- React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By [read]
- React.js Fundamentals [watch]
- 13 things you need to know about React [read]
- Tutorial: Intro To React [read]
- React Enlightenment [read]
- ReactJS For Stupid People [read]
- Complete Introduction to React (feat. Redux and React Router) [watch]
- React In-depth: An exploration of UI development [read]
- Complete Intro to React v2 (feat. Router v4 and Redux) [watch][$]
- Build Your First Production Quality React App [watch][$]
- You Might Not Need Redux
- A Dummy’s Guide to Redux and Thunk in React [read]
- Redux Tutorials [watch]
- Getting Started with Redux [watch]
- Learn Redux [watch]
- 10 Tips for Better Redux Architecture [watch]
- Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux [watch][$]
Once you have a good handle on React you might consider looking at Preact or Inferno, or both. When you have Redux mastered, take a look MobX or consider creating your own small custom Redux like implementation from scratch.