- 📺 Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape / Mozilla Documentary
- 📺 Download:The True Story of the Internet: La Guerra de los Navegadores Subtitulada
- Browser Wars: La historia de la guerra de navegadores y la historia de los userAgents
- Wikipedia | Guerra de navegadores
- PC Mag | Browsers: A Brief History
- The Telegraph | Web browsers: a brief history
- A Brief History of Web Browsers and How They Work
- Wikipedia | History of the web browser
El Motor JavaScript (JavaScript Engine)
- V8 Engine de Google
- Chakra de Microsoft
- SpiderMonkey de Mozilla
- JavaScriptCore de Apple
- Carakan de Opera (Inactivo)
- Comparativa de Motores
- How JavaScript works in browser and node?
- HTML5 Rocks! | How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
- Philip Roberts: What the heck is the event loop anyway? | JSConf EU
- Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
- Does JavaScript use stack or heap for memory allocation or both?
- How JavaScript works: the rendering engine and tips to optimize its performance
- An overview of the engine, the runtime, and the call stack
- Inside Google’s V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code
- Memory management + how to handle 4 common memory leaks
- The event loop and the rise of Async programming + 5 ways to better coding with async/await
- 📺 Douglas Crockford: The JavaScript Programming Language
- 📺 The Post JavaScript Apocalypse - Douglas Crockford
- 📺 dotJS 2012 - Brian Leroux - WTFJS
- 📺 What the... JavaScript?
- Recursion in Functional JavaScript
- JS-Challenges/recursion-prompts
- Understanding Recursion in JavaScript
- Recursion in JavaScript
- Learn and Understand Recursion in JavaScript
- Stackoverflow | Calling a javascript function recursively
- Programming with JS: Recursion
- ¿Qué es la recursividad o recursión? - Un ejemplo con JavaScript
- Understanding Recursion in JavaScript with Confidence
- JavaScript Closures Demystified
- MDN | Closures
- JavaScript Closure y su funcionamiento
- Stackoverflow | How do JavaScript closures work?
- Understand JavaScript Closures With Ease
- Understanding JavaScript Closures: A Practical Approach
- Understanding JavaScript: Closures
- Understanding JavaScript Closures
- Closures en JavaScript (ES5)
- JavaScript. ¿Para qué sirven los closures?
- Closures in Javascript for beginners
- CSS-Tricks | JavaScript Scope and Closures
- Entendiendo closures en JavaScript
- I never understood JavaScript closures
- Definiendo conceptos: Closure y Scope en JavaScript
- Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript
- Bitácora del desarrollador: Hoisting en JavaScript
- JavaScript Scoping and Hoisting
- JavaScript Hoisting Explained
- Diferencia entre let y var en ES6 y TypeScript
- Wikipedia | Programación defensiva
- The Art of Defensive Programming
- Defensive Programming In JavaScript
- Defensive coding examples
- Defensive JavaScript? Yes, Please!
- Defensive programming: the good, the bad and the ugly
- What is “Defensive Programming”?
- An In-Depth Look at Defensive Programming
- Wikipedia | Test del pato
- Wikipedia | Duck Typing
- Duck Typing en Javascript Chequeando los tipos de datos
considered harmful (or how to write a robustisArray
)- All about types in Javascript – Type detection
- Stackoverflow | Duck Typing in Javascript
- JavaScript and Duck Typing
- Duck Typing in JavaScript
- Using Duck Typing to Avoid Conditionals in JavaScript
- branneman/javascript-duck-typing.js
- Tipado seguro en Javascript
- The Shocking Secret About Static Types
- JavaScript’s type system
- Reddit | How do you deal with weak typing?
- Quora | How is Javascript typed?
- Understanding Loose Typing in JavaScript
- Introducing Type Safety To Your JavaScript Project? Think Again
- Wikipedia | Strong and weak typing
- Strong and weak typing
- JavaScript Coercion Rules
- Coerción de datos en Javascript
- Coercion en JavaScript
- Understanding JS: Coercion
- JavaScript type coercion explained
- What exactly is Type Coercion in Javascript?
- Understanding Javascript Coercion in 5 Easy Steps
- You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar. Chapter 4: Coercion
- Entendiendo de verdad
en Javacript con Jorge Barrachina - MDN | This
- La palabra clave this en JavaScript
- Entendiendo el significado de ‘this’ en JavaScript
- La palabra this y el contexto en Javascript
- Why THIS is so powerful in JavaScript
- Por qué hacemos self = this en JS?
- Wikipedia | Programación basada en prototipos
- MDN | Herencia y la cadena de prototipos
- MDN | Inheritance in JavaScript
- Decoding the Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript: Everything you need to know!
- Javascript inheritance behind the scene proto, [[prototype]] and prototype
- Stackoverflow | proto VS. prototype in JavaScript
- JavaScript Prototype Explained By Examples
- Quora | What is the difference between "proto" and "prototype"?
- JavaScript's Pseudo Classical Inheritance diagram
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- Prototypal inheritance
- Understanding JavaScript: Prototype and Inheritance
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- A Definitive Guide to JavaScript Prototypes