Display a raster on a map and apply different rendering rules to that raster.
Raster images whose individual pixels represent elevation values can be rendered in a number of different ways, including representation of slope, aspect, hillshade, and shaded relief. Applying these different rendering rules to the same raster allows for a powerful visual analysis of the data. For example, a geologist could interrogate the raster image to map subtle geological features on a landscape, which may become apparent only through comparing the raster when rendered using several different rules.
Run the sample and click the button to choose a rendering rule.
- Create an
using a URL to an online image service. - After loading the raster, use
to get a list ofRenderingRuleInfo
supported by the service. - Choose a rendering rule info to apply and use it to create a
. - Create a new
using the same URL. - Apply the rendering rule to the new raster.
- Create a
from the raster for display.
- ImageServiceRaster
- RasterLayer
- RenderingRule
This raster image service contains 9 LAS files covering Charlotte, North Carolina's downtown area. The lidar data was collected in 2007. Four Raster Rules are available for selection: None, RFTAspectColor, RFTHillshade, and RFTShadedReliefElevationColorRamp.
Image service rasters of any type can have rendering rules applied to them; they need not necessarily be elevation rasters. For a list of raster functions and the syntax for rendering rules, see the ArcGIS REST API documentation: https://developers.arcgis.com/documentation/common-data-types/raster-function-objects.htm.
raster, rendering rules, visualization