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Adding a sample to the catalog and repo

natashadsilva edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 6 revisions

The samples catalog is a web page that allows you to search all the samples in this repository and also see related blog posts.
To add a new sample to the repository and thus to the catalog, here are the general guidelines as well as how to submit a sample for addition.

Make sure your sample project has a file that contains more information about the sample, including, but not limited to:

  • Supported streams versions
  • Instructions on how to run the sample (Any submission or compile time variables, ports, e.t.c that must be specified)
  • Dependencies, such as additional toolkits, or third party libraries that must be downloaded.
  • Bluemix support: Can the sample be run in the Streaming analytics service on Bluemix? If yes, would it be possible to include a .sab file ready for deployment? Specify the location of the sab file within the project if you do.

Bluemix: If the sample cannot be run in Bluemix as-is, are there some minor modifications that can be made to get it ready? Please look at some common obstacles and their workarounds on Streamsdev.

Once your sample is ready, create a pull request. In the pull request, please provide the following information about your sample:

  1. A descriptive name, not just the application name, e.g. "How to parse data in parallel using the Parse operator" is more informative than "ParallelParseApp".
  2. Description (150 characters or less). More details can go in the file.
  3. Link to the related blog post on Streamsdev or elsewhere, if applicable.
  4. Toolkit(s) used/demonstrated. Omit if no specialized toolkits are used.
  5. Operator(s) used/demonstrated.
  6. Languages other than SPL used.
  7. Does this sample integrate with other Streams related technologies, such as Bluemix or Edgent?

We will review your pull request as quickly as possible! Thank you for contributing!

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