Updated to 1.20 by HVB007.
Github : https://github.com/HVB007og/KeybindsGalore_HVB007_1.20.x Fabric mod Which opens an popup when there are multiple actions bound to the same key in the Minecraft>controls>Keybinds settings. then choose one of the options to use.
Changelog keybindsgalore-0.2-1.20:
Works with 1.20.2
Added Feature: Will not open the menu when pressing certain keys (Due to keys compatibility with other mods) as follows: 1.tab 2.caps lock 3.left shift 4.left control 5.space 6.left alt 7.w 8.a 9.s 10.d
Future Feature: Add mod setting to configure the keys to disable.
Does not support conflicting Keybinds not using the Minecraft Keybinds settings.
Updated to 1.20.x by HVB007
Updated version of keybindsgalore by Cael : https://github.com/CaelTheColher/KeybindsGalore