Before using SFTP protocol, we need to setup the SFTP server using SSH.
By default Linux has ssh
pre-installed for outgoing connections, but it does
not have ssh-server
for incoming connections.
sudo apt install openssh-server
runs on port 22, by default, but support for port forwarding has
also been added because on android devices the SFTP server runs on port 2222.
Detailed setup for windows will be provided later.
Using the pysftp library (soft wrapper around paramiko lib) for establishing connection with the SFTP server.
In this module we have used a wrapper around pysftp, so that even if the next update of pysftp was to break the module, skynet won't be affected. Changes will only be needed to apply to the module.
Without SSH keys
# connection options
cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts()
cnopts.hostkeys = None
# NOTE: cnopts.compression is False (by default), assign True to enable it
# establish connection to the remote SFTP server
with pysftp.Connection(host='...', username='...', password='...', cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:
# connection estd. otherwise exception would be thrown
# download a remote file from the SFTP server
# upload a local file to the SFTP server
Example: Say, we want to sync the folder x to the folder y on the remote SFTP server.
Let alphabets represent a directory, then we can represent the paths as:
local_root = o->l
remote_root = o->o->r
local_dir = x
remote_dir = y
Remote dir structure: [o->l->y]->...
^^^^^^^ this part, --forms your remote_base
Local dir structure: [o->o->r->x]->z->a
^^^^^^^^^ this part, --forms your local_base
For tranfering a file in the dir x, we first strip its absolute path
of its local_base to obtain it's relative path.
For the sake of this example, let's say we want to transfer the dir a.
Then the relative path of 'a' to the local base will be: z->a
After this, we map this relative path to the remote dir by appending
this relative path to the remote_base.
After the transfer is complete,
Remote dir structure: [o->l->y]->z->a
^^^^^^^ this part, --forms your remote_base
With SSH keys
Detailed setup for SSH keys will be provided later. module Watches a dir for any changes within that dir for any file system event (create, delete, rename, move etc...) and takes appropriate action.
Implemented using the watchdog library which has the following two classes for handling any file system events:
Observer A thread that schedules watching directories and dispatches calls to event handlers to take appropriate action.
Handler Handles the actual execution of the action taken by ovveriding methods.
Directory Modification
The mtime (modification time) of the directory changes only when a file or a subdirectory is added, removed or renamed.
Modifying the contents of a file within the directory does not change the directory itself, nor does updating the modified times of a file or a subdir. Thus, if a dir is modified , no action will be taken. However, if a file is modified, we will send a the whole file, which will be overwritten in the remote dir.
File Modification
Sending the whole file is a viable option, because:
- Images have small sizes.
- Videos will not be modified - video processing will be done by the processing team.
Resource Creation
If a dir is created in the dir being monitored, there is no need to take any action for it. It will automatically be created on the remote SFTP server if it contains any file during the file transer. If a file is created in the local dir, then we'll transfer that file to the remote dir.
NOTE: But frist we'll make sure that the path leading up to the file, exists, --we'll create parent dirs as needed.
Resource Deletion
If a resource (file/dir) is deleted in the local dir which is being monitored, we will only delete that file if it is present on the remote dir only if this complete-sync mode is on.
complete-sync=True The remote dir will be a true reflection of the local dir.
complete-sync=False The remote dir will retain the files which have been deleted in the local dir.
Resource Moved
If a resource (file/dir) is moved inside the local dir which is being monitored, we simply mimic the move on the remote SFTP server.
NOTE: But frist we'll make sure that the path leading up to the new destination of the file, exists, --we'll create parent dirs as needed.
The following is a list of things that need to be done to done, to set-up complete syncing.
- should keep monitoring the local dir for file system changes even when the connection to the SFTP server is lost.
- should record all actions that need to be taken corresponding to the file system events in a Q or a file, so that they can be executed when conn b/w the local system and remote SFTP server exists.
- (the main module) should notify some module (which acts b/w and as a src of comm.) that the conn has been re-estd. and it should begin execution of each action stored in the Q/file.
- should be able to recover from conn loss and execute seamlessly. It should also preserve the action during which the connection was lost so that it can be re-executed.
- should keep on trying to connect to the SFTP server peridoically to re-establish the conn.
NOTE: The Q(if implemented) will need to be saved somewhere-> if the local PC was to shut down. The Q will also lead to Poducer-Consumer problem which will need to handled.
Will use persist-queue module as it implements a file-based queue, and also achieves the main 3 features we desire:
Disk-based: Each queued item should be stored in disk in case of any crash.
Thread-safe: Can be used by multi-threaded producers and multi-threaded consumers.
Recoverable: Items can be read after process restarts.
We integrate it with the module by enQing the action needed to handle the corresponding file system event.
# SEND action, with args src_path
self._q.put({'action': 'send', 'src_path': event.src_path})
# DELETE action, with args src_path
self._q.put({'action': 'delete', 'src_path': event.src_path})
# MOVE action with args src_path and dest_path
self._q.put({'action': 'move', 'src_path': event.src_path,
'dest_path': event.dest_path})
Whilst, the module checks the Q for any pending actions --which have not been executed yet.
Prior to this commit->( Sync folders based on dir snapshots), skynet did not have this feature. Now, the resources already present in the dir to be monitored are also synced to the remote folder, when the main module is executed for the very first time.
The module will aslo help in making the main module independent of the watcher, i.e. we would not need to rely on the watcher to watch for file system events.
However, we would still want to use the watcher because is we were to totally rely on, we would need to implement polling, or periodic syncing, which defeats the syncing the purpose. So the best way to approach this would be to combine the best features of both, using when the connection is not present and using the watcher or faster event dispatch when we do have an internet connection for direct monitoring--although we will be using the Q, even when we use the watcher. But the main roadblock in implementing this is backing up the snapshot to the disk. Pickling maybe??
The library for uploading and downloading will be boto3, which allows you to write scripts which make use of Amazon-S3's services.
Next, set up credentials (in e.g. ~/.aws/credentials):
aws_access_key_id = YOUR_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET
Then, set up a default region (in e.g. ~/.aws/config):
Let's start by listing the bucket names that you can access.
import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
# Let's get our bucket
SKYNET_23 = [ for bucket in s3.buckets.all()][0]
This creates a folder named 'hello' with bucket.txt and c.txt as it contents.Kind of like a folder.
data = open('bucket.txt', 'rb')
s3.Bucket(SKYNET_23).put_object(Key='hello/bucket.txt', Body=data)
data = open('c.txt', 'rb')
s3.Bucket(SKYNET_23).put_object(Key='hello/c.txt', Body=data)
Lists all files/folders within the folder name 'hello'. If you can list them, you can pretty much figure out the way to download them. Half the part is knowing what to download.
bucket = s3.Bucket(SKYNET_23)
for obj in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix='hello'):
print('{0}:{1}'.format(, obj.key))
As described in the section O.1, before the solution described below, had been implemented, the Q recorded multiple actions corresponding to a single file. This resulted in wastage of CPU resources, and needlessly executed the same action again and again --corresponding to the same file and thus also wasted bandwidth and time.
persistqueue.UniqueQ is an SQLite based Q --which provides us with features desc in section 'Fault tolerant and recoverable syncing' and also ensures, that no two actions in the Q are exactly alike.
One might woonder, how does this help in squashing actions? FileSystemEvents heavily comprise of modifications. During the life-time of a file, most of the events corresponding to that file are modifications in b/w creation and deletion. When, we think of it like that, we aslo come to realize, every modification in that file, corresponds to an action which is similar to all other modification instructions. Their key-value pairs --'action':'send' and 'src_path':'../../' are both same and thus, will never be enQ'd into the Q.
Consider the same scenario, which has been described in section O.2, Q-> [delete][move][modify][modify][modify][modify][create]
^--This is the HEAD, i.e, the most recent action performed on
this file.
Assuming, that the file has been not been moved anywhere b/w its creation
and deletion, the watcher will only records atmost 3 actions corresponding
to any file, in the Q at any given time. This reduces a lot of redundancy.
Can be further optimized, but I don;t think that it would be worth the effort
for small files. However, if you're working with large files, than I think
you would want to eliminate even the action 'send' already in the Q, should
the file be deleted. See section O.3 on further optimiation.
Implemented, see section 'Optimizing the Q' for details.
As things stand right now, the Q records multiple actions when a single large file is copied or moved into the dir being monitored/synced, which is redundant, because we only want one action corresponding to each event.
watchdog.observers.api.EventQueue is a thread-safe event queue based on a special queue that skips adding the same event (FileSystemEvent) multiple times consecutively. Thus avoiding dispatching multiple event handling calls when multiple identical events are produced quicker than an observer can consume them.
Will have to switch from persistQ to this EventQueue, but backing up onto the disk is a raodblock, rightnow.
Implemented, see section 'Optimizing the Q' for details.
We could really benefit from squashing the actions corresponding to a file into the most recent one, --here we only execute one action for that file, which might have multiple actions recorded in the Q.
Consider the scenario in which multiple actions correspond to the same file,
and we do not have an internet connection rendering us unable to execute the
instructions which have been stored in the Q. Q-> [create][modify][modify]...[modify][modify][delete]
^--This is the HEAD, i.e, the most recent action performed on
this file.
However, watcher records all action, since the creation of that file, making
all the actions corresponding to each event useless, because ultimately the
file will be deleted.
We could use dir snapshots --something like storing the folder structure on the disk, or file, and compare it with the previous snapshot and accordingly enQ instructions in the Q based on files that were created, modified, deleted during the time when either the process was not exectuing or the internet conn could not be established.
This section describes how you can further optimize the Q, by totally removing redundant actions from the Q. Since the Q is SQLite based, we can extend the Q class to update the actions corresponding to that file using queries. Mulitple modifications at the same location are not recorded again and again, if one is already present in that Q. However, moving that file multiple times and b/w and then finally deleting that file are actions whose exectuion can be avoided.
Consider the first scenario, which is described by the following Q. Q-> [create][move][move]...[move][move]
^--This is the HEAD, i.e, the most recent action performed on
this file.
To avoid this, SQLite queries can be used, and all the [move] actions
can be squashed into one. We can simply update the 'dest_path' field, if we
find that our Q contains any entries corresponding to the previous 'dest_path'
of our 'src_path'.
Consider the second scenario, which is described by the following Q. Q-> [create][move][move]...[move][move][delete]
^--This is the HEAD, i.e, the most recent action performed on
this file.
Here, we would like to totally squash all actions corresponding to this file,
as it will eventually be deleted. This can be achieved by removing all actions
corresponding to 'src_path'.
All the known bugs have been listed below, with their status.
How to handle actions which ran into error during their execution?
[DISCARDED] EnQing at the End if action unsuccessful: This approach was discarded because it introduced bugs. Consider a scenario in which a file was created inside the dir being monitored and that action failed --due to conn. problems. And another action was enQ'd to the Q on that same file --let's assume delete action. If the process was to continue, it would try to delete a file which has not even been trasnferred to the remote SFTP server. Of course this is only one scenario out of all possible scenarios.
[IMPLEMENTED] Commiting only if successful: This approach guarantees, that any action which runs into error will not be lost --because we only commit the changes to the Q when the action is successful. Another scenario is that the action completes, but it is not commited --due to any error b/w the line in which the action was completed and the line in which it the action was going to be commited. What this means is that the action will be executed twice, although it may try to delete a file which has already been deleted --we have a try and catch mechanism for that in place to guard agains that, but this approach makes sure that the actions are executed inorder.
# snippet from the code that makes the above approach possible
# auto_commit = False in this declaration, this ensures that
# when we deQ something from the Q, the change is not committed
# until and unless the action is completed.
self._q = Q(path='skynet_db', auto_commit=False, multithreading=True)
NOTE: and run independent of each other, --as threads.
This bug arises when an action is unable to complete due to some error during its execution. The way that handles unsuccessfull actions right now, is that it simply accepts that some error occured, and proceeds with the execution of the pending actions. This causes a problem, because when that action is completed successfully, the change is comitted to the Database --resulting in loss of the action which could not complete successfully.
However, if we were to keep on executing the same instruction until it executed successfully we would never get out of a state in which the execution of that action is simply not possible, here is an example to illustrate that scenario:
Assume that:
- We do not have internet connection.
- The sequence of actions to be executed is, [SEND, MOVE] --and these actions are to be carried out on the same file.
- Some other examples include, [MOVE, MOVE], [SEND, DELETE] etc.
When the connection is re-estd., the handler tries to mimic the modification on the remote server, but the corresponding file does not exist locally because it has been moved to some other folder. If were to keep re-executing this action, we would be unable to make any progress.
[IMPLEMENTED] The same solution, mentioned above, fixes this problem. Because if an action were to run into an error due to connectivity issues --we are unable to commit the removal of that action from the persistQ and we resume the exectuion of that same instruction when the connection is re-estd. Moreover, if we run into a scenario described above, where we try to modify a file, which has been moved to different location, it guarantees that we are not stuck in that state forever --because keeps proceeds with the execution of the pending actions.