HTML5 APIs, ECMA6, Patrones de diseño, AJAX avanzado, APIs externas, JS para Frontend, Automatización...
FICTIZIA » Cursos a medida para empresas
Bower ha muerto
- Bower/bower #2298: Consider deprecating Bower
- Bower is dead, long live npm. And Yarn. And webpack in by Assaf Hefetz
- Reddit: Is bower dead? Should we start using other dependency managers?
- Quora: Is Bower dying?
- Getting started
- Configuring tasks
- Plugins
- gruntfile.js complejo de ejemplo
- The 26 grunt plugins we use at | Andy's Blog
- Living list of most useful plugins for Grunt
- 6 essential Grunt plugins you should be using | Creative Bloq
- 7 Essential Plug-ins for those New to GruntJS - Web Design Ledger
- Essential Grunt Plugins - Donna Peplinskie
- Psychedelic Grunt Plugins - Web Design Weekly
- 5 Grunt Plugins for a Better Workflow | Chase Adams
- Building a Better Grunt Plugin | Sprout Social
- Supercharging your Gruntfile
- Take Grunt to the Next Level — Jonathan Suh
- DOCs
- plugins
- Ejemplo de gulpfile.js
- gulpfile.js complejo de ejemplo
- gulp-debug
- gulp-concat
- gulp-uglify
- gulp-stylus
- gulp-coffee
- gulp-jade
- gulp-if
- gulp-imagemin
- gulp-jshint
- gulp.spritesmith
- gulp-zip
- gulp-csslint
- gulp-eslint
- gulp-gh-pages
- gulp-git
- gulp-htmlmin
- gulp-iconfont
- gulp-jsonlint
- gulp-markdown
- gulp-sourcemaps
- gulp-uncss
- gulp-jsdoc-to-markdown
- gulp-unzip
- gulp-webstandards
- gulp-filesize
- gulp-grunt
- gulp-shell
Interesante de integrar en los proyectos:
- Easy Accessibility Testing with aXe
- puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node API
- pageres: Genera pantallazos de la web en diversos tamaños
- PSI: PageSpeed Insights desde la terminal
- Lighthouse: Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps
Gulp 4
- The Complete-Ish Guide to Upgrading to Gulp 4
- Web Tooling and Automatisation using gulp 4
- How to install Gulp 4 before it's officially released
- Migrating to gulp 4 by example
- How to Upgrade to Gulp 4
- Getting started with Gulp 4 for Angular
- A quick guide for switching to gulp 4
- Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts by Cory House
- Task automation with npm run by James Holliday
- Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts by Kate Hudson
- How to use npm as a build tool by Kieth Cirkel
- Introduction to npm as a Build Tool by Marcus Hammarberg
- Gulp is awesome, but do we really need it? by Gonto
- Yeoman Instalation Working Flow
- Yeoman - Generator-webapp
- Yeoman - Santa Barbara JavaScript Meetup
- Automating Your Front-end Workflow with Yeoman 1.0 (Addy Osmani)
- Yeoman (en
- Todos los Generadores
- Getting started
- Running Context
- User Interactions
- Composability
- Managing Depedencies
- Interacting with the file system
- storing user configs
- Unit Testing
- Debugging Generators
- Integrating Yeoman in other tools
- Full API documentation
- Create A Custom Yeoman Generator in 4 Easy Steps
- A quick and dirty introduction to Yeoman generator development
- Building a Yeoman Generator
- One Yeoman generator for all your frontend projects
- Creating your own Custom Yeoman Generator
- Guide to create and publish a Yeoman generator
- Build Your Own Yeoman Generator