This is intended to consume the protest data found at and filter for US-based BLM/anti-police brutality related protests, then display data visualization graphs and provide basic filtering.
Note: This is not representative of my normal style of coding or attention to detail. This was a quick bodge project.
It's highly recommended you use virtualenv
. If you aren't familiar with this technology, please refer to the documentation here:
- Sqlite==3.x
- Python==3.6.x
- pip==20.2.4
- django==3.1.2
- django-webpack-loader==0.6.0
- djangorestframework==3.12.1
- django-environ>=0.4.5
- npm==6.14.5
- @vue/cli==4.5.6
Perform the following steps in the console of your choice. I used Bash.
- Activate your virtualenv if you're using one.
- Change env.example to
, change the secret key, then source your .env by entering the commandsource .env
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python migrate
- Run
python stagedata --start 2019 --end 2020
- In another command window,
into thepublic
directory, and runnpm install
- In the same command window, run
npm run serve
from thepublic
directory - In the original command window, run
python runserver
- Open a browser and visit localhost:8000
This project can handle any set of years of data, assuming the data follows the following format:
Warning: Performance drops preciptiously with additional years, as graphing such large datasets requires a lot of computation and the sqlite database isn't performant enough, nor my queries optimized enough to handle the dataset gracefully. Take this into consideration when loading your data.
The CSV must have the headers in the following order:
- CityTown
- Location
- County
- StateTerritory
- Country
- Date
- EstimateText
- EstimateLow
- BestGuess
- EstimateHigh
- AdjustedLow
- AdjustedHigh
- Actor
- Claim
- Pro(2)/Anti(1)
- EventType
- ReportedArrests
- ReportedParticipantInjuries
- ReportedPoliceInjuries
- ReportedPropertyDamage
- TownsCities
- Events
- Source1
- Source2
- Source3
- Misc.
And the CSV files must be in the root directory of the project, by year, named by month. Ergo
At which point, you can run python stagedata --start 2018 --end 2020
with the years updated to match
the timeframe you wish to injest.
What to do if you experience an error: Since the dataset is manually entered, sometimes we find some odd numbers showing up in numerical columns. If you experience an error similar to:
django\db\models\fields\", line 1774, in get_prep_value
return int(value)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'see above'
You'll need to go into core/management/commands/
, line 63
and add the offending data to the exclude list.
This tool will allow you to filter the consumed data points by almost any available field, as well as filter out results that have blank (ergo no data) fields as need be.
The graphing function will produce a graph based on the current filters you have inputed (keep in mind that blank values can screw up the graph, so you'll probably want to filter those out if your graphs aren't working as expected. I could fix this if I wasn't just bodging this together, but its 2:30 AM and I'm tired.)