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ActionAnnouncer |
All in one action bar announcement plugin! |
/plugin-logos/actionannouncer.png |
/plugins/actionannouncer |
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AutoSell |
Ultimate prison mining and selling solution! |
/plugin-logos/autosell.png |
/plugins/autosell |
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ChatReaction |
Be the first to type/unscramble the word for rewards! |
/plugin-logos/chatreaction.png |
/plugins/chatreaction |
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ChatReactionPlus |
An add-on to ChatReaction which adds new special features! |
/plugin-logos/chatreaction.png |
/plugins/chatreactionplus |
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DeluxeChat |
The original "json" chat formatting plugin |
/plugin-logos/deluxechat.png |
/plugins/deluxechat |
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DeluxeCommands |
Create custom text commands which utilize JSON and allows player specific placeholders! |
/plugin-logos/deluxecommands.png |
/plugins/deluxecommands |
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DeluxeJoin |
Highly customizable permission based join and leave "action" plugin with tons of placeholders! |
/plugin-logos/deluxejoin.png |
/plugins/deluxejoin |
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DeluxeMenus |
The all in one GUI menu plugin! |
/plugin-logos/deluxemenus.png |
/plugins/deluxemenus |
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DeluxeTags |
Allow players to select chat tags that can be awarded by permission! DeluxeChat + EssentialsChat |
/plugin-logos/deluxetags.png |
/plugins/deluxetags |
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EZBlocks |
Reward players for mining + track global blocks broken + pickaxe specific blocks broken counters! |
/plugin-logos/ezblocks.png |
/plugins/ezblocks |
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EZPrestige |
Let players /prestige the EZ way |
/plugin-logos/ezprestige.png |
/plugins/ezprestige |
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EZRanksPro |
The most customizable /rankup plugin |
/plugin-logos/ezrankspro.png |
/plugins/ezrankspro |
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InventoryFull |
Totally customizable alert plugin to inform players when they don't have inventory space! |
/plugin-logos/inventoryfull.png |
/plugins/inventoryfull |
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MessageAnnouncer |
JSON message interval announcements with multiple lines and support for tons of placeholders! |
/plugin-logos/messageannouncer.png |
/plugins/messageannouncer |
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MineCrates |
Get lucky and find a chest full of rewards while mining! |
/plugin-logos/minecrates.png |
/plugins/minecrates |
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NoFlyZone |
Block flying in specific WorldGuard regions + Auto flying in specific WorldGuard regions |
/plugin-logos/noflyzone.png |
/plugins/noflyzone |
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PlaceholderAPI |
A resource that allows information from your favorite plugins be shown practically anywhere! |
/plugin-logos/placeholderapi.png |
/plugins/placeholderapi |
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RankupHolograms |
Add on for EZRanksPro and Holographic Displays to display holograms when players rankup! |
/plugin-logos/rankupholograms.png |
/plugins/rankupholograms |
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VoteParty |
Give rewards to all online players when the server gets a certain amount of votes! |
/plugin-logos/voteparty.png |
/plugins/voteparty |