frontend folder with the following options:
VITE_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:3000 // to enable the keycloak authentication, add the following: VITE_KEYCLOAK_URL= VITE_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID=[keycloak client name] // to disable the keycloak authentication, add this: VITE_NODE_ENV=openshift-dev
Install all requirement packages:
npm install
Start the application:
npm start
Run test:
npm test
Volar as recommended:
- Press "cmd+shift+p" and type "Preferences: Open Settings (UI)", select it
- In the open window, update the "Editor: Tab Size" to 2; search "format on save" and check the checkbox
Press "option+shift+f" and select prettier as the formatter
Bootstrap for vue3, installed through this prefered installation method, so it can automatically importing components, to aviod the warn message that cannot find components when run unit tests
Bootstrap icon for vue3 doesn't work well with the bootstrap-vue-3 after installed bootstrap-vue-3 using the preferred method, so use unplugin-icons for bootstrap for now, until bootstrap-vue-3 adds all the icons. The problem of bootstrap-icons-vue library is that that its naming convention uses b-icon as prefix, so bootstrap-vue-3 will think it belongs to it, and then complains cannot found
"container_id": {
"model_name": "value",
"model_name": [{
"model_name": "value",
where container_id is whatever we'd like to use for each form section, model_name is for the form content in this section, for example: input, select, radio, checkbox, table, etc. model_name is for the fields inside a table or a group
container: {
title: string;
id: string;
defaultOpen?: boolean;
nextId?: string;
nextText?: string;
alwaysOpen?: boolean;
content: [{
fieldProps: {
label: string;
required?: boolean;
id: string;
modelName: string; // It is required and need to be aligned with the field name in formData
note?: string;
tooltip?: string;
errorMsg?: string;
type: string;
disabled?: boolean;
state?: boolean;
depend?: {
fieldModelName: string;
value: string | number | boolean;
options?: Array<CommonObjectType>; // for select, checkbox group, radio group
addButtonText?: string; // for table
subfields?: Array<CommonObjectType>; // for table and group
where the:
container part has the properties for each form section, using the properties from the CollapseCard component, id need to be aliged with the one in formData
content part has the properties for each field in this form section
The most recent recommended way to create a vue app is using the vite, vue cli could also create typescript app, but some recent note recommends to migrate over to vite.
The Vue CLI is built on top of webpack, it is a module bundler that will bundle your entire Vue project on startup, hot reloads, and compilation. Vue Vite instead offers faster startup, hot reload, and compilation speeds than bundler-based solutions during development.
vue3 composition api learning
vue3 computed properties
vue3 typescript with composition api
Testing frameworks for vue